JUNE VOL 28 # 6


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.



*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




There was an excellent turnout on 1296 this month, probably the result of the WB4KBC tests using the big Georgia Tech Dish. Andrew moved his plans for operation to Saturday of the SW after the May NL was printed. He made 5 QSOs with only 8 W - see his report later in this NL. 432 also produced reasonable activity in May. During the SW DL9KR worked RW3BP on 70 cm. Sergej used his normal 1.65 m dish for this QSO! June activity should be dominated by the Greenland dxpedition (OK2K), which is promising activity on 144 through 1296 between 29 May to 5 June. All reports indicate that this dxpedition is on track and should be QRV as planned.

Mike (BP51dc) at e-mail reports -- My 432 skeds during the May SW were about 25% successful - much better than my usual 7-8%. I worked G3SEK, OH2DG, KAŘRYT, KB8RQ and W7BBM for 5 new initials. I should also have had OZ6OL; we were so close.  Generally, I heard a lot more than I could work, which is testimony to my new 432 module in the FT-767 and its terrific audio peak filter. I heard K4QI and VK4AFL, but did not have time to work them due to skeds. K4QI was his usual terrific signal, but Trevor was pushing an S5 – a beautiful signal. I also had 2 partials in skeds with JA2TY and JJ1NJJ.

Hubert at e-mail DJ3FI is QRV on 432 with an all homemade station consisting of a yagi array fed by a 1.6 kW PA through 23 m of 7/8 Cellflex and 2.5 m of 1/2 inch flexible Cellflex with about 0.75 dB loss. He is a retired engineer and is interested in skeds.

Louis reports on CJ2000 23 cm portable EME activity -- During the 10th annual French VHF and up meeting, held this year on ˝ April in a small town located in the center part of France (Seigy), F1ANH set up and activated, with his own equipment, a portable 23 cm EME station. Jean Pierre's objective was to show visitors that it is possible to be active on EME with rather "light equipment". This equipment was installed in the car parking lot in front of the meeting hall. The station was a 2.6 m dish (6.35mm mesh) fed from a short W2IMU horn, on which was connected a hybrid coupler, relay and a 0.35 dB NF preamp. A pair of 2x2C39 PAs gave a modest 400 W, and was driven by an old TS120 followed by an home made transverter. The dish was set up on Friday evening, as soon as F1ANH, F5PAU and F6CGJ arrived on the site, and just before the usual visit to a local wine producer in St Romain sur Cher… Early on Saturday morning, F1ANH completed the final station setup, just before the 1st visitors arrived. The sun was used to check the mount (az/el) as well as the RX performance (14 dB of sun noise). Back to the moon, we were ready for the 1st CQs! The problem is that ˝ April was not an activity weekend, and the moon was quite far away from the earth (1dB extra path loss). The EME community has been informed of this "mini portable" expedition, but no sked has been arranged. During the 1st calls (from F6KPF/p), we could hear weakly our own echoes. At 0745 we worked OZ4MM (449/449)! For some visitors, it was the very 1st EME signal heard. The signals came from a speaker installed in the trunk of Jean Pierre's car… Then while some listened to F1ANH explanation, others tried some CQs or listened to noise level CW! Before stopping transmission for lunch, 3 others stations were worked: at 0830 OE9ERC (539/559), 0840 OE9XXI (559/549) and 1036 OK1KIR (O/O). A few others were heard, but not identified. The afternoon did not provide any more QSOs, as the moon set quickly behind the trees on the edge of the small Seigy river. Eventually, the station was used by some radio astronomy amateurs. They used the dish after their talk to make a few noise measurements. Thus, even if though this demonstration has been a great deal of work for Jean Pierre, the initial objective has been reached: A station, quickly set up and checked, validated by 4 QSOs, and a lot of people sensitized to portable EME. The station was certainly the highlight of CJ2000.

Howard is now QRV on 1296 with new dish – I want to let 23 cm group know that after a lot of hard work in recent months, my new 5.4 m dish is up and working well. On 6 May after a series of mistakes including using local time instead of UTC and entering the latitude incorrectly into F1EHN's tracking Software, I heard my 1st ever real echoes at 1500. Then, I continued to work with ease a whole string of stations including GW3XYW, ZS6AXT, K3AX for initial #85, OK1KIR, WB4BKC #86, W2UHI, OE9XXI (57) on SSB, W6HD (55) on SSB #87, LW5DX #88 and WAC (finally after 18 years!!), LU4DHD (same as LW5DX), OK1DFC #89 and W1ZX #90. Then on 7 May, I added DJ5MN #91, DK5MV #92, OZ6OL #93, DJ9YW, IK2MMB #94, HB9SV (599 plus), W7SZ #95, OE9ERC and K2DH #96. I responded to a request from W7QX for a sked on the moon net, and on 09 May worked W7QX #97 followed by OZ6OL, and on 10 May added G3LTF, K2DH and DF4PV #9

Iain at
Iain, GM0ONN reports on his recent activity. I have had a busy work schedule for the last few months working shifts. At long last the weather seems to be calming down, just heavy April showers to contend with.   I will be on 23 cm in May with 230 W and a 1.8 m (slightly bigger) dish. Still no improvement on RX preamp yet, though I will see to this soon. I have been concentrating my efforts on building and testing 3 cm kit - DB6NT. I now have 180 mW (calibrated) and will test the 10 W TWT soon. I have a FHX006 preamp (WDG). So far I have measured 11 dB of sun noise, but no moon noise. I will keep you updated with my activity and will try to get a long weekend of activity on 70 cm this summer. The antennas were packed up in Dec due to storms. All of the 70 cm kit is working with DEM XVTR, MGF 1302 at the masthead, 1 x Y561 driver and 2 x 3CX400A7 (8874) PA in RIW fashion for 800 W. I have a little more work to do to finish the system, but for now I will be enjoying what seems to be a quantum leap in improvement over my old 2.4 m dish. Later on in the year I hope to catch up with the latest preamp technology and start work on a TH347 PA, so things will be even better. I will be active during the next activity weekend. For more information and pictures of my system take a look at my WEB site at:


Dan and Mark at: HB9CRQ updates us on their status. We are very happy to report that after many years of being QRV only on 144 EME, We are back on 432 and will add 1296 by this summer. Our old call was HB9CRQ. We are now using HB9Q. Please have a look at our home page at:

HB9Q's WEB Page

(still under construction). During the weekend of 7/8 April we made our debut on 432 MHz EME. Even though there are still many details to be worked out, the station is capable of working EME. We score 60x29 during only 10 hrs of activity in the REF/DUBUS Contest. We found most stations coming in on vertical. Our equipment is a 15 m dish (f/d=0.53) using 2 twin-dipoles, one horizontal and one vertical. On RX we can switch from one to the other. On TX we are circular. The PA is 2 x 8874 putting out 800 W, which is 400 W on each twin-dipole. The preamp is a 13 year old GaAs FET LNA, still working! There is a lot of optimizing to do to really take advantage of the antenna. We also plan to add 1296 and 144 MHz, and we'll keep you posted. Usually we will be calling CQ on 432.016+ QRM.

Piero was on the moon on 432 during the May SW – On 6 May conditions were fairly good. I followed a SSB QSO between HB9Q and HB9SV. Enrico's signals were (44), while HB9Q was unreadable. I worked HB9Q (449/O), HB9SV (569/549), F6HYE (459/559), G3LTF (449/439), JA6AHB (459/439) and K5JL (559/559). CWNR were S52CW and W5ORH (good sigs). On 30 April JA2KRW and his xyl visited Firenze and we enjoyed an eyeball QSO, and a lunch at IK5WJD house together with I5PPE and IK5NTH. In the afternoon, I5CTE joined us and we all went to visit I5PPE's 10 GHz station.

Harry (x-K3HZO) has a new call. He has had many family health problems the past few months and consequently hasn't been on EME since Jan. Harry was able to be QRV again for the May SW and worked G4CCH and W2UHI. He hopes to make Dayton for the first time this year.

Peter just missed the May issue deadline -- On 1296 in the REF/DUBUS Contest on 18/19 March I achieved a score of 46x31 for 142.6 k points. Initial contacts were made with W4AD (549/569), W1QC (569/579) and JA8IAD (549/579) for #245. On the 18th at 2010 to 2040 QRZs were sent to F1?? who replied 2.5 kHz high and was interfered with by other QSOs. Heard were F5PL, DL6YDH and W5LUA. On 2300 on 8/9 April during the contest, I used my new 300 W Transistor SSPA (!)to work OK1CA (549/569) for initial #52, G3LTF (449/569), OE9ERC (579/579), HB9SV (569/579), ZS6AXT (559/589), OK1KIR (449/549), OH2AXH (569/539), OZ4MM (569/579), LX1DB (569/579) and (56/55) on SSB, JA4BLC (559/569), G3LQR (549/569) #53 and RW3BP (449/O) #54 (excellent signal for a 1.65 m dish) for a score of 12x10 or 12 k points. Unfortunately no French stations and no NA stations were heard. All contacts were made on random.

Zdeněk sends info on his EME operation during the 6/7 May SW -- I was QRV using a new feed with good successes. I QSO'd GW3XYW (559/549), ZS6AXT (549/559), W2UHI (559/539), OE9ERC (579/559) – very strong sigs, LU8EDR (O/O) for initial #87 and the 1st OK–LU 23 cm QSO, W1ZX (539/559), G4CCH (559/549) #88, WB4BKC (O/O) #89, SM2CEW (559/559), HB9SV (579/559) – very strong, DJ5MN (539/549), F1ANH (559/549), IK2MMB (539/539) #90, W7SZ (O/539) #91, OH2DG (539/549), K3AXT (M/539) #92, W1ZX (559/559) and OE9XXI (579/559) – also very strong. CWNR were DJ9YW, K2DH and OZ4MM. I have a new e-mail address at: OK1DFC
[Zdenik also proposes a new procedure to help identify weak stations during poor conditions. This new procedure is discussed near the end of this NL.]

EME report for March and April -- On 1296, we worked on 12 March at 1252 ON5RR (539/539) - they sent info that they are QRV on 13 cm, 1404 partial 9H1ES (O/nil), 1514 F1ANH (559/549), 1750 GW3XYW (559/549), 1801 W2UHI (549/539), 1806 G3LTF (549/549), 1833 K5JL (559/559), 1852 VE6TA (449/439), 2035 LU8EDR (O/O) for initial  # 171, DXCC 38, field GF31 and the 1st LU/OK 23 cm EME QSO, 2131 W7SZ (449/O) #172 and 2201 W7QX (O/O) # 173. We heard DF3RU, DJ5MN, DK5MV, IK2MMB, JA8IAD, KD4LT, LX1DB, N2IQU, OE9XXI, OZ6OL, PA3CSG, SM2CEW, SV1OE and ZS6AXT. We worked on 1 April also on 23 cm at 0805 OE9ERC (559/559), 0913 IK2MMB (539/539), 0936 partial F6KPF/p (O/ QRZ) and 1036 F6KPF/p (O/O). On 2300, we worked on 8 April at 1530 OE9XXI (549/449), 1536 ZS6AXT (449/449) and 1752 OZ4MM (559/449). We heard G3LTF, LX1DB, OE9ERC, OH2AXH and OK1CA, but nil in all our skeds. On 10,368, we worked on 9 April at 1611 partial DL2LAC (M/T), 1811 LX1DB (O/M) for initial #13 and the 1st 3 cm LX/OK QSO, 1917 WA7CJO (559/O) and 1931 partial VE4MA (M/-). Nil in all other skeds except DL2LAC and VE4MA. Moon noise was 1.8 dB the whole time. We were also on 432, on 9 April and worked at 1121 DL4MEA (539/539) for initial #349 and 1148 EA3DXU (O/O). We heard 16 EU and 2 JA stations in a short test of our new PA with a RE3XM (similar to the YL 1050). It is working smoothly with 3.4 kV/ 1.1 A on the plate and providing us with consistent echoes never heard before with a 2xGI7B.

Stig writes that he does not have a lot to report this month -- I was on 1296 and had arranged 2 skeds via e-mail. I worked them both, on 6 May KD5FZX (569/549) and I0UGB (559/549) and (44/55) on SSB. On random I QSO'd on 6 May LW5DX (549/589) - who operated from LU8EDR, OE9XXI (56/56) on SSB, and on 7 May K3AX (439/559) [x-K3HZO], IK2MMB (549/569) and OZ6OL (449/579). On 6 May I also had a sked with DD1XF on 13 cm. Frank was running more than 150 W to his 5 m dish. It was an easy contact. We exchanged (439/559). Frank was initial #32 for me at 13 cm. I didn't hear WB4KBC around, but I think the good activity was a result of people looking for him.

Sergej has done it again! – On May 7th I had a very nice QSO (O/O) with DL9KR on 70 cm. It seems strange to use my 1.65 m dish on 432, but it was very exciting for me to do EME with such a small antenna on a 5th band. I have now completed EME contacts on all Russia bands between 3 and 70 cm. The gain of my small dish is only 12~13 dBd on 432. I used 2 short (250 mm) 4 el yagis spaced 260 mm apart for a feed. My power about 700 W at the feed from GS23B amplifier. There is no problem to add 3 or 4 dB on TX. The main problem on 432 is the high noise temperature of antenna. Sergej can be reached via e-mail at: RW3BP

Warren has refurbished my old portable 20' stress dish .I have had the dish assembled in the backyard several times and the wind got it twice.  It is back in place again with several patched up struts. I have improved the match of my feed by adjusting the loop to reflector distance. The VSWR is 1.1 at the end of a 1.3 dB cable. The depth of the dish is now about 2.4' and the f/d about 0.5. So I have set the loop at a focal point of 9' as you had it. The antenna seems to be doing pretty well. I am seeing a lot of sun noise, but there may have been a flare. WWV reports were a SFI = 254, a = 11, k =2. I measure the 3 dB beam width at about 9.5 degs. There appears to be some asymmetry. I cannot echo test because I do not have the tripod legs extended, and the moon is too far south. I plan to repair the broken struts, extend the tripod legs and try for some 70 cm QSOs during next SW. If I can hear my echoes and work a few of the lesser guns, I will be thinking of a trip to NB. Nebraska and Minnesota are the last 2 states needed by VE3CRU for WAS. [WB0GGM is QRV from Minn]. KA0RYT/0 is possibility for Minn.]

Jim at e-mail: W4RX hopes to be QRV on EME with a 28' dish -- About 30 years ago I bought a 28-foot Kennedy dish, which was being scrapped when Page shut down its antenna range. It has been sitting on the ground in pieces until this year. I learned that K2RIW had a surplus Scientific Atlanta positioner and bought it from him. Anyway, I have now assembled the dish (having to make up a lot of missing reinforcing pieces) and I am about to design a back frame to mate it with the positioner, and a support for the counterweights. I am looking for ideas from others who have had experience with similar dishes.

Larry was busy in May -- Most of the month was spent upgrading the 23 cm station from 10' Winegard to 12' Paraclipse dish. Also the dish was relocated to provide much earlier access to the moon (up to 2 hrs) for my Eur window. I finished up just in time for the last day of the SW. Conditions were excellent. I QSO'd W2UHI, OK1DFC for an initial (#), OE9ECR, HB9SV, DY9YW, W1ZX, OE9XXI, K2DH, IK2BBM #, G4CCH # and W7QX. Heard were several others including OZ4MM and OZ6OL. The new dish is performing better than expected based on size increase over the 10 footer. I am guessing that this is a result of the more friendly f/d ratio, better geometry and a more favorable match to the Diagonal Waveguide feed I am using. (When not on the moon, I am having fun monitoring the NU7Z's 5 W beacon, which is about 200 miles away over the mountains, via aircraft reflection and tropo peaks.) 

Andrew had to change his plans for 1296 operation using the big 30' Georgia Tech Dish in (EM73) at the last moment. Instead of operating during the post SW, he was able to operate on the SW on 6 May. Although he had only 8 W, QSOs were completed with G4CCH on CW and SSB, W6HD, DJ9YW, VE1ALQ and OE9ERC. Andrew primarily called CQs. The dish will be available again and he hopes to be on for the ARRL EME Contest with possibly 100 W.  He did not report any activity on 70 cm, but is just about or QRV from his home QTH on this band.

I was not able to be active during the SW, as it conflicted with the 25th Trenton Computer Festival <TCF-NJ.ORG> that I have chaired since its start. The moon times almost perfectly conflict with TCF activity and set up times. I had planned to be QRV on 1296 during the post SW for even the WB4BKC tests, but he changed his operating plans. Instead I arranged an extra sked with DJ3FI and easily QSO'd Hubert (559/449). This brought me to initial #627. (I had to drop HB9Q worked last month from my initial list as I had previously QSO'd HB9CRQ. See Dan and Marks report, but discovered that my QSO with JJ1NNJ was and an initial to bring me back to #626.)



HB9BBD has many more 23 cm EME soundfiles on his homepage at:


K6DV, Gene at e-mail: K6DV has acquired a 7 m dish and is getting set up for EME.

DD1XF will be QRV during the next SW on 13 cm. This will be the last chance to work him on this band.

K7LNP is 75% of the way towards his 1st 70 cm EME QSO. He has 4 x 2.9 wl yagis and a Henry 2004 PA. He hopes to be operational in a few months.

SV1BTR is looking for a new QTH, and hopes to be back on 70 cm in a year or so.

WA9FWD is getting close to being QRV on 13 cm.

WA8WZG is ready to pick up a 28' Kennedy dish.

K5JL was active on 70 cm in May and added QSOs with F6HYE and F6KHM, but heard nil from KB8RQ.

KB8RQ had a bad lightning strike and lost a lot of equipment. He is thus not presently QRV, but hopes to be back on 70 cm soon.

W5LUA also took a lightning strike. It blew some of Al's 5760 GHz gear.

KL7HFQ was listening to AL7OB on 432 EME and copied UA9FAD return to Mike.

DL9KR reports the JA conference at JA6NNS was a great success with 46 stations in attendance.

W2UHI was active on 1296 during the May SW. Frank reports lots of activity on the moon with big pile-ups on WB4BKC's frequency. Frank also worked LW5DX who was operating at LU8EDR's QTH.

VE1ALQ missed LW5DX, but did worked WB4BKC and W6HD among others on 1296. Darrell thought the sun noise and signals were down a bit.

K0YW: reports the concrete has been poured and that he is just about ready to go.

KA0RYT completed skeds with JA6AHB and AL7OB during the SW. 

NU7Z reports working OE9ERC on 5.7 GHz, but achieving only a partial with CT1DMK.

WA2WIM is setting up for 1296 EME. He has a10' dish with no feed horn, and a single tube KB2AH PA.

VE6NA sends his apologies to DJ5MN for missing their sked. Brian called lots of stations, but no replies.

W7QX QSO'd only OE9XXI on 23 cm during the May SW. He did copy W1ZX, W2UHI and LU8EDR (very weak) during their sked.

CT1DMK heard NU7Z well during their 5760 sked, but did not complete a QSO. Luis is looking for new stations on 3 and 6 cm.

OM1TL, (JN88nd) reports scores of 68x34 on 70 cm and 35x28 on 23 cm in the DUBUS/REF Contest. Stefen was running an 8 x 21 el array and 500 W on 70 cm. QSLs can be sent to (Stefan Lazovy, Pionierska 11, 83102 Bratislava). OE3JPC has a new e-mail address at: OE3JPC


DD1XF has for sale 2 TWTAs for 6 cm at 20 W each with PS. They can be combined with couplers and a phase shifter to give 40 W Out. Frank prefers a pick up on these items because of their heavy weight. He also has preamps for 6 cm and 9 cm available, and an N male connector (15/8 Flexwell) adapter from waveguide (norm freq is 3.3-4.9 GHz). Contact him by e-mail at: DD1XF

DJ9YW has asked if any of the the 432 & up group might have schematic diagrams for 2 m Booster Mirage B108G PA. Thus far he has been unable them and would appreciate any help anyone can offer. Heinrich can be reached at (H.F.Reckemeyer, Schwalbennest, 7 D-31860 Emmerthal) or by e-mail at: DJ9YW

W1QC reports that a ham at the local club has access to a dish that is about to be discarded and is available free for the taking. It's a solid aluminum dish used by hotels for satellite TV. If you are interested contact Al at e-mail: K1ALH .

VE6NA is looking for a GR-1236.

WA2WIM is looking for a used feedhorn, preferably KB2AH type or similar.

UR4LL has for sale the following Russian final tubes: GS9b for 13 cm (K9EK built a 13 cm PA with this tube that runs 120 W out with 12 W in), GS23b, GS31b,  GS35b, GI7B, GU74b (same as 4CX800A) with sockets, and GU84b with sockets. Contact Alex, UR4LL at e-mail: UR4LL for more details.


Zdenik, OK1DFC proposes the following procedure, which may help during periods of high libration when copy of weak signal can be very difficult:
"I know that I am a relative novice compared to some of the old time EMEers around, but I want offer a new procedure for discussion. When conditions are poor, I often have problems reading the callsign of weak calling stations. I always seem able to read my own call, but getting the callsign of the calling station is something else! Signals seem to fad or distorted just at the wrong time. It can be very frustrating! This must be a "Murphy" effect. I believe we would have a better chance identifying the calls of stations under such conditions, if they sent each letter of their call multiple times. Fore example in the case of my callsign, I would send 'OOOOO KKKKK 11111 DDDDD FFFFF CCCCC'. When having difficulty identifiy a station, I suggest that rather than just sending another QRZ, we respond with 'QRZ DDDDD QRZ DDDDD QRZ DDDDD'. This will indicate that you are having a problem and that call letters should be sent repeatedly in groups of 5. What do you say to my idea?" I feel this procedure has merit and should be adopted as a standard for EME.


This notice from Lionel, VE7BQH at e-mail:
Lionel VE7BQH

unfortunately arrived after the printing of the May NL and does not allow sufficient time response. I am thus including it for your information. Lionel states "I spoke to Joel, W5ZN, ARRL 1st Vice President today regarding the 2000 ARRL International EME Contest. I offered to do as I did last year which is take a poll of the 2 m stations to see what the consensus of the group is regarding the preferred dates. The chohices are: Sept 23/24, Oct 21/22 and Nov 18/19. Please send me your choice of 2 weekend dates by e-mail no later than May 20. I will compile the results, send them to Joel, W5ZN as well as publish them on MOON-NET." [Preliminary results indicate that the contest weekends will be 21/22 Oct and 18/19 Nov.]


I have been traveling since last Friday. Consequently this NL was done on the road and may have missed some material. The post-mailed version will also be a few days late. Things should be back to normal in for July, but please note there is a long period (5 weeks) between the June and July SWs because of the moon's position.

There are now less than 100 days to the EME2000 Conference in Rio. I have been finalizing my travel plans, and was pleased to discover that there are a number of good deals for travel between the US and Rio. Flight cost are not significantly greater than between Eur and the US. More than 23 talks are planned for the conference. Don has pushed back the deadlines for submissions to the Conference Proceedings to allow as many speakers as possible to have their material in the proceedings. He must have material for the CD before the end of May. There is a little more time available for the printed version of the Proceedings. I hope to see all of you in Brazil!

I received a number of responses to my question about putting out the NL in a graphics format. It was pointed out the MS Word should not be used as not everyone has a copy. Adoby Acrobat appears to be the preferred format. I am not yet ready to make the switch, but sometime in the future I will make the switch.

I think the procedure proposed by OK1DFC, see above, makes a lot of sense and should be adopted as was "GGGGG" and "WWWWW". This would add "DDDDD" to the list of special EME codes.

Please keep the reports and technical material coming

73, Al - K2UYH




1930  VE6TA -K9BCT
2130  K6JEY -VE6TA




0030 JF3HUC-W7QX
0100 JH5LUZ-W7QX
1900 W7QX  -LU8EDR3 




1200 DD1XF -OK1CA
1230 DD1XF -ZS6AXT
1300 DD1XF -OK1KIR
1330 DD1XF -OH2AXH
1400 DD1XF -OE9ERC
1430 DD1XF -HB9SV
1500 DD1XF -G3LTF
1530 DD1XF -LX1DB
1800 W5LUA -DD1XF

Learn about the upcoming EME Symposium.

Most recent Schedules from Klaus, DL4EBY

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN