
OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.



*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




The March SW was unusual. Extremely low libration with very sharp pol was reported on 432. At the times I was on 70 cm, signal quality was good, and Faraday required a 90 deg rotation between TX and RX to be heard. The big focus was the SSB Contest on 1296. Conditions and activity on 23 cm were good, but SSB activity was less intense than in ‘99. My score was down by nearly 50 % from last year. I have received very few contest reports thus far. Of these KB2AH appears to be in the lead with 297 points. In March there be more 1296 contesting with the 1st part of the DUBUS/REF EME Contest. However the contest and the SW are not on the same weekend. 11/12 March is the regular skeds weekend and 18/19 March is the 144/1296 section of the DUBUS/REF contest.


Don (PY5ZBU) writes that he have received many e-mails confirming the fact that the person or persons concerned will attend the Conference, however leaving the hotel accommodations "Open", or saying "Unknown" or requesting accommodation for say "two or three people", etc without specifying the hotel. The Organizing Committee will only expedite reservations for those conference members and families who intend to stay at the Conference Hotel - Rio Atlântica Hotel (Av. Atlântica, 2964 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil - Tel. 55-21-548-6332/Fax 55-21-255-6410). The remaining pre-reserved block of rooms at the Conference Hotel now stands at 20. If the demand increases then we can possibly try to pre-reserve a further 20 at the latest until the month of May. After May the hotel will not guarantee bookings. Please indicate clearly whether you intend to stay at the conference hotel or personally select an alternative hotel. All reservations for alternate hotels must be made by the individuals concerned directly with the chosen hotel. As a result of extensive inquires to various travel agents including Brazilian and foreign airlines flying USA to Brazil we have not been able to identify any special rate availability. In Europe however there are many operators practicing cheaper Non-IATA air fares to Rio de Janeiro, as shown in our EME2000 web page. There is no branch of the YMCA in Brazil and all Universities are in session at the time of the conference; thus no chance of weekend dormitory accommodation appear available. For touring purposes there are many opportunities, including a Brazil pass air ticket to fly around Brazil. For detailed touring information, please e-mail the following travel agent:
Planeta Turismo Att. Carlos Mauad, tel. 55-41-322-9377, e-mail:

Travel Agency

It remains the responsibility of each and every visitor to our conference to personally investigate and pursue the best deal, hotel or tour, which fits his or her pocket. There are infinite possibilities for touring in Brazil, which is the size of a continent with varying cultures and more than 7000 miles of sea coastline, Amazon tropical forests, cities, etc.


GP47TA reports that an EME dxpedition to Greenland is planned for 29 May to 5 June. They plan to use a 32 m dish that is located there on 23 cm and yagi arrays on 2 and 70 cm (4 x 28 el 9 WL). [Why not use the dish on 432 or even 144 as well as 1296?] They also intend to be QRV 24 hours/day on 6 m and HF. More information can be found at:


Mike has had to cope with some pretty bad WX this winter, but is still QRV -- The array survived another attack from mother nature; 102 mph winds. They were clocked by NWS. My wind sensor blew away. This time the array got miss aligned pretty badly, so I had to go out and straighten things up. The wind actually broke one of my Heliax phasing lines at the connector. After fixed things up, I installed a new ATF-10236 LNA. During the pre Feb SW I worked on 432 OK1KIR and LX1DB. During the SW nil was copied from W7CI. Later I worked JA6AHB.

Frank found the conditions on 23 cm a little bit better than normal during the Saturday of the Feb SW -- I had to stop operation several times because of the wind, and on Sunday I had to cease operation altogether at 1400. My apology to OH2DG for missing our sked. I did not operated the SSB contest, but did give out some points. 7 SSB QSOs. I worked HB9SV, JA8IAD for an initial (#), LX1DB on SSB, HB9BBD on SSB, OZ6OL on SSB, K5JL, W2UHI, KB2AH on SSB, OE9ERC on SSB, W1QC #, OE5JFL on SSB, K2UYH on SSB and PA3CSG.

Bernhard reports on results from his modest 23 cm EME station -- On 16 Jan, I worked SV1OE for my DXCC 30. I also QSO’d OE9ERC, W2UHI, ZS6AXT, KD5IUV on CW and SSB, F5PL for an initial (#), SM3AKW, DF3RU and DF4PV. Heard but not called were HB9SV, OH2DG, WA9FWD, DJ9YW, I0UGB and GW3XYW. My skeds were unsuccessful with W1ZX – nil heard and 9H1ES. I was unable to operate the 1st day of the Feb SW and missed my sked with W1ZX because of high winds. Beside my 2 m, 70 cm and 23 cm EME activity, I am considering operation on 10 GHz. Advice, comments and help are appreciated.

Bernd says that he wasn’t very active in Jan -- I worked on 432 only CT1DMK and VE6TA. I need QSLs from WA4NJP and W7QX. During the Feb SW I added only VK4AFL for an initial. Nil was heard from UA4API and IK2EAD. I was on only for skeds and did not spend any time on random. We had several inches of snow and 13 °C temperatures, but the real problem was storms. We had > 80km/h winds more than 6 times since Christmas. The WX is now fine. I started a hole for a new tower. I hope to finish soon and set the concrete before March. I do not plan to be very active until the new antenna is ready, but I am available for skeds.

Philippe was among the victims of the savage storms that hit Eur in Dec. I had severe storm damage in Dec. A quarter of the QRA's roof flew away with rafters, batten and tiles. My satellite antenna was beheaded by part of the roof. The 6 m dish was crushed by another part of the roof. Fortunately I was already working on a new 8 m dish before this disaster. With a lot of work, I hope to be QRV again this year.

Jean-Pierre will be QRV on 23 cm EME with his portable demonstration station on 1 and 2 April at the French VHF-UHF-SHF meeting at Seigy (JN07). During this weekend operation will be by the "Briton Gang" consisting of F6CGJ, F6ETI, F5PAU and F1ANH. Activity will start at 0700 on both days. The station is a 2.6 m dish and 4 x 2C39 PA with 400 W out. No sked are planned, but they will be looking for random QSOs.

Peter writes -- I was only active for Saturday this time. I was unclear about what day the SSB Contest was on. I spoke to Stuart GW3XYW and he reported very low activity on 1296, so I went on 432. Between 1900 and 2330 I worked the following: NC1I, DF3RU, UA3PTW #348, W7CNK, VE6TA, G4ERG and N4GJV. I also heard EA3DXU with a very good signal and AL7OB was CWNR. Conditions were unusual, the QSB on Ron, N4GJV was so slow it sounded like tropo, and he described it to me as like 2M EME signals. I guess we were in a libration null for this weekend. The pol. was all over the place. At 1900 echoes were loud with 0 degrees shift, but by 2100 they were inaudible and I had to rotate the feed by 90 degs to hear them! In order to get Karl SM3AKW’s attention I had to transmit 90 degs off the reception peak! There had been an aurora earlier in the day. I'm working on various improvements, but so far retirement has not speeded up the rate at which things radio get done!

Iain writes -- I am still alive but have suffered the worst constant high winds for as long as I can remember. I have had my 4 yagis for 70 cm built for 7 weeks now, but I am fearful of leaving then up. The winter has been unseasonably warm, but the sporadic winds have been horrendous! On 23 cm, I still have 230 W and 4' dish, but I have just been informed that a 6' Andrew dish is ready for me to collect. This will give me a significant improvement in performance. I hope to have it up by mid March. I will then be ready to try some skeds again after my last "almost promising" results. I am currently building DB6NT xvtr for 3 cm and have a 10 W TWTA. I also have a 40 W TWT, but will need to build/modify a PSU. I also need to construct a feed for 3 cm.

Stu’s new millenium activity has been only on1296 thus far. He worked on 15 Jan DC6UM (43/52) on SSB, IK2MMB (439/439) and OE9ERC (579/559), on 16 Jan SM3AKW (549/559), HB9SV (569/569), DF3RU (449/539) and G3LTF (549/559), on 12 Feb KB2AH (54/52), W1QC (539/549), ZS6AXT (549/569), W2UHI (559/559) and G4DZU (449/559), and 13 Feb HB9BBD (57/56) on SSB, HA5SHF (339/559), OE9ERC (57/56) on SSB, OZ6OL (449/559), KD4LT (559/559), DJ5MN (549/559), K5JL (56/56) on SSB and IK2MMB (559/549). Stu has been exclusively on 23 cm for 16 month and is up to initial 137 in 28 countries. In the near future he plans to switch feeds to 70 or 13 cm. He has not yet made up his mind as to which.

Csaba (HA5BGL) reports that his group’s results on 1296 MHz during the Feb SW. They made only one QSO in the SSB Contest. Worked on the 13th were at 1614 HB9SV (579/559), 1707 HB9BBD (589/559), 1735 GW3XYW (559/339) and 1916 OE9ERC (57/559) SSB/CW.

Sergio (JN45pq) sends the following info on his station -- My station is composed of a 3.5 m (12’) 0.50 f/d dish, full size W2IMU feed and TH308 PA. For RX I normally use a FT847 but I am also looking into a good old R4C with a 125 Hz CW filter. My correct e-mail address is:

Sergio, IK2MMB

My QTH is in north Italy close to Milan. My home tel is +39 039 920 2938 (good till 2000z - young kids, mad wife...usual stuff) or cellphone at +39 335 617 4188.

Harry is temporarily QRT on 23 cm EME and asks for no skeds until further notice. He had ice storm damage to his dish. The broken panels have now been repaired, but a variety of other EME system problems still need his attention. Despite his desire and best efforts, he is unable to address these problems right now. Harry has heavy commitments on his time as a caregiver. His father and wife both have had recent major surgeries. So what time he has available now needs to go to keeping house and cooking. Both are recovering fine. In a month or two, he should be able to get back to isolating the remaining problems and be on the moon again.

Gene has been QRT for a while and is now working on becoming QRV on EME again with his old 28’ dish and a new 7 m dish -- I got a dish positioner from VE1ALQ so a computer can steer the dish. The 7 m dish should work great on 1296 and 2304, but is a bit too big for 10 GHz. I had a series of storms come by, one after another. In ’92 after the last storm passed, I had 5’ of snow on the ground. I stow the dish when not in use at 90 degs to lessen the wind resistance. The dish was completely filled with snow. Late spring snow is wet & heavy. After the snow melted, I couldn't turn it. I found a lot of bent and broken braces rendering it inoperable. I lowered it to the ground, but it wasn't until 2 years ago, when I retired that I was able to get it repaired. Lanny (W6AT, exAA6GS) helped me fix it. Lanny and I worked together. He went on the EME dxpeditions 10 years ago. We had to completely disassemble it to be able to fix all the damage. After reassemble, there is a little distortion to the surface. Before the accident, I could site across the rim and the rim on the other side would be in perfect alignment. Now there's a little difference. So when I had the chance to get the 7 m dish, I grabbed it. I got a used shipping container (8.5' x 8.5' x 20') that I'm converting to a ham shack. It's positioned between the 2 EME dishes. This will cut the feed line loss. I have 3 dB of loss from the house to the dish on 1296 now. Lanny retired a year before me. He's thinking about getting a motor home and doing some touring. He said there's a lot of the country he hasn't seen. I also have a 5 m TVRO dish. It's just a reflector surface - very flimsy, but the f/d is .5. I was thinking about making up back bracing supports and expanding it to 20’. Building it in 2 sections, it'll ride on my trailer like 2 clam shells. We would like to make 2 band dxpeditions (432 and 1296). It'll be light enough for 2 people to handle and assemble at a DX site. We had faraday problems with the yagi array on our OR and NM trips, but can rotate the feed with a dish. Lots of projects! I'll keep you informed of the progress.

Doug has switched from an array of 4 RIW19 yagis to 4 FO yagis on 70 cm -- I have made some measurements on the new system. I did a preliminary sun noise measurement and it was over 12 dB. Ground noise was more than 3 dB. The antenna pattern is very sharp and nice. During the pre Feb SW I QSO’d K1FO, but made no others QSOs. It was nice to work "the father of my antennas". I also added a TV camera to the antenna, so if it is clear, I can point the antennas quite well. I got a weatherproof camera the size of a lipstick case for $100 and a 12mm lens. It works great! During the last SW I had water in the TX coax, which was fixed, but ended up with trouble with my linear amp (A Willie Fisher single 4CX250R). I am still working on it. It is putting out 400+ W. I have 2 other amps in the works that use pairs of 250R's. One is a HB RIW type that is mostly together, and the other is a Motorola base station amp that just needs to be tuned up. I hope to have one of these on for March.

Tom was on for the SSB Contest and worked on 1296 on SSB G3XYW IO, W2UHI EN, DD1XF JO, I0UGB JN, K2UYH FN, CT1DMK IN, W1QC FN, PA3CSG JO, N2IQU FN, K5JL EM, WA9FWD EN, OE9ERC JO, OZ6OL JO, OE5JFL in JN, W1ZX FM and HB9BBD JN, and on SSB/CW ZS2AXT for (16x2 + 1x1) 9 = 297 points.

Dany was active during the SW on 1296 with 40 W. He made contacts with K2UYH partial and OE9ERC on SSB, and K5JL, HB9SV and OE5JFL on CW. Dany should be on again in March.

Antonín (OK1DAI) sends news of his group’s Feb SW results. On 432 MHz they worked on 12 Feb at 1104 VK4AFL (O/O) for initial #343 and QG field (44), 1912 UA3PTW (O/O) #344, 2101 VE6TA (O/O) #345, 2131 WB0GGM (O/O) #346 and 2201 W7SZ (O/O) #347, and on 13 Feb at 2302 AL7OB (M/M) #348 - heard were DF3RU, DJ6MB, G3LTF, K1FO, KB1EYB(?), N2IQU, NC1I, SM3AKW and W7CNK On 1296 MHz they QSO’d on 13 Feb at 1233 JA8IAD (449/O) for initial #165, 1303 JF3HUC (549/559) #166, 1328 ZS6AXT (559/559), 1333 I0UGB (549/539) #167, 1403 IK2MMB (549/539) #168, 1435 OE9ERC (56/44) JN79/JN47 2x SSB, 1555 HB9SV (579/559), 2011 W1ZX (O/O) #169 and the state of MD (26) and 2104 W1QC (549/449) #170 and the state of NH (27) – heard were DD1XF, DF3RU, DJ5MN, G3LQR, G4DZU, GW3XYW, IK6EIW, HA5SHF, HB9BBD, K5JL, N2IQU, OH2DG, OZ6OL, PA3CSG and W2UHI.

Alex reports that he is just about ready to add 1296 to the list of bands he is QRV on EME. The project is 80% complete. He has a 3.8 m dish with 0.34 f/d and VE4MA feed horn. He also has a HB 5.7 m with 0.54 f/d, but the mesh is not good. LX1DB is sending him some very good mesh (9x9 mm). He has several PAs for 23 cm. A GI-7B with 320-350 W out, GS-31B with 540-560 W out, and in Feb Alex tested a GS-35B in the same cavity with 740-760 W out! His feedline is only 3.42 m long and 7/8" hardline. On RX he has a HB cavity with NE 324 at 0.3 dB NF and 2 x MGF 1302s. He hopes to be fully operational in June or July. Alex can be reached at e-mail:

Alex, RU1AW

Grant was active on EME on 3 bands in Feb. He made [I believe] his 1st 222 MHz EME QSO with K6MYC using 1 kW and his 16' dish. On 432 he had 10 QSOs including 3 new initials. On 1296 he added 2 initials with OE5JFL and HB9SV.

Trevor had some good contacts during the Feb SW. Initials included OK1KIR, DL7APV, W7SZ, SM3AKW, DJ6MB, HB9SU and EA3DXU. In almost every case the polarity rotator had a good workout in order to complete the contact. I have found that down here the Faraday shift has been almost a constant 45 – 60 degs over the last several weeks. I am available for skeds. My e-mail address is:

Trevor, VK4AFL

Wayne (FN42iu) sends the following info on his EME station -- My rig consists of a 5 m (16’) TVRO dish with 0.38 f/d, KB2AH (IMU) feedhorn, KB2AH 500 W 4 tube amp (350 W at feed horn) through approx 80’ of 7/8" hard-line for both TX and RX, KB2AH pre-amp with 0.5 dB NF and DEMI 1296- 144 and 144-28 transverters. I am using camera tracking only at present. My moon window is 20 degs above horizon looking east to approx 10 degs above horizon looking west. I have a tree blockage zone from approximately 200 deg to 290 deg. I can work through it when the leaves have fallen and can hear my own echoes. I am having problems with receive gain or NF. So I can't hear as well as I should. I hope to have this problem solved very soon. My address is (Wayne Mueller, 22 Hemlock Street, Londonderry, NH 03053), e-mail:

Wayne, W1QC

Larry in Feb worked on 70 cm VK4AFL for a new continent, KB8RQ, OK1KIR and WB0GGM for initials. He also worked NC1I and heard AL7OB quite well. On 23 cm W1ZX was Larry’s lone initial, but he also worked W7QX, N2IQU, K5JL on SSB and OE9ERC on SSB. I plan to reposition the 23 cm dish this summer for an earlier look at the Euro window.

John reports the following sked results on 70 cm in Feb: DJ3FI nil, SM3AKW nil, RW1AW nil, KB8ZW for initial #69, OK1KIR #70, DJ6MB #71, partial EA3DXU (M/M) – did not get final R’s, partial AL7OB (M/?), W7SZ #72 and partial VE6TA (O/?). He later completed with VE6TA for #73.

Ivo writes on 23 cm activity -- During the ARRL’s Jan VHF Contest I worked W5ORH, WA8WZG, and I thought also W1ZX (but Willie got my callsign wrong) and K4QI. Heard were SM3AKW, OZ4MM, WA4OFS and VE6NA. I CWNR many times W1QC. During the SW, I QSO’d on 12 Feb OZ6OL, JA8IAD for initial #151, HB9SV, HB9BBD, LX1DB, W2UHI, GW3XYW, K5JL and G4DZU on the horizon. CWNR were SV1OE and W1QC. On 13 Feb I added OK1KIR, IK2MMB, DJ5MN and N2IQU, and on CW/SSB with KB2AH, HB9BBD and CT1DMK, then back on CW with W1ZX #152, K5JL, G4DZU and IK6EIW on horizon. Heard were W5ORH, OZ6OL and GW3XYW, all with good signals. Just a remark: the "big guns" should be more careful where they call, especially on SSB. Two of my QSOs were virtually wiped out by them. What about - SSB only above .025? This will make it fair to the smaller stations, I noticed few times that smaller stations were calling CQ and one of the SSB stations sat just next to them, wiping them out. Certainly this is not in ham spirit? [Apparently Ivo did not realize that the SSB contest was taking place. The problem is usually attracting activity, not too much. Many SSB stations were calling among weaker CW stations, they were trying to attract for contest QSOs. I hope no one takes offence at having a SSB contest on one day of the year. As for SSB operation above .025, I do not favor this proposal. Several years ago, this range was set aside as a weak signal calling frequency, but this plan has not worked in practice.]

At the start of the Feb SW, I had problems with my 432 preamp. I thought the problem was in the wires that provide the voltage to the preamp. Trouble shooting was complicated by snow on the ground. We had snow cover for more than 3 weeks. This is unusual in NJ. By the time I had the problem located and the preamp replaced, it was the start of my sked time JH0WYH. Then I discovered a problem with my AZ readout. By the time I had the readout fixed and my dish on the moon, the sked was almost over. Later I learned by e-mail that JH0WYH could not make the sked. After the sked I did work at 0335 N9AB (559/549) and 0355 JA2YT sent a QRZ but did not respond to my reply. I was still hearing echoes up to about 0405. The next day I was not on for my 432 sked with GM0ONN. I tried to cancel this sked as I wanted to concentrate on the 1296 SSB Contest. On 1296, I QSO’d on 12 Feb at 1957 W2UHI (55/55) EN, 2002 KB2AH (57/56), FN, 2009 I0UGB (55/53), 2016 W1QC (55/55) FN for initial #171, 2029 CT1DMK (34/54) IN, 2052 N2IQU (55/55) – Mark was using only 50 W, 2055 K5JL (56/56), 2106 W1ZX (55/55), 2145 QRZ LU8EDR?, 2153 WA9FWD (549/33) on SSB /CW, 2200 OZ6OZ (54/55), 2210 OE9ERC (57/57), 2234 IK2MMB (55/53), 2246 OE5JFL (57/57), 2300 DD1XF (55/54), and on 13 Feb 0412 JA8IAD (549/539) #172 on CW – I could not get him to respond to my SSB and W3XS (43/54) FN. My contest operating time was limited by visiting relatives, but I did end with (14x2+1)x8 for 232 points and a good time. On 14 Feb I had everything preset on the moon, for an extra sked with KB0VUK at 0100. This was so that I could go to the shack at 0100 and start operating. When I got there, I was hearing nothing... including my echoes and this is very unusual. Everything seemed correct. I double checked my readouts. Finally in frustration I started moving my antenna heading off the moon. Weak echoes appeared, and I realized that I had not corrected for the offset of my 432 feed. As soon as I had entered the corrections signals appeared loud and clear. I peaked the pol (vert on RX). Thus it should have been ok to also call on vert, which I did. Only no reports were heard in reply. The next period, next to my last, I rotated back to hor and called again. This time Matt copied and we QSO’d (O/O) for initial #622. At 0130 I ran with K6JEY, but only heard some (T) signals. The next weekend disaster struck. I set up a string of re-skeds. We had several inches of snow, but at sked time the moon was visible and the base of the dish clear. I was over confidant and did not consider the weight of the wet snow in my dish. The welds holding the elevation control piston snapped and the dish hit the ground. Fortunately nothing else was damaged. The dish is now back in operation TNX to the help of KB2AH, and I am QRV again.



WA1JOF is still working on improving his system and asks for no skeds until further notice.

KB0VUK is up to initial #9 on 432 EME.

OE9XXI's e-mail address is wrong in the directory. The correct address is: OE9XXI

DL8YHR's new e-mail address is: DL9YHR

KA0RYT is working on 2 amp projects as well as some preamps.

WB4BKC (EM74) just finished wiring his rotor and will be putting antennas up for 70 cm EME.

K0YW is working on 1296 EME. His tower is up and he has 350 W from a TH-328 PA.

W4TJ is playing with a TWTA for 10 GHz EME. He now has 30 W out. He still has to complete his new tower and dish mount.

VE4MA reports bad WX. He will not be back on 23 cm until spring at the earliest. Barry feels that everyone operating skeds should follow the procedure put forth by G3SEK. If someone has a different procedure, he asks that it be written up for discussion. [See W2UHI's comments on Doppler at the end of this NL and my introductory comments in TECHNIAL.]

N4GJV worked IK5QLO and G3LTF in Feb, but heard nil from K6JEY.

W2UHI reports good activity on 1296 during the SW. Frank worked about 25 stations; 15 on CW and the rest on SSB. He made one initial with IK2MMB.

VE1ALQ is temporarily down with a broken shear pin. Darrell has purchased the Analog Devices DSP unit that K3HZO has been talking about and reports that "it looks good".

W7QX had major problems with high VSWR in Feb.

KB8RQ heard nil from AL7OB and KL7HFQ on skeds and wishes to run again.

WE2Y in Feb copied both KB8RQ and AL7OB on vert pol only and heard nil from K6JEY and LX1DB. Later John completed with LX1DB (569/449).

N2IQU is currently QRP (50 W) on 23 cm due to a defective circuit breaker on his PA.

W7CNK found good condx on 70 cm and worked a few in Feb.

K2DH has his 23 cm system working again and should be back on the Moon soon.

K5JL is running EME tests with W9ZIH. Jay heard Ron (M-O), but Ron could only just detect a signal. W9ZIH is running 4 loop yagis and 400 W.

WD5AGO is still waiting for better WX to change dishes. Tommy plans to be on 222 MHz EME in March.

K5WXN in Feb called RW1AW for about an hour with no luck.

UA3PTW's grid is KO93bs.

JH0WJF's grid is PM86wj in Nagano.

DL9KR was in a serious auto accident. Fortunately Jan is fine and no one was hurt. Jan heard LX2DB calling CQ on 70 cm. LX2DB is LX1DB's son.

CT1DMK has switched feeds to 23 cm and is taking skeds. Luis will be back on 70 cm later.

W4AD is working on his dish for 23 cm. He should be QRV in March.

JA8IAD is running a 4 m dish with a YD1300 PA at 200 W. His address is (Michi Narumi, 2-12 11-11, Tukisamu-Higashi Toyohira –Ku, Sapporo, Japan 062-0052).


K3XF has a
6 x 7289 KB2AH 23cm PA for sale. It includes all bias and filament voltages and only HV and a water supply. Call 717-932-4405 or e-mail at:

W6WE is looking for MRF15090 devices for his 23 cm BCT SSPA. He is also looking another SSPA and/or more details on a kit for the 23 cm SSPA described by DJ9BV in DUBUS. You can contact Mike at:


W7QX has a Sperry wavemeter/detector calibrated from 2400- 3400 MHz with all cables, adapters, connectors, etc. Anyone interested please contact Jerry.

N4GJV is looking for a source of 10 mil Teflon.


For more than 25 years standard EME sked procedure has been to transmit on the sked frequency irrespective of the frequency you hear your own echoes. Over this time period technology has changed greatly. Today just about everyone uses a computer to determine the position of the moon. These programs also predict the affect of Doppler on received frequency. With this information so readily available, does it make sense to TX such that our own echoes and those of the station we are trying to work do not fall on the same frequency? Reception of our own echoes provides very useful feedback during the course of a sked. This is the point of W2UHI's proposal shown at the end of this NL. Frank feels it is time to change the standard sked procedure. I agree with Frank, but suggest a small simplification. When you set your echoes to fall on the same frequency as those of a received station, the station you have received will hear your signals on the same frequency as he hears his own echoes. Thus I suggest that the 1st station to transmit in a sked set his TX frequency so that he will be received at the sked (2nd) station on the sked frequency. The 2nd station now need only to set his own echoes so that they fall on the sked frequency, and the 1st station will hear him on the same frequency as his own echoes. An alternate procedure would be for the 1st station to initially transmit such that he hears his own echoes on the sked frequency. The 2nd station, if he hears the 1st station, sets his frequency so that his echoes fall on the same frequency as he hears the 1st station. If not, he sets his own echoes to fall on the sked frequency. Then the first station to hear the other station adjusts his frequency to fall on the other station's frequency. This alternate procedure has the advantage of simplicity, but it creates the possibility of a station changing his frequency after the other station has detected him. Of course when running on random, if you set your echoes to fall on the same frequency as those of the station your are calling, he will hear your signal on the same frequency as he hears his own echoes.


I must admit I was a little disappointed by the turnout for the SSB Contest. I arrived on late myself. This contest was meant to be a low pressure, "fun" competition. 1296 activity was good, but I did expect a little more intensity and a few more contest reports. I guess my feelings are not that different from those of PY5ZBU. Don is concerned by the small number of talk proposals and technical contributions he has received for the RIO 2000 Conference. He sees time ticking away with less than 197 days go. Please get your material into Don. Please keep the material coming to this NL too – including SSB Contest scores. I shall be looking for all of you on the moon during the extended activity period this month, 1st primarily on 432 during the SW, and 2nd on 1296 the following weekend during the DUBUS/REF Contest.

73, Al - K2UYH



Time   432.040        432.045        432.055      432.070

0230z                                           7M2PDT-AL7OB
0730z  AL7OB -UA9FAD
0800z  AL7OB -RW1AW
1730z  N3FA  -IK2EAD
1800z  N3FA  -DK3WG
1900z  WE2Y  -LX1DB   WB0GGM-RW1AW
1930z  KJ7F  -RW1AW   WB0GGM-SM3AKW
2000z  AL7OB -HB9SV   WB0GGM-DJ3FI
2130z  AL7OB -WB0GGM  KJ7F  -W7CNK
2200z  N3FA  -VE1ALQ  W7SZ  -PY5ZBU  AL7OB -G3SEK
2230z  N3FA  -K2UYH   KJ7F  -KD4LT   AL7OB -EA3UM
2300z  N3FA  -K1FO    AL7OB -HP3XUG  KJ7F  -WB0GGM
2330z  N3FA  -KB2AH   AL7OB -PY5ZBU


Time   432.040        432.045

0000z                 AL7OB -K6JEY
0030z                 K6JEY -KD4LT
0330z  JA6AHB-WB0GGM
0400z  W7SZ  -WB0GGM
2300z                 KJ7F  -WA4NJP


Time   1296.050       1296.060

1830z  OH2DG -KD4LT
1900z  W1ZX  -DD1XF   OH2DG -WA4NJP
1930z  W1ZX  -9H1ES   LU8EDR-WA4NJP
2000z  W1ZX  -I0UGB   VE6NA -WA4NJP
2030z                 W7QX  -WA4NJP
2100z  VE6NA -KD4LT   W7QX  -SM3AKW
2130z                 W7QX  -SM2CEW
2230z                 W7QX  -PY5ZBU


time   1296.050       1296.060

1200z  PA3CSG-JF3HUC
1230z  PA3CSG-SV1OE
1300z  OK1KIR-RW3BP
1400z  9H1ES -OK1KIR  DJ5MN -I5MPK
1430z  DJ5MN -9H1ES
1730z  WA8WZG-DJ5MN
1800z  WA9OUU-DJ5MN
1830z  K9BCT -DJ5MN   W1ZX  -I0UGB
1900z  W1ZX  -9H1ES   WA9FWD-DJ5MN
1930z  W1ZX  -DD1XF   WA9OUU-OK1KIR
2000z  W4AD  -OK1KIR  LU8EDR-DJ5MN
2100z                 LU6DW -OK1KIR
2130z  W7SZ  -OK1KIR  LU8EDR-KD4LT
2200z  W7QX  -OK1KIR  W7SZ  -LU8EDR
2230z                 W7SZ  -LU6DW
2300z  W7SZ  -W1ZX
2330z  W7SZ  -PY5ZBU

Learn about the upcoming EME Symposium.

Most recent Schedules from Klaus, DL4EBY

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN