APRIL 1998 VOL 26 # 4


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH


HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:

Klaus Tiedemann.


*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




Mother nature did a re-play of its tricks during the 2nd part of the REF/DUBUS Contest causing problems for stations in wide areas of both Eur and NA. Despite the bad WX and unspectacular conditions, there were many reports of initials by contest stations. The contest activity on 1296 pretty much over shadowed normal SW operation on 432 and the higher microwave bands. If you're on 1296 don't forget the TM8EME test during the SW. The window is too low for me, but should be ideal for many small stations in NA, which will only have to tilte their anten- nas a small amount. May is also 902 activity month – see NU7Z's proposal in the last NL.

Peter experienced very high winds in both parts of DUBUS/REF Contest. He made only 6 QSOs on 432 and 19 on 1296 with 3 initials. He has a new internet provider and the possibility for cgi-scripts. Peter asks "What do you think about a permanent- ly "Real-time EME-Standing?" He has prepared on the WEB the com- plete listing from end of 1995 with mistakes corrected, but the list needs to be updated. The ability to down load in ASCII is installed too. Peter asks us to visit his sight and wants to hear our opinion. He also needs update information. A Link to the Rasmit-homepage is planned. Peter would also like to see his URL on the NL head. [This is certainly a possibility.] Peter wants to coordinate his effort with W0KJY, but says that Jim has not replied to his e-mail.

Philippe is thinking about EME on 23 cm -- I have the possibility of getting a 2 m dish. I know it's marginal, but it is a start. My goal is to have a 5 m dish, which I would build. My new location is closed to a HV power line that gives me noise on 2 m. It should be more quiet on 23 cm. I have a Kenwood TS- 790E and am now looking for the 1200 MHz module for good price. Are there other possibilities for 1200? [A number of outboard xverters are available. SM6CKU among other have manufactured units for 1296.] Advice on good equipment and the best way to get on 23 cm will be appreciated. (MONDON Philippe, 25 Rue de l'i- glise, 97425 les Avirons, Reunion Island - France; E-mail at:
Philippe, FR5DN

Peter writes -- In March I was unable to be active because or bad WX. This last weekend was the same, with winds up to 50 mph until Sunday evening when it all calmed down. I worked be- tween 2000 and 2230 on 1296 OZ4MM, SM3AKW, LA8LF, ZS6AXT, F2TU, K5JL, W2UHI, SM4DHN, EA6ADW, LX1DB (2 way SSB), K4QI, G4DZU for initial #137, VE6TA, G4CCH, OE9ERC, F6CGJ, HB9SUL initial #138, HB9DGX initial ? (not sure if this is a new one), and N6BQ. Heard were VE1ALQ and K3HZO. Conditions seemed quite good, but not too much on. I was very pleased with the initials. Due to not submit- ting a report last month, I forgot about the formal SSB Contest entry, however as a late entry here it is: QSO'd on 6 Feb at 1712 OE9XXI (57/54) JN47, 1812 GW3XYW (44/44) IO71, 2120 OH2AXH (56/54) KP20, 2127 OZ4MM (54/44) JO55GH, 2146 K2DH (55/55) FN12, 2150 KB2AH (56/54) FN20, 2210 S59DCD (44/44) JN76, 2229 K2UYH (54/54) FN20, 2321 WD5AGO (44/32) EM26, 2323 LX1DB (56/54) JN39, 2245 K5JL (55/53) - (44 earlier) EM15 and 2359 F2TU (44/539) JN38, and on 7 Feb 1641 DK7LJ (55/44) JO54CG for 13 stations 12 two way, one on SSB/CW for (24+1)x 6 = 150 points.

Dominique has good news -- The most happy moonbouncer is writing to you. The 10m dish did its 1st job. Sun noise to cold sky is 23 dB. Echoes were received with 7 w on Saturday, 11 April. The autotrack system (OE5JFL) keeps the hydraulics working to within 0.1 deg. The dish is in 8 mm mesh, f/d 0.5, preamp SM0PYP, pwr 2300 w in shack with 1 5/8" TX cable and some 7/8" loss 0.8 dB. I had 10 dB of Sun noise with the 2.4 m dish. What a difference! The window of the new dish is not limited easterly, elevation wise. Unfortunately the west is limited at 245 deg. But the small dish will fill this gap. The shack is located under- neath the tower in a shelter. There is ac and refrigerator for visitors in summer hi!

Andrea writes -- I operated on 23 cm from HB9SV, on Sunday of the 2nd part of the DUBUS/REF contest. I worked a dozen of stations with very impressive signals! HB9DGX and HB9CQA did the same on Saturday. HB9SV's station consists of an 8 m dish and 600 w in JN45. On 26 April I am going to TA for 2 months, and I have decided to temporarily take down my 4 x 38 el 70 cm array. I hope to find some time for EMEing after my trip.

Piero (I5TDJ) writes that Luigi I2COR, has to go QRV. There operation 4/5 April during the REF-DUBUS Contest on 1296 MHz will be there last after 20 years of EME activity. Guerrino, IW2ATM, who built their 10 m stainless steel dish above his house is moving to another location. He has to take down the dish before leaving. The dish and ratable shack will be stored in the hope that someone will be able to take it and put it back on EME. Luigi and all the I2COR group send regards to their EME friends.

Russ reports -- I was on 1296 for the Eur Contest. Condi- tions seemed pretty good and libration was minimal. There were a lot of strong signals. I worked on 4 April: W2UHI, VE1ALQ, F1ANH, N6BQ, NL7F, W7GBI, N2IQU, K5JL, WD5AGO, K2UYH, DL0SB, ZS6AXT, SM3AKW, OK1CA, F2TU, VE9DX, DD1XF, OZ4MM, OE9ERC, G4CCH, OH2AXH, CT1DMK, HB9CQA, EA6ADW, F6CGJ and VE4MA, and on 5 April: WA8WZG, VE6TA, HB9SUL, G3LTF, LA8LF and HB9DGX. Heard but not worked were KD4LT, HB9SV and K3HZO. K3HZO answered a CQ, and while I was trying to complete with him, a big signal comes on frequency calling "OK3HG"??. I lost K3HZO and never heard him again. I have a 432 QSL from DL4MEA that I cannot confirm. I heard him several times during the March weekend, but never worked him. I will keep his info for when we do work, and will send a card then. By the way, my QSL policy is to QSL 100 percent. IRCs and/or money are not necessary nor wanted. Sometimes an addressed envelope from a foreign station is helpful, but not a requirement. I'll probably stay on 1296 in May.

Rick heard nothing on his April skeds with IK5QLO, HB9SV, EA6FF and G4FUF. He did work EA3DXU. Rick is interested in more skeds. He says the "TWIST & SHOUT" of his 6x19 el with polarity rotation is doing as expected, and that his K1FO amp is also helping. He is now up to #122 initial, 29 DXCC, 44 States via the Moon, and 49 total.

Scott writes -- I worked 3 new ones in about an half hour last night on 23 cm. I had very high winds here, but the ole 22er worked FB. The new gearbox I had put on a few weeks ago held it on the Moon without error. I worked 9H1ES on sked (M/O). This guy is the greatest. I listened to the 3 skeds before mine and he was the only one there, but, was there calling every sequence. I would have pulled the big-switch long before if I had as many No- shows as he had.

Joe wants to let everyone know he is QRV on 70 cm EME with 4 x FO25 yagis and 700 w from a single 3CX800A -- I had my 1st QSO with JA5OVU at moonset on 2 March, and worked K1FO, OH2PO, and NC1I in the DUBUS Contest. I have not been able to hear my own echoes and am not sure why. My e-mail is:
Joe, KU3T

Marc sends news on 23 cm EME from SA -- All members of the team have been working on different projects the last couple of months. Dany, LU8EDR made a new circular pol feed for the 3.6 m dish. Willy, LU4DHD worked on improving the overlapping of the metal sheets of the dish to reduce leakage. (It was designed for 4 GHz TVRO). I reconditioned a surplus coaxial relay. Dany is currently working on a cavity preamp, which is supposed to per- form better than our current MGF1302. We have also improved the positioning system. We do not depend any more on Moon visibility. This last SW we were able to hear many stations. K5JL, OK1DFC, K4QI and F6CGJ were the strongest (all 559). Unfortunately we only have 10 w available at the moment, but we look forward to working TM8EME anyway. We have a new e-mail address:
Mark, LU6DW
and web site:
Everybody is welcome to see some info and pictures, or leave a message.

Hoppy's 23 cm EME Activity Report for Nov 97 and Apr 98 -- I worked on 16 Nov ZS6AXT, OK1DFC for initial #118, LA8LF, 4X6UJ #119, F5PL, G3LTF, W2UHI, EA3UM, W4OP, CT1DMK, SM4DHN, K4QI, NU7Z and SM2CEW, on 11 Jan LA8LF, W2UHI, K5JL, S59DCD and SM3AKW, on 6 Feb W2UHI, on 7 Feb VE1ALQ, on 3 April Sun Noise was 10.5 dB with 2xATF10135s and my 3.7 m dish, replaced preamp with 2-stage AGO HEMT (NE326) preamp and Sun Noise was 13.1 dB - Solar Flux was 104, on 4 April F1ANH, K4QI, W7GBI, N2IQU, NL7F, K5JL, W2UHI, K2UYH, K5JL (S4 on meter!), JA7BMB #120, JH5LUZ, heard K9BCT Q5 in QSO with K5JL, JA4BLC, VE9DX (VE1ALQ's station), HB9CQA (HB9SV's station), OE9ERC, F6CGJ, SM3AKW, OZ4MM, ZS6AXT, CT1DMK, OK1CA, G4CCH, EA6ADW, HB9SV, F2TU and W2UHI, and on 5 April VE6TA, NL7F and JA6CZD - Sun Noise was 13.63 dB with Solar Flux of 110 - LA8LF at moonrise through tree limbs, G4DZU, HB9DGX (HB9SV's station), G3LTF, G3LQR, VE4MA, N2IQU, WA8WZG, and HB9SUL (HB9SV's station). All contacts were on random. Work has kept me very busy since Dec. It was a real treat to be able to participate in the DUBUS Contest on 23 cm. Total score for the contest was 31x23 for 71,300 points. (I didn't count the HB9's - all working from the same station. I expect a lot of contest participants didn't have a clue that these folks were at the same QTH. It was a let down for me, because for a short while I thought I had worked my way up to initial #124. The TH327 held up beautifully at 1 kw output all weekend. Not much rest for the tube, no more blown preamps ... all in all a great weekend. I also had a very nice visit from Rainer, DF6NA, in March.

Frank writes -- I had little time for EME this month and was not able to be active during any of my Eur windows. The limited opportunities I did have for EME, activity seemed very poor. I was not on long enough to evaluate conditions. On 1 April I worked at 0237 W7CNK (O/549) and at 0242 JA5OVU (579/579). Seems like Tom is always on during my Asian window no matter day of the week. He's like an Asian beacon. On 4 April I worked at 0342 KA0RYT (539/559), 0358 JA5OVU (579/579), 0412 W7CNK (549/559), and at 0445 VK4KAZ (M/O). The only information I currently have on this station is as follows: Allan Downie, Brisbane, Australia. He is running (4) FO22's with 110 w at the feed and an AZ/EL mount. He has a feed mounted MGF1302 LNA and very low feed line losses. He has an RIW amp available, but is currently restricted to the 110 w at his city location. I will provide more info once I receive his QSL card. [He has been receiving the NL for some time.] I expect to have only limited operating time over the next couple of months, but I will try to get on when ever time allows.

Bills 1296 EME report for Jan, Feb, March and April -- I worked in Jan W4OP (M/O), in Feb K5JL four times (539-559/539- 549), W4OP (M/O), K2UYH (429/559) - also called on SSB, but too weak for me to copy, in March K5JL (539/559), in April on Contest weekend W2UHI (429/429), K4QI (439/439), N2IQU (549/539), F1ANH (449/449), N6BQ (429/429), W7GBI (439/439), N2IQU (549/539) dup, K5JL (559/549) and N6BQ (O/O) dup - I also answered CQs from VE1ALQ and VE6TA, but no luck with them.

Peter QSO'd on 7 March on 1296 HA5SHF (439/459) for an initial and a new country. This group can be reached via Istran Ordog, HG5BDF, tel/FAX 36-1-25-26-025, or e-mail at . They are using a 3.6 m dish and 110 w TX on a linear pol horn. They plan to change to a circular pol horn soon. The main operator is HA5BGL, tel 0066-14053307. Peter will try to arrange skeds for the NL. He also worked on 5760, on 7 March, during the contest JA7BMB (449/O), SM4DHN (549/539), I6PNN (O/O) and IK2RTI (449/449). Heard were DJ7FJ with a FB signal. Very bad WX, heavy winds and rain prevented further contacts.

Maati reports on his group's results in the REF/DUBUS EME Contest on 432. They were active on 7/8 March. All QSOs were on random. They worked 74 stations with approximately 30 multipliers - as they are no sure of the states for all the US stations worked. The operator was OH2JTE and the antenna was their 16 m homemade dish with dual dipole feed, 0.4 dB NF preamp at the feedpoint, and TX of 1 kw out with feedline of 3 dB loss. Contest activity seemed lower than last year. Very few new stations were heard during the last 12 hours. Conditions were unstable, and especially to the north even their own signal was sometimes very week. Mr. Murphy also visited them, and some 5 hours of the important JA window was lost due to a faulty relay. OH2PO's e- mail address is:
Maati, OH2PO

Franta writes -- I returned to 23 cm EME after 17 months in April. I improve my RX system. I now have a 1 stage LNA with an FHX35LG designed by JA4BLC - thanks to Yoshiro. This is fol- lowed by an MGF1302. My Sun noise is 19.3 dB, Moon noise 0.4 dB and Cassiopeia A and M17 0.8 dB. I worked on 4 April: OK1KIR (449/O), JH5LUZ (449/549) for an initial #, LA8LF (559/549) #, F2TU (549/549), OZ4MM (559/559), PA3CSG (549/539) #, F1ANH (449/549), ZS6AXT (449/549), DD1XF (549/439), SM3AKW (559/549), JA7BMB (449/339) #, OK1DFC (O/O) #, N2IQU (559/559), OH2AXH (559/549), G4CCH (O/O) #, VE9DX (559/559), K4QI (559/449) #, F6CGJ (559/449), K5JL (559/559) #, W2UHI (449/449), HB9CQA (559/559) #, N6BQ (549/539) and CT1DMK (O/O) #52. CWNR were JA6CZD and I2COR. Heard were JA4BLC, OE9ERC, KD4LT, K2UYH, VE4MA and WA9FWD. I will be not QRV on 2/3 May. This is the same date as the Subregional SHF Contest in Eur. However, I will be QRV on 30/31 May on 23 and 13 cm.

Zdenek in March was active on 432 EME. Despite his QRM problems he worked JA5OVU for initial #16, SM2CEW #17, OH2PO, NC1I #18, K1FO, VE1ALQ #19 and DXCC 11, KQI #20 and N2IQU #21. Heard were SM2BYA, DL9NDD, PA3CSG, YO2IS, IK5WJD, DL3EAG, ON5FF (449) and K9BCT. I2COR was CWNR. In April he was back on 1296 thanks to the help of OK1CA. On 1296 he used a 3.8 m dish with VE4MA horn and PMJ hybrid, 2 x2C39BA PA with 150 w, but a feed line with 3 dB of loss. On RX he had a 0.56 dB NF BV LNA. He worked OK1CA (O/O) for initial #50, F1ANH #51, VE1ALQ (O/O), SM3AKW (O/O), LA8LF (O/O), K5JL (559/429), N2IQU (559/539) #52, ZS6AXT (O/m0, F6CGJ (559/539) and OZ4MM (559/549). Heard were F2TU, W2UHI and DF9QX. He will not be active in the 1st May SW because the Eur SHF Contest is the same weekend. (He is QRV on tropo from UHF thru 24 GHz), but plans to be active for the 2nd May SW on 23 cm, and possibly even 13 cm. In the future Zdenek plans to be QRV on 3 cm as well and is looking for a TWTA for this band.

Marc sends for the NL -- The weather gods were again raging in our little country. The week before the SW all looked great, but from Thursday on, the winds came up. This resulted in wind speeds up to 80 km/h on Saturday the 4th. Sunday the wind dropped a little bit, but the risk was still to high to put up the dish. Same story as in March ... Sorry that we could not be there for the skeds, hope to be active in May.

Stig found very good condx both days, until the Moon passed around 200 deg -- I dont know the reason for the change! My final score was 49x29. The activity was less than usual, but I worked several initials anyway!. The new stations were DL8FBD (429/449), HA5SHF (O/O), DL8OBU (M/O) - 4x76 el horz yagis and 100 w at ant, K3HZO (449/559), I2FGT (579/569) - (same as I2COR?), OZ6OL (M/O) and HB9SUL (579/569) [same as HB9SV] for #139. OZ6OL, Hans, was using a 2 m TVRO laying on the ground in the garden with an W2IMU horn. After he received several stations on Saturday, he decided to add TX at the dish. He probably worked a few other stations! Later he will be on 1296, using OZ9AAR's old dish and 250 w PA - probably in summer. I will change my e- mail address in few days. The new address is:
Stig, OZ4MM
my e-mail at QRL is still:
OZ4MM at work

Jan had to move the location of his 6 m dish and operator shack (6 m sea container). As he had no other readily available location, both items were sold to PA0JCA, who should eventually become active on 23 cm EME. He was able to relocate the 3 m Andrews dish to his back yard. He plans to use this dish 1st on 10 GHz EME and later on 23 cm as well.

Geert I worked OK1CA on 1296, but lost his preamp just before his 9H1ES sked -- I found out today that the cause was the same bad coax relay that the troubled me last time. I replaced the relay with another and hope to be back in business next month. The bad relay caused many HEMTs to die. On 432 I worked JJ1NNJ and K1OR, but NIL in skeds with W7BBM, N2HLT, K7XC and WB4BKC.

Carl was not at home in March and thus made a one band effort in this year's DUBUS Contes - All activity on 1296 for 42 x26. QSO'd were on 4 April at 1310 ZS6AXT, 1317 JH5LUZ, 1325 OZ4MM, 1339 OK1CA, 1411 OE9ERC, 1428 JA7BMB, 1451 F1ANH, 1459 DD1XF, 1507 OH2AXH, 1543 JA6CZD, 1630 LA8LF, 1706 G4CCH, 1720 DD0SB for an initial #, 1740 N2IQU, 1746 CT1DMK, 1855 VE9DX, 1912 W2UHI, 1921 K4QI, 1954 K5JL, 2011 HB9CQA #?, 2040 F2TU, 2056 K2UYH, 2120 F6CGJ, 2130 N6BQ, 2156 EA6ADW, 2230 VE4MA and 2304 HB9SV, and on 5 April at 1240 JA4BLC, 1423 DJ9YW, 1623 SM4DHN, 1653 DL6YDH #, 1706 DH9FAG, 1827 G3LQR, 1944 VE1ALQ, 2007 G3LTF, 2039 LX1DB on SSB, 2104 HB9SUL, 2116 VE6TA, 2152 OK1MS, 2237 HB9DGX, 2253 K3HZO (539/539) # and 2303 WA8WZG. Heard were K9BCT and WA9FWD.

Al reports from his trip to Eur -- Last weekend I had a nice visit with both SM6CKU (Ben and his wife Barbara) and SM4DHN (Lars). Ben plans to reactivate on 23 cm EME after he gets free from work obligations. He has to repair some wind damage to his dish which is quite minor. Both Ben and I visited Lars who is about 5 hours drive north of the Gothenburg area (where Ben is located). Lars gave us a 6 and 3 cm EME demo. Lars has his 3 cm feed at the focal point of the dish and has a slight offset for his 6 cm feed. Echoes are great especially on 3 cm with his 400 w. Last night I visited G3LTF (Peter and his wife Margaret). He has a nice QTH in some rolling farm lands SW of London. Peter plans to be back on 13 cm soon. Probably not this weekend due to excessive winds, rain and some hail - (sounds like Texas). We had a delightful dinner and beer in a small pub in his hometown. I could enjoy this! We had a lenghty discussion about the split-up of the 13 cm band. This morning I had a nice breakfast chat with Sam, G4DDK for some delightful 24 and 47 GHz conversation. I will be flying back to Dallas Sunday afternoon and will be around all week if there are any takers for 23 cm through 3 cm EME.

Dave report -- I had a sked with 7M2PDT on 4 April, but bad weather kept me off - hopefully Shu got my e-mail in time. Back in March, I got on for the DUBUS/REF Contest on 7 March, but conditions seemed poor, and I only worked 4 random stations, all in NA. At 0034 N2IQU (559/439), 0427 NC1I for initial #13 (439/429), 0508 K1FO (439/449) and 0552 K4QI #14 (O/O). I'm hoping to use some of Uncle Sam's refund money plus the improved weather to upgrade the station. I also plan to be somewhere exotic for the ARRL June contest, probably central Nevada, and may be able to work some of the EME gang, (if we don't get snowed off the mountain like last June!)

Dave writes -- The 70 cm EME station I've been working on the past few months is finally nearing completion and should be QRV in the next few weeks. The station consists of 8 X 432-13WL's and a Lunar Link LA-70B amp. I'll be installing the last of the array this next weekend (3/28) and finishing the amp power supply and sequencer in the next 2 weeks. The station is located on the roof of the I.T. building at Calif State Univ - Fresno; DM06. We hope to be QRV very soon and look forward working 70 cm EME.

Ivo's report -- This year the REF/DUBUS Contest had poor participation compared with the last. I worked on 23 cm, on 4 April OK1CA, F1ANH, SM3AKW, JH5LUZ, OE9ERC, OZ4MM, JA7BMB for initial #131, DD1XF, OH2AXH, F2TU, OK1KIR, LA8LF, CT1DMK, VE9DX, N2IQU, W2UHI, K4QI, HB9SV, K5JL, K2UYH, G4CCH, F6CGJ, HB9CQA and N6BQ, and on 5 April JA4BLC, DJ9YW, EA6ADW, I2FGT #132, DL6YDH, DH9FAG #133, OK1DFC #134, OE9ERC, G3LQR, VE1ALQ, DD0SB # 135, SM4DHN, G3LTF, VE6TA and HB9SUL. CWNR were G4DZU, WA9FWD, HB9DGX, JA6CZD and K3HZO. I somehow also missed WA8WZG and VE4MA. My total score was 35 x 22. WX was good with the exception of some wind here and conditions were up and down. At least I made 5 initials which made the contest pay off. With regret no progress on installation of my 6 cm system. My new 13 cm transverter is finished and has now 22 w output after cable losses.

The WX was not very good (wind and rain), but my main problem was time conflicts with family activities scheduled for the 1296 REF/DUBUS Contest Weekend. I did not get started until after 0200 because of delays at work and then HV problems - think the cats got into my HV supply! QSO'd were on 4 April at 0235 K4QI (559/559), 0256 N6BQ (559/549), 0309 K5JL (569/569), 0329 N2IQU (559/549), 0330 W7GBI (559/-) - lost, 0343 JA7BMB (559/559), 2052 W2UHI (559/559), 2055 SM3AKW (559/559), 2101 ZS6AXT (559/569), 2108 OH2AXH (559/569), 2114 CT1DMK (559/559), 2118 F6CGJ (569/569), 2132 OZ4MM (559/559) 2138 F2TU (559/559), 2156 F1ANH (559/559) and 2222 EA6ADW (559/559), and on 5 April at 0517 JA6CZD (559/559) and 0530 partial JH5LUZ (M/?) - mood well into wet trees. We ended with a score of 16x13, which was less than my total in the SSB contest. < /FONT>


K2PGB, Chris suggests using the .wav program for EME. He writes -- It is a super program. I tried it on high speed meteor scatter, and completed my 1st QSO last night with KM5PO portable in Atlanta. I was running only 80 w to a 13B2, and he ran 200 w to a 13B2 on a step ladder in a parking lot. We had about 10 good bursts during the 1 hr sked, but at 2000 letters/min that is more than you need. As Cooledit can see in the noise, it seems that low power EME with high speed CW should be possible? [The Europeans have been using high speed CW on MS for many years with excellent success. MS is very different from EME. You do not get the high signal peaks on EME you see on MS. Although there is libration fading, the signal never comes way out of the noise on EME as it does on MS. I thus suspect that it would be of limited value. But as I have never operated high speed MS, perhaps there is someone who can provide a better response to Chris' suggestion.]



N2IQU invites you to his EME Get Together at the annual Rochester NY Hamfest. Lodging is available on 28/29/30 May. Bring some junk or just yourself and get a flea market space for just $2.00 extra. This way you don't have to park in the parking lot, and you come and go as you please. Mark brings a tent, 20'x20, beer and soda. (Chip in, EMEers are cheap, hi, hi). No dinner plans yet, (we'll wing it). EMEers known to be there include N2IQU, KB2AH, K2DH, K2OS, W8TN, W8MQW, K1FO, NC1I, W1ZX, K1RQG and W4RDI. Definitely planning to be there are W4TJ, KB8ZW, W2UHI and W9FWD. About 5 K people attend. You might even find some FB microwave parts. For lodging reservations call N2IQU at 315- 635-310.


by G4RGK

IK5WJDis working on 10 GHz EME.

LA8LF worked HB9SUL operating from HB9SV (569/579) during the REF/DUBUS Contest.

SV1BTR's array is 4 x 11 wl cross yagis (H/V pol) with non-con- ductive booms (vertical masts from fiberglass and X-Brace also).

PE1BTV is working on 24 GHz EME and wants to know if anyone is yet QRV?

KB2AH had WX problems and was not able to be QRV for the contest because of high winds.

CX9BT has very limited time at present and is not QRV on EME, but leaves the window open a crack for activity in the future.

9H1PA has a .25f/d - 2 mtr dish ..may be on 13cm.

DJ5MN hrd nil on 23 cm from VE1ALQ and W2UHI.

AA5C has repaired his elevation on 10GHz and all is ready to go again.

G0RRJ has taken down his antenna and is QRT 70 cm EME.

W0RAP has made no progress for about a year on his EME system, but is considering some work on his 18' dish. The mount is OK, but the el is not working.

K7XC will be on random unless skeds are requested. He is still running 4 x FO25 yagis and 120 w.

W2UHI has a home page up and running on the WEB. Frank thanks Tom, KB2AH for his help.

DJ5MN has worked OE5JFL.

I5TDJ, Piero is looking for VE6TA.

NU7Z is working on 10 GHz equipment. He had water related problems, and is trying to sort this out. Rick has improved his 13 cm system. He also reminds everyone that May will be 902 activity month. He is needs the six character grid square for all those that are listed on his Microwave Activity List, see Rick's list at the end of this NL.

ON5RR had high winds and could not be QRV in April. He previously QSO'd PY5ZBU.

9H1ES, Malta had very high winds.

VE6TA worked DL5FN for initial #68 on 70 cm.

W0KJY has nothing good to report. He lost all control lines and feed lines to the antennas. The lines got all wrapped up and damaged just about everything! Jim had to cancel all his skeds.

K7XD will be QRV for any skeds.

K5JL has 20 dB of Sun noise on 23 cm. He found a bad piece of coax and some tracking problems. He also worked K9BCT on 23 cm.

LX1DB is still not QRV on 6 or 9 cm. Willie hopes to be on for the May SW, if the WX is good. He has his RX working and is getting 1.5/2 dB of Moon noise on 10 GHz and 1.5 of Moon noise on 5.6 ghz. Rick hope to also have 3.7 GHz running in May. He was QRV in the DUBUS contest for a few hours, and made about 20 QSOs despite very hi winds.

VE4MA is working on 5.7GHz and is getting 0.8 dB of Moon noise. Barry is working on 904 feed, and will be there on May 2.

K2DH will be looking for the TM8EME on 23 cm.

W7CNK is looking for info on interference on 70 cm. His cable company has cleaned up a lot problems, but he is still bothered by a pulsing noise across the bottom of the band, and about 10 kHz apart.


IK5WJD wants a 10 GHz TWTA with at least 25-30 w out. Alex has 3 TWTs: Philips YH1170, Philips 55340 and a Siemens RW85, but needs information on their capability and power supply requirements.

W1ZX has for sale: an HP 415A SWR Meter $30, HP 415E SWR Meter-brown unit (later build unit) $125, Dielectric-coaxial Dynamics 1000A Wattmeter $100, several Bird 43 wattmeters (1) $170, (2) $185, (3) $200 with a NEW meter movement, (4) Bird 43 wattmeter, fair condition (cracked/broken meter face - needs a paint job $125 or best offer, HP 349A UHF Noise Source $25, Noise Com Noise Diodes NC305 - with spec sheet $33. All prices are + shipping. Call Willie at 301 645 5584 between 1830-2300 EDST, FAX 301 645 6853 24 hrs, E-mail:
Willie, W1ZX

KB2AH has a full line of cavity amps and 1, 2, 4 and 6 tube ring amps, lin/circular feed horns and LNAs for 432 and 1296. Tom also has mounting blocks for K1FO yagis. For full details see Tom's 1296 WEB pageat:
Tom's Fine WEB Page with sounds
and for more details and pricing info e-mail: Tom, KB2AH
or phone 908-223-5067, FAX 908-223-0901 (24 hrs) or voice 908-223-8124.

9H1BN is looking for a TH328 Cavity Amplifier for 23 cm. Contact Mark Furrugia, Luna #107, Tarxien Rd., Paola PLA04, Malta. Tel is 00356 696834 and FAX is 00356 667017.


Don't forget the Paris Conference. The Paris group appears to be doing an outstanding job organizing this summer's conference. The list of those registered for the Paris Conference (as of the end of March) follows: CT1DMK, DD1XF, DJ6MB, DK3FB, DL6WU, EA3DXU, EA5GIY, F1ANH, F1HDD, F2TU, F3VS, F5FLN, F6HYA, G3LQR, G3LTF, G3SEK, G3TSA, G4CCH, G4DZU, HB9AGE, HB9JAW, HB9JBL, I5CTE, I5TDJ, IK5WJD, KD4LT, NC1I, ON5RR, OK1CA, OK1DFC, ON6JY, OZ4MM, PY5BZU, RW3BP, S56UUU, SM2BYA, SM3AKW, VE1ALQ, W1QA, W5LUU, W7CS, W7GBI, W8TN and ZS6AXT, + 16 YLs + 4 Children. [K2UYH should also be on this list - I have received confirma- tion.]

It seems like I am making excuses just about every month. But this was another hectic weekend. The big Computer Festival I chair (TCF98) was this weekend and this did not leave much time for getting the NL produced. One big help this time was G4RGK, who has taken on the job consolidating K1RQG's NETNOTES TNX Dave. Please keep the information coming in. Technical reports are especially needed. I hope to see many of you off the Moon during the coming SW.

73, Al - K2UYH


Compiled by Rick, NU7Z.

(Please send updates to Rick,NU7Z )

   Call     13cm Stn  9cm Stn   6cm Stn   3cm Stn          Email
    CT1DMK     **        **       soon      5m/25w           CT1DMK 
   DF3RU    3m/100w     **        **         **                 **
   DF7FJ      **        **     4.5m/20w   4.5m/50w              **
   DL0SHF     **        **        **       6m/20w               **
   DL8QL    7m/70w      **        **         **                 **
   DL9EBL  12m/400w  12m/200w     **         **                 **
   EA2BK      **        **        **       3m/25w               **
   EA3ADW  5.5m/120w    **        **         **             EA3ADW
  EA3UM    7m/700w     **        **         **             EA3UM
   EA6ADW     **        **        **      3.7m/45w          EA6ADW
   F1AHN    8m/100w     **        **         **                 **
   F2FU     6m/80w      **        **         **                 **
   F5AQC    6m/250w     **        **         **                 **
   F5ELL    8m/800w     **        **         **                 **
   F6CGJ      **        **        **      3.2m/12w              **
   F6KSX      **        **        **      3.3m/50w              **
   G3WDG      **        **        **      3.3m/45w              **
  G4FUF   2.5m/75w     **        **      1.2m/70w          G4FUF
   G4KGC      **        **        **      3.3m/28w              **
   G4RFR      **        **        **      3.7m/15w              **
  G4RGK      **        **        **       unkown           G4RGK
   GW3XYW  6.7m/100w    **        **         **                 **
   HB9SV   3.7m/200w    **        **         **                 **
   I4CHY      **        **        **       4m/20w               **
   I6PNN    4m/150w     **      4m/28w     3m/unk               **
   IK6EIW   6m/120w     **        **         **                 **
   IN3HER   5m/100w     **        **         **                 **
   JA4BLC   6m/300      **        **         **             JA4BLC
   JA6CZD    Unkwn      **        **         **                 **
   JH3EAO  4.7m/80w     **        **         **                 **
   K2DH     3m/120w     **        **         **                 **
  LX1DB   11m/250w     **       Soon        **             LX1DB
 NU7Z    4m/55w    4m/130w   4m/130w    4m/25w            NU7Z
   OE9ERC  8m/1000w     **      8m/50w     4m/50w           OE9ERC
   OE9XXI   9m/200w     **        **       9m/10w               **
   OH2AHX  6.4m/50w   Unknown     **         **                 **
   OK1KIR  5.5m/100w    **        **       4m/15w               **
   ON6JZ      **        **        **      3.3m/17w              **
   OZ1IPU     **        **        **       3m/68w               **
  OZ4MM    10m/30w     **        **         **             OZ4MM
   PA3CSG     **        **        **       3m/60w           PA0CSG
   S56UUU     **        **        **       3m/50w               **
   SM3AKW   5m/100w                                         SM3AKW
   SM4DHN   6m/100w     **        **      8m/400w           SM4DHN
  VE1ZJ   3.6m/90w     **        **         **             VE1ZJ
  VE4MA   3.7m/180   3.7m/80  3.7m/30w   3.7m/35w          VE4MA
   VE7CLD     **        **        **      3.6m/20w              **
   VK3ALU     **        **        **      3.7m/16w          VK3ALU
   W4HHK   5.5m/300w    **        **         **                 **
   W7GBI   7.5m/600w    **        **         **                 **
    W5LUA    5m/350w   5m/250w   5m/40w    5m/140w           W5LUA  
   WA5VJB     **        **        **      3.4m/70w              **
   WA6EXV     **        **        **      unknown               **
    WA7CJO     **        **        **     4.8m/400w          WA7CJO 
   WA8WZG  4.9m/120w    **      Unkown       **             WA8WZG
   ZS6AXT   5m/115w     **        **         **             ZS6AXT

May Skeds

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT

Top Page

For Comments or corrections: Rein, W6/PA0ZN