NOVEMBER 1997 VOL 25 # 13


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL Allen Katz, K2UYH


HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail: Klaus Tiedemann.


*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***


14.345 KHz at 1600 Z SAT/SUN


Comments were very positive this year. Almost every report rated conditions as good or excellent during the contest. The 1st day did received more praise than the 2nd on 70 cm. Activity wise there were few surprises. Among these was the news that VE1ALQ counts for a VE9 multiplier as Darrell is located in the VE9 call area. (VE1ZJ is located in the VE1 call area and still counts as VE1.) This added an extra multiplier to most station's scores.


On 432 it appears the lead has returned to DL9KR 115x40 followed by K1FO 105x33, N2IQU 103x35, UR5LX 96x35, OE5JFL 91x35, OZ4MM 86x33 and DL9NDD 76x38. On 1296 I suspect that OE5XXI remains the leader, but Peter's usually reliable FAX has not arrived. In its absence K2DH 46x25 holds the lead closely followed by KB2AH 44x28, OE5JFL 43x23, ZS6AXT 42x23 and JH4LJV 25x17 in JA. Besides OE9XXI's score we do not have information on JL1ZCG, OH2PO and others who usually do very well.


Greg reports a good contest weekend on 10 GHz in Oct -- I completed schedules with RW3BP (M/O) for initial #12 and W6/SM0PYP (M/O) for initial #13. I worked DJ7FJ (539/539) and WA7CJO (569/549) on random. From e-mail traffic, other 10 GHz stations on the band this weekend were WA5VJB, G3WDG/G4KGC, OK1KIR and CT1DMK. It was very nice to see all the activity and new stations coming on the band. I plan to be active the 2nd weekend of the contest as well. Skeds are always welcomed via: AA5C


Frank found conditions normal in the contest on 23 cm. He had initials with ON5RR and S59DCD. He will be active in Nov and can be reached at e-mail: DF5XF


Chris believes there is still some confusion regarding DL calls and stations. He writes -- DJ7FJ, Joe is 800 km away from here. DL0SHF and DK7LJ are the SAME and located in JO54. DC6UW, Norbert is somebody else in JO44. I have not operated DL0SHF this year and I will not do it anymore. I helped them get started on EME and I believe they now do it well. I am concentrating on getting my call on the air again. The antennas are up, but the elevation is not working properly. Do not be surprised to hear me on in the contest. My homepage is: Df9CY


Klaus worked the following stations during the 1st part of the ARRL-EME-Contest: OH1PO, OE5JFL, N2IQU, K1FO, DL9KR, DL9NDD, K5GW and UR5LX. Heard were NU7Z, K0RZ, DK3BU, F1ANH, DL6NAA and W7CI. Klaus' station is 4 x 23 el yagis, 600 w PA, 0.4 dB NF LNA and 270 Hz (IF-filter).


Ruediger, worked on 432 during the contest OE5JFL, OH2PO, N2IQU, OZ4MM, F1ANH for an initial #, DL9KR, K1FO, I2COR, K4QI, KD4LT, UR5LX, DL9NDD, K2UYH, DK3BU #, JA5OVU, HB9SV, JL1ZCG, PA3CSG, SM3AKW, K0RZ, K5GW and DF3RU. Heard were EA3UM, N9AB, YL3AG, G3FUF, OE5EYM and G3LQR. Ruediger says conditions were fine on the 1st day, but worse on the 2nd, and is looking forward to more contacts during the 2nd part of the contest.


Stephan hasn't been too active due to a heavy QRL load, and missed the 1st night of the contest for this reason -- Saturday night moonrise was great, Sunday morning moonset poor. I worked the following on 70 cm: Saturday DK3BU for an initial #, UR5LX, OZ4MM, JA5OVU, ON4KNG, DL9KR (loudest signal), HB9SV, PA2CHR, OH2PO and OE5JFL, and Sunday K1FO, K5GW # and OH2PO for a score of 12x11. Heard were JL1ZCG, JO3RNL, YL3AG and N9AB. I hope to see some more K's and N's during the 2nd leg.


Gerald's EME report for the Oct contest weekend on 432 -- I worked on 18 Oct UR5LX (O/O), JA5OVU (449/549), DL9KR (549/559), OZ4MM (O/O), ON4KNG (O/O), OH2PO (549/559), G3LTF (O/O), HB9SV (549/549) and OE5JFL (549/449), and on 19 Oct DL9NDD (539/529), K1FO (549/549), W7CI (O/O), G4FUF (O/O), SM3AKW (439/449), K5GW (O/O), PA2CHR (O/O) and PA3CSG (539/539) for 17x14. This is a good result for me. I heard K0RZ, G3LQR, UT5DL, ON5OF, DK3WG, JA9BOH and JL1ZCG. Due to travel back from my vacation, I missed the 1st US window and lost some QSOs. Because of my limited elevation, I can only work a maximum of 2 hours during moonrise. I had 700 w at the feed of my 4 x 23 el DJ9BV yagi array. I shall be looking for some more contacts in Nov.


Gunther found conditions very good to Eur, but poor to NA. He ended with a score of 76x38 and initials with S52CW, OE5EYM, DH5NAH, JJ1NNJ, JH4JLV and YL3AG.


Magi's reports on the 1st leg of the ARRL Contest -- Fantastic WX and good conditions. I started on 23 cm and worked F6KSX, EA6ADW, SM4DHN, OH2AXH, ZS6AXT, HB9BBD, G3LTF, F6CGJ, FSPAU, WD5AGO, KB2AH, OK1DFC, OE9XXI, W4OP, K2DH and W4RDI. Signals did not seem as good as they should, so I replaced my old MGF1302 preamp for a HEMT of modified DJ9BV design (Dubus 3/93). This new preamp worked surprisingly well and displayed excellent stability. Sun noise was above 18 dB. I began the 2nd day convinced of success, but upon pressing the key for echoes at moonrise, the preamp went dead instantly. The isolation of my TR relay was not enough. Furthermore, I forgot to NOT switch off its supply during TX periods. Without bias voltage, HEMTs are much more sensitive to RF. This failure limited me to 70 cm operation on the 2nd night. I did make 36 contacts with JA50VU, DK3WG, DK3BU, SM3AKW, OE5JFL, DL9NDD, ON50F, 12COR, PA3C5G, OH2PO, DL9KR, JAZKRW, JL1ZCG, F5FEN, HB95V, UR5LX, UA6LGH, N2IQU, KS1QU, K1FO, OZ4MM, N9AB, W8MQW, KB8ZW, G3SEK, W7CI, W6DF, WI7Z, UR5LTU, G3LTF, JA2TY, ON4KNG, 15CTE, G4ERG, JA9BOH, DF3RU, G4FUF and EA3DXU. I plan to concentrate in the 2nd part on improving my 23 cm results.


Peter's log of resent activity including the Oct contest follows -- I worked on 24 Aug, on 1296 G3LT, K5JL, K2UYH and F5PL, on 20 Sept SM3AKW, W4OP, K2UYH and F6CGJ, 21 Sept G3LTF, DK7LJ for an initial #, K5JL, W2UHI, ZS6AXT, OH2AXH, KB2AH, DJ9YW, N6BQ and VE1ALQ, on 12 Oct KD4LT #, KB2AH, OK1DFC # and S59DCD, on 18 Oct HB9SV, OK1DFC, G3LTF, S59DCD, EA3UM, ZS6AXT, F5PAU, SM4DHN, F6KSX, SM3AKW, OH2AXH, HB9BBD, F6CGJ, DD0SB #, W4RDI, WD5AGO, KB2AH, K5JL, WB5LUA, K2DH, W2UHI, W4OP, OE9XXI, VE1ZJ, OE5JFL, I6QGA, JH5LUZ, DJ9YW, F1ANH, DC6UW #, ON5RR, JA4BLC and DD1XF, and 19 Oct K2UYH, W3XS #121, N6BQ, VE1ALQ, OZ4MM, DF3RU, F2TU and OE9ERC. Peter's standings are now up to on 1296 initial #121, DXCC 26, WAS 22, grids 92 and sectors 22, 2304 initial #9, DXCC 8, WAS 1, grids 8 and sectors 4, and on 432 initial #63, DXCC 23, WAS 19, grids 58 and sectors 18. Peter also notes that he is having a problem of confusion with EA3ADW, who is active on 144 MHz EME.


Francis had a little problem with his high voltage power supply during the contest. It caused his CW tone to be bad. He still worked on 1296 EA6ADX (549/559), SM4DHN (569/559), F6KSX (559/559), OH2AXH (569/569), SM3AKW (559/559), EA3UM (559/559), KB2AH (559/559), OK1DFC (O/O) for initial #82, WD5AGO (559/449), K2DH (559/559), K5JL (559/569), HB9SV (569/569) ZS6AXT (549/559), WB5LUA (559/559), W2UHI (559/569), W4RDI (549/559), W4OP (559/559) #83, F6CGJ (569/449), W3XS (449/549) #84, OE9XXI (579/569), G3LTF (549/569), HB9BBD (549/559), F2TU (549/559), OE5JFL (569/569), JH5LUZ (559/559), DD1XF (549/559), F1ANH (559/559), DD0SB (449/559) #85, S59DCD (559/559), I6QGA (449/559) #86, DJ9YW (559/539), ON5RR (449/549), OZ4MM (569/569), DC6UW (559/549) #87, K2UYH (559/559), VE1ALQ (559/559) and N6BQ (559/549) for a score of 37x25. Francis will change his filter capacitor for 2nd part.


Peter enjoyed the contest and had only one breakdown -- blew after about 15 years!! I replaced it with a short piece of coax (0.8pF 1 kV!). My scores were 46x20 on 432 and 24x13 on 23 cm and 0x0 on 13 cm. I think we should call 13 cm operation a "divider" not a multiplier. When you call CQ on that band and hear NO ONE, you've missed about 10 QSOs on 432 or 1296. In terms of contest scoring, I'm much better off slinging up a couple of yagis on 2 m! The good news was that operating standards were as high as I've ever known them. On 1296, on 18 Oct (0000-0600) I wkd OK1DFC, EA6ADW, SM3AKW, HB9SV, F6KSX, ZS6AXT, OH2AXH, SM4DHN, EA3UM, HB9BBD, S59DCD, F6CGJ, KB2AH, WD5AGO, K5JL, VE1ZJ, WB5LUA, W2UHI, OE9XXI, W4RDI for initial #125, K2DH, W4OP and F5PAU. CWNR were DL0SB, W3XS, KB0PYO, WA8WZG, W7GBI and WA4OFS - 4 multipliers got away there! On 432 on 18 Oct (0630-2130) I wkd ON4KNG, UT5DL, K0RZ, OH2PO, OZ4MM, W7CI, KA0RYT, VE1ALQ, JL1ZCG, JA5OVU, DK3BU, DK3WG, UR5LX, I2COR, JA4BLC, DL4KG, F5FLN for initial #318, JA2TY #319 and DL9KR, and on 19 Oct (0330-2400) DL9NDD, WA4NJP, SM3AKW, K1FO, K4QI, K5GW, EA8FF, UT5EC, G3SEK, ON5OF, G4ALH, DL6NA #320, W7FN, WI7Z, N2IQU, OE5JFL, OE5JFL, PA3CSG, JA4BLC (dup), JJ1NNJ #321, EA3UM, JH4JLV, EA3DXU, G3HUL, DF3RU, G4ERG, OE5EYM #322, JA2KRW, JA9BOH and UT5DL (dup) - I had to take 3.5 hours out to collect the XYL from the airport! CWNR were JH0YSI, I5CTE, SM0NOM (or KOK?) and YL3AG. I can now get the dish to within 1 hour of moonrise and set! I hope for some activity on 13 cm next time.


Peter in the 1st leg of the contest produced 30x20 and 6 initials -- Stations worked were OH2PO, N2IQU, F1ANH for initial #79, OZ4MM, OE5JFL, DL9KR, DL9NDD, I2COR, DK3WG, K1FO, K0RZ, K4QI, UR5LX, RA3LE #80, KD4LT, K2UYH, EA8FF #81, F5AQC #82, DK3BU, G3SEK, ON4KNG, JA5OVU, JL1ZCG #83, UT5EC, PA3CSG, K5GW, EA3UM, DF3RU, G3LTF, OE5EYM #84). Heard were EA3DXU, VE1ALQ, DK3FB, ON5OF, HB9SUL, N9AB, W7FN, G4FUF, JA2KRW, DL4MEA, JA2TY, UT5DL, WA7BBM, SM3AKW and a few others. Its quite frustrating to hear a new (or wanted ) station, then find they QSY'd to who knows where, because its not their frequency. After completing a QSO on another station's frequency, it would be helpfull if stations moved up, say 25 kHz, and called CQ for a couple of periods. If this was standard proceedure stations would have an idea of where to look next. And I am sure more QSOs between the smaller stations would result.


Dave found conditions at the start of the contest were excellent -- Strong stable signals, little libration and everyone was coming back virtually to the 1st call. Clear skies made trackimg easy, Echoes were strong for the most part. In fact it was all too good to be true and due to a re-occurance of the problems at work that have plagued me all year, I had to QRT after about 3 hours, and I was never able to return to the radio for the whole weekend. This was a real disapointment. I worked on 18 Oct F1ANH (O/O), DL9KR (569/559), N2IQU (559/549), OE5JFL (559/549), OH2PO (559/549), K1FO (559/559), DL9NDD (559/559), OZ4MM (559/539), EA8FF (O/O), I2COR (O/O), K4QI (559/549), K2UYH (559/559), K0RZ (559/549), UR5LX (O/O), ON4KNG (559/449), DK3BU (559/549) and UT5DL (449/539) for a total of 17 stations. All QSOs were on random. I hope to be able to be QRV in Nov work permitting.


Stu's contest report has not yet arrived, but I do have his report from last month. During the Sept SW Stu was testing his 3 cm system and was more than pleased to catch WA7CJO calling RW3BP on random on 10.368.110. Jim was peaking 12 dB over the noise. Stu was using his HB 2.7 m dish made from 24 petals. He is receiving 13 dB of Sun noise and 1.3 dB of Moon noise, but is not yet ready for TX as he does not have a TWTA. He worked on 23 cm back on 24 Aug ON5RR, W2UHI, K5JL, VE3BQN, SM4DHN, DD1XF, K2UYH, K5JL on SSB and OH2AXH, and on 21 Sept ON5RR, SM3AKW and F6CGJ.


Fred writes -- I have relocated with my family to the US in Aug. I was very busy as the relocation was not planned before late May! I will stay here for at least one year. I guess this is too short to activate MO on 23 cm EME. But, may be I can force some guys here to become QRV. If somebody in greater Saint Louis needs help to setup an EME rig, don't hesitate to call me! I will be several times in Eur on business, and can move some stuff back and forth. In Switzerland, where my station is still ready and will be reactivated next year, I am very close to QRV on 10 GHz EME as well. An unexpected problem with different ground levels between my surplus TWT PS and the TWT has delayed my schedule! I guess it is dangerous to change the grounding system. I will search for a new rig in the US. Can anyone help? On 23 cm I was QRV in july and worked ON5RR for initial #85. My new temporary address here is (Fred Schuetz, 12137 Trailways Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146, Tel (314) 989-0517). My US call sign is AB0GG. My new e- mail address is HB9BHU
and homepage is AB0GG


Louie, HP3XUG, is using this call for contests. During the contest he concentrated his operation around .022, and heard lots of signals, but received few replies.


Piero was QRV on 432 MHz in the ARRL Contest's 1st leg -- Conditions here were good on the 18th, fair on the 19th. I worked on 18 Oct OH2PO, N2IQU, K1FO, DK3BU, F1ANH, UR5LX, DL9NDD, ON4KNG, DL9KR, OE5JFL and OZ4MM, and on 19 Oct K5GW for initial #105 for a total of 12 QSOs. CWNR were K2UYH, JL1ZCG, HB9SV, EA8FF (aswered his CQ's for over one hour, getting only some QRZ's), K0RZ, SM3AKW, N9AB. As usual, I have found stations who come back to my 1st or second call, while some other are unworkable for my small station.


Yoshiro's report on ARRL Contest's 1st leg -- I managed to operate 4 bands (2 m to 13 cm) and worked 77 stations (18 on 70 cm, 22 on 23 cm and 2 on 13 cm). Worked on 432 were N2IQU, JA5OVU, UR5LX, OH2PO, DL9KR, DL9NDD, UT5EC, SM3AKW, K4QI, K1FO, JO3RNL, JH4JLV, JA2KRW, OZ4MM, ON4KNG, OE5JFL, PA3CSG and G3LTF, on 1296 WD5AGO, K2DH, W4RDI for initial #71, JH5LUZ, WB5LUA, NL7F #72, K5JL, SM3AKW, F2TU, SM4DHN, HB9BBD, OH2AXH, OE9XXI, ZS6AXT, EA6ADW, S59DCD, DD1XF, N6BQ, OE5JFL, DJ9YW, OE9ERC, F6CGJ and F2TU (dup), and on 13 cm LA8LF for initial #16 (our 4th band on EME!) and ZS6AXT. W4HHK was heard on 13 cm. It was thrilling, but very busy to work Karl SM3AKW on 3 bands (432, 1296 and 144) within 30 min - between 2051 and 2119 on 18 Oct.


Kaz's contest results for the 1st period -- I worked N2IQU, K1FO, N4GJV, K4QI, K5GW, K0RZ, N9AB for an initial #49, JJ1NNJ, JA5OVU, JL1ZCG, OH2PO, DK3BU #50, OZ4MM, UR5LX, DL9KR, I2COR #51, DL9NDD #52, OE5JFL, PA3CSG, HB9SV, W7FN #53, JA2KRW, JA4BLC, G3LTF, and DF3RU for a half time score of 25x17 or 42,500 points. CWNR were WA7BBM, JA2TY, JS3SIM, KA0RYT, W7QX, 9M2BV, DK3WG, ON4KNG and EA3UM. I'm looking forward to 2nd period.


Kouichi Seki is a car radio engineer, age 33. He has had a JA high power license of 70 cm since Feb 97. His station includes 16 x 13 el LR FO yagis, a 250 w SSPA using 3 x MRF176GU (power MOS FETs) and a 2SK609 LNA. His Sun noise is 12 dB. On 70 cm in 1st part of the contest he worked on 18 Oct N2IQU, K1FO, K4QI, K5GW for initial #27, JH4JLV, JA2KRW, JL1ZCG #28, JA5OVU, UR5LX, SM3AKW, OH2PO, DK3BU, DL9KR, DL9NDD #29, DK3WG and OE5JFL, and on 29 Oct W7FN #30, K0RZ #31, K5AZU #32, OZ4MM, G3LTF #33 and ON4KNG #34 for a total of 22 QSOs. Heard were JA2TY, JO3RNL, JS3SIM, JR9NWC, UT5DL, HB9SV, W0KJY, N9AB (QRZ?), JA3IAF, JH0YSI, JA9BOH, JA4BLC, 7M2PDT, DL3EAG, ON5OF (QRZ?), G3LQR, DL4KG, DL4MEA, UA6LGH and PA3CSG. Koh's e-mail address is: Koh, JJ1NNJ


Steve found 70 cm signals excellent during the Oct contest weekend. The declination was higher than in recent contests and SWs which greatly improved his window with Japan. Activity was also very good, up quite a bit from last year. The only disappointment was the number of stations heard that Steve didn't work, but at least there will be some stations to chase in the Nov contest weekend. Steve took it a bit easier during this year's contest, getting almost 3 hours sleep the 1st night and close to 5 hours the second night. In spite of the more relaxed operating, he ended up with 105x33, up 14 QSO's from the 1st weekend last year. He worked 7 initials in the contest also up from last's years 5 initials in the 1st weekend. Worked before the contest on 05 Oct were N2IQU and KD4LT, and on 12 Oct W6IMC and KA0RYT. 70 cm EME totals for K1FO are #520 initials, 49 states and 75 DXCC.


Dave concentrated on 1296 in the 1st part of the contest -- I ended up with a weekend total of 46x25, which is better than any combined two weekend score I've ever done. The high power really helps! I was very pleased with the large number of answers to my CQ's. I thought conditions were good, with relatively low libration. I picked up 5 initials, bringing my total to #99. The system operated flawlessly all weekend - that coupled with little or no wind all weekend, made for very predictable echoes. The only really significant getaways of the weekend were 4X6UJ. Who I just plain missed, and 9H1ES who I heard and called, but the reply was covered by QRM from another station who apparently wasn't hearing him. My strangest QSO's were the TWO I had with JL1ZCG. I worked him in the 1st JA window Saturday morning, and he was very weak. On Sunday, I heard the same station, but MUCH louder- I was convinced I had copied the call wrong the 1st time, so I worked him again. Al, WB5LUA had listened in on the 1st QSO and confirmed I had a good one with ZCG, but I didn't know this till after the 2nd day. I must have worked him on his driver the 1st time!!! I will be active on 23 cm the entire 2nd weekend - I entertained thoughts of going up to 13 cm, but with my score going the way it is, it will probably be more productive staying on 23.


Russ operated the 1st contest weekend exclusively on 432 -- I had rain and wind, heavy at times, all weekend. That along with the terrible hours kept my showing rather poor. During the Contest period the following were worked. N2IQU at moonrise on my tropo antenna, followed by K1FO, OZ4MM, G3SEK, UR5LX, OH2PO, N9AB, W8MQW, KB3PD, KD4LT, ON4KNG, G4ERG, DK3FB, F1CH, G4RGK, G4ALH, OE5JFL, UA6LGH, VE6TA, CT1DMK, N2HLT, YO2IS, K9BCT, S52CW, F5AQC, WI7Z, K5AZU, KB8ZW, JS3SIM, K2OS, JR9NWC, JA2KRW, JH4JLV, JL1ZCG, HO3A, KA0RYT, JA2TY, JJ1NNJ, K0RZ, N4GJV, K5GW, JO3RNL, W7QX, HB9SUL, G4FUF, SM3AKW, DL9KR, DK3WG, UT5DL, UT5EC, G3LTF, S51ZO, JA9BOH, JH1EFA, WB2VVV, JA4BLC, 7M2PDT and JA3IAF for total of 60 x 26. The only station identified, but not worked was I2COR. I will be on 1296 the 2nd night in Nov WX permitting.


Randy concentrated on 70 cm the 1st night of the contest with some success. Unfortunately he had problems with both his 1296 PA and preamp the 2nd night. Randy hopes to have his problems resolved by the 2nd weekend, and if so will be primarily on 23. He reminds everyone -- I am operating from Florida so anyone working me should use a "4" call multiplier.


Rick on 432 worked 9 stations in 9 multipliers on the 1st contest weekend. F1ANH and UR5LX were initials #118 and #119. He says he is still getting the "FEEL" of his new array. Rick will be on for the Nov contest weekend, and hopefully will be able to work K0RZ, who he heard and called many times during the 1st weekend.


Scott is now up and running on 23 cm with 100 w in the shack. He even has SSB echoes. Prior to the contest he worked W2UHI, K5JL, ZS6AXT, KB2AH, WD5AGO, K2DH and VE1ALQ, but heard nil from VE3BQN. Scott is getting 18.4 dB of Sun noise on 70 cm. He operated on 70 cm for most of the contest, but had problems with his pol being fixed in the horiz position. He did work WB5LUA on 1296 during the contest.


Ron reports that he was active during the Oct SW, after a 6 month hiatus from EME. Ron's job requires him to work during most weekends, and this has severely curtailed his EME activity during recent years. More recently, a battle with cancer has really put a lid on things. Following a hospital stay and surgery, Ron recovered enough to remove the vines that had grown up onto his yagi array, and to clean a 6 months accumulation of insect nests out of his outdoor control box. This brought the system back to a useable condx, but he wasn't able to give it anything approaching a thorough check. Ron was only QRV for a few hours on the 18th, and found signals to be weak. He also found that his "EME ears" were quite rusty, as was his 1st! Thus, he only stayed on long enough to QSO W8MQW, RA3LE, EA8FF, F1ANH, W7QX, and make a partial with JH4JLV. Ron initially attributed his poor results to the deteriorated condition of his aged array, as the unplated copper driven elements and phasing lines have corroded, and the wood booms have warped rather badly. However, soon after moonrise, on the 19th, Ron discovered that he had an array aiming problem, and began to compensate for it. This significantly improved his results. He also felt well enough to be QRV for a longer period of time. QSOs followed with HO3A, N9AB, KA0RYT, DL9KR, UR5LX, F5FEN, DL9NDD, G3SEK, OZ4MM, CT1DMK, OH2PO, N2HLT, K3HZO, WI7Z, W6DF, K1FO, KB8ZW, WB6IMC, ON4KNG, W7CI, UT5EC, W0KJY, W6WE, WB2VVV, JA5OVU, K2OS, N2IQU, JA2KRW, K5GW, K4QI, K0RZ and JL1ZCG. Ron reports that condx seemed to be quite good, but that non- reciprocal polarity conditions frequently occurred. He hopes to recover enough to put forth a bit more time and effort during the Nov weekend.


Hoppie 1296 Contest report follows -- I was unable to get my HPA QRV for contest due to a HVPS problem, and ended up using my TH328 driver amp at 300 w output in the shack. I was not QRV the 1st day, but did work 27 stations the 2nd day, and realized how spoiled I've become with the larger HPA!! I really had to struggle with some stations to get their attention with all the other activity. Conditions were great. Stations worked on 19 Oct were KB2AH, OE9XXI, OH2AXH, EA6ADW, K5JL, OE5JFL, K2DH, VE1ALQ, F6CGJ, F2TU, K2UYH, W2UHI, ON5RR, SM3AKW, OZ4MM, WB5LUA, DJ9YW, F1ANH, OE9ERC, WD5AGO, HB9BBD, F5PAU, JH5LUZ, JA6CZD, W4RDI (great signal) and JA4BLC. Others heard but not worked were W4OP, F6KSX, ZS6AXT, DF3RU, W3XS, 9H1ES and JL1ZCG. Since the contest weekend I've isolated the HVPS problem and expect to have the HPA QRV for the 2nd contest weekend. I also had a nice visit from DF6NA on 12/14 Oct.


Bill's 1296 EME report for Oct -- After rebuilding my dirty Transco Y preamp relay, rebuilding and retuning my preamp, I have been able to achieve a receive system temp of about 70 deg K with a CS/G noise of 7.0- 7.2 dB and a Sun noise of 13.0-13.5 dB (at 85-90 SFU.) My hearing seems to be much better now. I had QSOs on 18 Oct with OE9XXI (M/O) - Peter's big signal was able to overcome the 4-5 dB of ground noise looking thru the trees, KB2AH (M/O), F6CGJ (O/O), W4OP (M/O) for initial #28 and state 10, WD5AGO (O/339), K2DH (539/559), JH5LUZ (M/O), JA4BLC (449/M) #29, K5JL (549/559) #30, WB5LUA (559/449) and CWNR F2TU - did get a QRZ from him, and on 19 Oct F1ANH (O/O), VE1ALQ (M/539), K2UYH (549/549), OE5JFL (539/549), OE9XXI (54/43) dup for the 1st ever SSB 1296 EME QSO with Alaska. I hope in Nov that more Eur stations follow the example of OE9XXI, F6CGJ, F1ANH and OE5JFL, and stay awake a little later and work until moonset. I am pretty far west and by the time I get the moon up out of the trees most Europeans and eastern US types have wimped out and gone to bed.


Zdenek was QRV on 1296 for the 1st part of the ARRL Contest. He used the big 10 m dish at the OK1CA location, with 2 x 2C39BA 170 w amp to 4 m of AIRCOM cable, and .6 dB NF MGF1302 LNA. On receive he also had a DSP filter with a 100 Hz passband. QSO'd were ZS6AXT, G3LTF, EA6ADW, HB9SV, OH2AXH, F6KSX, KB2AH, SM4DHN, S59DCD, F5PAU, K2DH, SM3AKW, F6CGJ, OE9XXI, EA3UM, WB5LUA, W4RDI, K5JL, WD5AGO, W2UHI, W4OP, HB9BBD and JH5LUZ for a total of 24x15. Heard were DD0SB, DL0SHF, DF3RU, F2TU, JL1JZG and JR4AEP. Zdenek plans to be back on with the 10 m dish in Nov with higher power. In Dec he we be QRV on 1296 from his home QTH with a 3.8 m dish. Unfortunately 432 does not seem possible because of QRM from a local TV station.


Peter worked on 70 cm during the 1st part of the ARRL EME contest 45 x 24. Initials were OE5EYM (559/449), S51ZO (O/O), KL7HFQ (O/O) and DXCC 33 and JJ1NNJ (O/O) to bring me to initial #124. Heard were W8MQW, W0KJY,and DK3BU.


Marc reports -- We were active on 1296 in the contest from 1900 on 8 Oct to 0800 on 19 Oct. Propagation was not as good as the last SW, but there were a lot of stations active. In total, Michel (ON7EH) and I worked 27 stations. Our initials were DD1XF, JH5LUZ, HB9BBD, F2TU, S59DCD, DC6UW and WD5AGO. We called another 10 stations, but the 'big guns' just walked over us, so I hope to work them in the 2nd part of the contest. We will listen for calls and regularly call CQ at about 1296.020. We can also be contacted by phone: + 32 52 37 30 41 or on my co-operator's (Mike, ON7EH) GSM: + 32 75 718 666.


Sergei (KO85ws) worked on 10 GHz 18 Oct DF7FJ (O/M) and AA5C (M/M), and on 19 Oct WA7CJO (O/O), G3WDG (M/M) and G4KCG (M/M). His station consists of 1.65 m offset dish, wall mounted on the 16th floor window of an apartment building - this limits his Az to a window from 207 deg to moonset. His receiver is based on a SAT TV LNB. The 1st stage is a NE32584C with WG input with some correction of the strip line filters. The DRO synchronized by an external 10.000000 GHz reference from an LO. The 1st IF is 368.000 MHz. If conditions are good he gets 1 dB of Moon noise. The TX is a 30 w TWTA. Separate TX and RX feedhorns are used. The TX feed is optimized for max gain, The RX feed is optimized for best noise temp. They are mechanically switched in position between TX and RX. The switching time is abt 1 sec. The Rx feed move with LNB. TX feed is connected to the TWTA by 0.5 m flexible waveguide, so it can move also.


Karl was QRV on 3 bands during the contest -- I operated 23/70/2m and will be on 13 as well next weekend. Very strong winds the 1st night made it tough to keep the dish on the moon. I worked on 18 Oct, on 1296 at 0030 G3LTF, 0040 F6KSX, 0055 ZS6AXT, 0103 EA3ADW, 0108 OH2AXH, 0130 KB2AH, 0145 F5PAU, 0201 S59DCD, 0213 F6CGJ, 0235 K5JL, 0243 OK1DFC for an initial #, 0251 OE9XXI, 0326 W2UHI, 0331 HB9BBD, 0403 WD5AGO, 0451 HB9SV, 0514 K2DH and 0604 WB5LUA, on 432 at 1809 UR5LX, 1815 UT5DL, 1826 OH2PO, 1835 JJ1NNJ, 1847 DK3BU, 1857 JA5OVU, 2017 DK3WG, 2024 9M2BV, 2028 HB9SV and 2053 JA4BLC, back on 1296 at 2058 JA4BLC, (on 144 at 2116 to work JA4BLC on 3 bands in 23 mins) and 2133 F1ANH, on 432 at 2156 EA3UM and 2158 ON4KNG, on 1296 at 2235 JH5LUZ, on 432 at 2345 I2COR and 2345 PA3CSG, and on 19 Oct, on 432 at 0027 K1FO, 0038 N2IQU, 0143 YO2IS, 0150 OZ4MM, 0201 UA6LGH, 0208 CT1DMK, 0225 DK3FB, 0232, 0252 UT5EC, 0307 K0RZ, 0314 K4QI, 0318 K5GW, 0323 DL9NDD, 0333 G4FUF, 0336 WA4NJP, 0341 G3LTF, 0350 ON5OF, 0403 EA3DXU, 0521 EA8FF and 0530 DL6NAA, on 1296 at 0549 K2UYH, 0557 N6BQ (nice fist Hoppie!), 0600 DF3RU, 0504 OZ4MM, 0525 DC6UW # and 0630 VE1ALQ, on 432 W7CI, 0719 W7FN, 0725 DL4KG, 0735 OE5JFL, 0745 OE5EYM, 0816 N9AB and 2115 JA9BOH, on 1296 at 2219 OE9ERC and 2238 DJ9YW, and on 432 at 2258 DF3RU. Moonrise on Sunday at 1745 yielded very low activity. I made only 4 QSOs up to 2300 and then went QRT. I ended the weekend with 42x14 on 432 and 29x15 on 1296 - (on 144 I had 14x10). Next weekend I will be on 13 cm as well the 1st night.


Lars writes that he is working on an array of 8 x 17lb2 yagis for 144 MHz. He does not plan to be back on 70 cm during the coming year. Lars is very disturbed by the ARRL's handing of the results from the last EME contest. He knows that besides his own scores those of OH2PO and JA4BLC did not appear in the contest report. He send in his logs via e-mail and got confirmation that they were received. Lars has written 4 times to Bill Lunt at the ARRL asking for a explanation, but so far has received no reply. [Lars' comments are echoed in another letter we received from Matti, OH2PO at e-mail: Matti, OH2PO ]


Sergej was active on 18-19 Oct on 432 MHz during the contest. He ended with a score of 96x35. Initials were YL3AG, N2HLT, W3ADO, F1CH, OE5EYM, W6VPH, DH5NAH, W7KK/6 and ZS6PT to bring him to #330. He found activity good from the U (31 QSOs) and JA (12 QSOs), but poor from EUR and nil from VK/ZL.


Grant says he has not been very active lately but that he did managed to get on for the 1st leg of the contest -- I operated 432 the 1st night and 144 the 2nd. Conditions on 432 seemed excellent for stations with polarity rotation as 90% of signals were worked/heard in vertical polarity at my QTH. I QSO'd on 432 N2IQU, OH2PO, OE5JFL, UR5LX, I2COR for initial #56 and a new DXCC, K4QI, K1FO, DL9KR (huge signal), OZ4MM, F1ANH #57, F5AQC #58, K0RZ, ON4KNG, DK3BU #59, K2UYH, N9AB #60 and a new state, W7FN, VE1ALQ, JA5OVU and JL1ZCG for a total of 20x16. I have installed the 23 cm feed back in the dish and all seems to work okay, so with any luck I will see everyone on 1296 in the Nov.


Frank scored 40x24 on 23 cm. He made 3 initials with DD0SD, OH2AXH and JL1ZCG to bring his total to #99. Frank had a dial encoder problem with his Kenwood TS-870D and bought a TS-570D which works better as a tunable IF than TS-870D. Frank is on the Moon on 23 cm just about every night looking for random QSOs.


Warren did some SWLing with his single yagi during the 1st part of the contest, and reports hearing the following: 18 Oct at 0354 OH2OP (559) -V on 432.016, 0404 DL9KR (449) -H on 432.012, 0412 K2UYH 449 -V on 432.015, 0436 N2IQU (439) -V on 432.011, 1120 K1FO (439) -H on 432.009 and 1127 N2IQU (439) -V on 432.011, and on 19 Oct at 1159 WB2VVV (439) -V on 432.019, 1201 K1FO (449) -V on 432.009, 1205 K3HZO (449) -V on 432.015, 1235 N2IQU (559) -H -H on 432.011 and 1307 JL1ZCG (439) -H on 432.015. Warren is still using the single, 9 WL crossed-yagi array, 28 elements each. Doppler shift and narrow filters made it possible to separate the echoes and direct signals from local signals.


Paul operated 13 cm exclusively during the contest. The 1st day he worked OK1KIR and OE9ERC and heard one unidentified station. He had only a partial with JH3EAO and hear nil otherwise in the JA window. In Nov Paul will be looking for JAs on 13 cm at 1045 on Saturday and 1130 on Sunday.


Paul (DM12ju) is now QRV on 3 cm. He has 1.6-1.7 dB of Moon noise and about 20 w at the feed. His TWT is mounted at the focus of his dish through 1' length of PTFE coax with a dia the same as RG58 and two relays. He can copy (M) grade echoes, but has manual aiming of the dish which forces him to break transmissions in order to aim the dish. His 1st QSO was with WB5LUA followed by WA7CJO. During the contest Paul was QRV on 10 GHz and 144 MHz with single yagi. On 10 GHz he QSO'd: AA5C, G3WDG, G4KGC and WA7CJO. Later he heard Jim and Charlie on SSB. Jim was very good copy, Charlie was very weak. Paul has improved his RX system, and is now getting 2.6 dB of Moon noise and "O" copy echoes. His window starts at EL > 20 deg. He will be QRV in Nov.


Charlie was on 23 cm for the 1st session of the contest on Friday, but had to quit after problems developed with his amp and the dish -- I worked 4 stations before things came to a halt. It is all fixed again, so I will be back in Nov. The past few months I have had a continuing problem with the elevation drive and motor. I had a difficult time finding a motor with the right torque that would fit in the space available. Things don't seem to get done as fast as they used to, but eventually they get done. So look for me off the moon.


Chris has expanded his 70 CM array from 4 to 8 modified M2 18 el yagis. For rotation he uses a combination of an M2 MT- 3000 elevation rotator and a TIC Ring-Rotor model 1022B. During the contest Chris worked K1FO, N2IQU, K2UYH, K5AZU for an initial #, OH2PO, K5GW #, N9AB #, partial W7FN, N4GJV, K4QI # and JL1ZCG #. Heard were JA5OVU, K2OS, OZ4MM, VE1ALQ and K3HZO.


Al has been very busy on 10 GHz during the past month. He added initial QSOs with RW3BP, W6/SM0PYP, DF0OVH and I4CHY. During the contest Al concentrated on 1296 and added 4 new ones including 4X6UJ.


Tommy found conditions good on 23 cm in the contest. He worked 43x? and added 6 initials to bring his total to #135. His new YL1050 amp ran fairly well; it does heat up the garage. In Nov Tommy will split his time between 70 cm and 2 m with the assistance of his college students. He has a new e-mail address.


Gayland reports working 27 stations on 432 during the 1st weekend of the contest. He added 3 initials with OE5EYM, EA3UM and G3SEK. Gayland will be QRV in Nov.


Ivo had only 4.5 hours for the 1st Moon pass in Oct -- I worked the following stations on 23 cm on the 1st day: OK1DFC, HB9SV, F6KSX, SM4DHN, EA6ADW, HB9BBD, OH2AXH, G3LTF, SM3AKW, EA3UM, KB2AH, W2UHI, F6CGJ, S59DCD, K5JL, K2DH, WD5AGO, F5PAU, VE1ZJ, OE9XXI and W4OP [in FL]. CWNR were W3XS, DF3RU, KB0PYO, W7GBI and WB5LUA (on the horizon). On the next pass I added JH5LUZ, F2TU, OE5JFL, PA3CSG, JL1ZCG for initial #123, I6QGA, F1ANH, DJ9YW, ON5RR, JA6CZD #124, JA4BLC, DD1XF, OZ4MM, DD0SB #125, OE9ERC, DC6UW #126, K2UYH and WA8WZG. CWNR were N6BQ (for about an hour!), 4X6UJ, DF3RU and KD4LT, and heard WB0TEM(?). On my 3rd pass (only 4 hours) I worked only IK6EIW and DH9FAG for a total of 42x23. There was very low activity during this period. Many stations when they finish their QSOs do not listen on and around their frequency for somebody calling them. I would expect the "big guns" to give a chance to smaller stations. On 13 cm I worked during the 2nd pass only JA4BLC and LA8LF. No other stations were heard. But the problem is to know when others are on. I can now quickly change from 23 to 13 cm, (max. time is 5 mins), so if somebody is QRV, please let me know, and I will QSY. We definitely need an activity plan for 13 cm for the 2nd part of the contest. Conditions were good WX wise so I was able to use my CCTV camera. This is great help, especially for 13 cm, with the play in my AZ drive. I now have a water jacket for the YD1304, one finished for the cone connection and a 2nd nearly finished for the M14x1mm thread connection, (very expensive special tap, hi), and hope to have my 13 cm PA water cooled in Nov. With our high altitude here (nearly 6000 ft.a.s.l.) the air cooling is much less efficient and the 1304 does not like it! I will probably have some extra water jackets for the M14x1mm connection, if somebody is interested. But only after I test the 1st one. (Large inlet/outlet tubing, 1/2" dia, jacket is 50 mm dia. The center is made from copper. The rest is brass.) On 6 cm I am now getting 5 W output, enough to drive the 20 W PA, which will be located at the feed. I am working on LNAs and the horn. If nothing happens, I should be QRV before the end of this year. My no-tune transverter is made completely on G-10 PCB, only the power stages and LNA are on Duroid PTFE PCB with up to 40 mw output all with ERA MMICs. Where can one find some good info on directional couplers for this band? I found only one article on how to make these from semirigid coax.


As in the past, I operated the contest multi-op with the assistance of K2TXB and KC2TA. We worked on 432 the 1st night at 0329 DL9KR (579/579), 0335 W8MQW (559/449), 0340 ON5OF (559/559), 0345 G4ERG (559/569), 0350 G4ALH (559/559), 0359 UA6LGH (559/559), 0403 G4RGK (559/559), 0409 UT5DL (559/559), 0433 OZ4MM (569/569), 0439 DK3FB (549/559), 0459 OH2PO (569/549), 0514 F1ANH (559/559), 0526 G3SEK (449/559), 0532 N9AB (559/559), 0538 WI7Z (559/559), 0553 K0RZ (449/449), 0605 CT1DMK (449/559), 0616 VE6TA (559/559), 0625 W7QX (559/559), 0630 DK3BU (559/569), 0638 W7CI (559/579), 0642 I5CTE (559/559), 0651 WA7BBM (569/559), 0659 W7FN (559/569), 0713 KA0RYT (559/559), 0733 G5FUF (449/559), 0747 OE5JFL (559/559), 0753 VE1ALQ (559/559), 0757 F5AQC (559/559), 0824 KL7HFQ (449/549), 0952 K5AZU (569/579), 0959 N2IQU (579/579), 1025 WB2VVV (449/O), 1105 H03A (449/539) and 1120 JA9NWC (559/559), and the next night switched to 1296 at 0318 K5JL (569/569), 0320 OH2AXH (569/569), 0330 OE5JFL (559/559), 0340 DD0SB (579/579) for initial #150, 0345 EA6ADW (559/559), 0348 OE9XXI (579/579), 0352 ZS6AXT (559/579), 0355 K2DH (569/569), 0358 KB2AH (589/569), 0400 WB5LUS (559/559), 0404 W4RDI (559/559), 0407 W2UHI/8 (569/579), 0411 KB0PYO (559/529), 0413 W4OP (559/559), 0418 S59DCD (559/589), 0421 F6KXS (559/559), 0429 ON5RR (559/559), 0434 F2TU (559/559), 0440 OE9ERC (559/559), 0443 F6CGJ (569/569), 0512 WD5AGO (559/559), 0522 OZ4MM (569/569), 0529 WA4OFS (549/559), 0536 N6BQ (559/559), 0551 SM3AKW (559/559), 0550 VE1ZJ (449/559), 0626 VE1ALQ (569/569), 0635 DJ9YW (559/579), 0645 F1ANH (569/559), 0709 F5PAU (559/559), 0723 HB9BBD (549/579), 0756 DC6CW (56/56) on SSB, 0826 NL7F (549/5349), 1116 JL1ZCG (O/O) #151, 1241 JH5LUZ (549/539) and 1302 JA6CZD (O/O) #152 for 35x22 on 70 cm and 37x23 on 23 cm. The tree blockage gets worse every year and is now a major problem to the west as well as the east. It is amazing we made any JA QSOs. During our last contact with JA6CZD, the dish was more than 80% blocked by trees. Hopefully enough of the leaves will be off the trees to help in Nov.


OM1TL copied 80 stations on their new 6.4 m dish, but had TX problems and only worked OH2PO. They'll be back for the next weekend. OM1TF and OM1TL are the same station (father/son).

G3SEK operated on 432 only during the 1st part of the Contest and ended with 43x28. New QSOs were S52CW, SM3BYA, WI7Z, F1ANH and F5AQC.

JA7BMB has closed down (QRT) his 2424 operation temporally in order to concentrate on becoming QRV on 6 cm EME.

JF3HUC has finally received a special 500 w license on 23 cm EME. Yoshi- taka has 6 m dish.

UA4API made 6 QSOs during the contest with a single BV yagi and 1 kW.

N2HLT is QRV on 432 with 18.8 dB of Sun noise. He worked 6 and is looking for skeds. His e-mail address is N2HLT

EA6SA is a new station (JM19ko) on 70 cm. He has EA6ADW's old antennas.

WL7U is the new call of AL7JM.

K3HZO is now QRV again on 70 cm. He will also be shortly QRV on 23 cm with 200 w and a 11' dish.

4X6UJ was QRV on 1296 for the contest with a much improved signal.

EA6SA (IM19) is almost QRV on 70 cm. He did not make a QSO but was heard during Oct.

WB4BKC Andy is QRV on 432 from Pompano Beach, FL (EL96) with 900 w and an array of 4 x 18 el yagis.

UT3LL is a new station who hopes to be QRV on 70 cm in Nov from KO80.

PA3CSG reports working JL1ZCG on 3 bands in 3 hours.

F/G8MBI, Graham at e-mail: [Graham] will be listening on 70 cm from (JN04ft) in Nov.

RV4AQ is a new 432 station with 100 w and 4 yagis in (LN28gm).

DL9KR scored 115x40 on 70 cm. Jan had possible initials with OH2BYJ, VK2BE, WB4BKC and W7KK/6.

K5JL 39x? on 1296.

KA0RYT worked 16x? on 70 cm. He had 2 guest operators. N0HJZ and KB0TZA. NOTE that the calls N0HJZ & KB0TZA are same station as KA0RYT. Activity seemed better later in his window.

OZ4MM worked 86x33 on 70 cm and 34x19 on 23 cm. Stig has a new e-mail address: OZ4MM . He heard LU4HO on 432.

DK3WG active on 70 cm, but had problems with trees (180-230 deg az) to states.

NU7Z was on 5760.1, but OE9ERC did not hear from him.

W7FN 18x14 on 70 cm.

VE1ALQ worked 28x? on 70 cm and 28x? on 23 cm.

W0KJY 11x10 on 70 cm.

EA8FF worked 24x17.

W4OP worked 26x? on 23 cm.

K0RZ worked 56x26 on 70 cm with 9 initials. He spent most of his time with vertical pol and plans to go horizontal to pick up more NA stations next time around.

K7XC operated multiop with W7KK, and worked 6x6.

JA5OVU worked 61x27 on 432.

UT5EC worked 26x? on 70 cm.

OE5JFL scored on 70 cm 91x35, on 23 cm 43x23 and on 2 m 68x26 for a 202x84 total.

G4ALH QSO'd 20x16 on 70 cm.

W7QX worked 20x16 on 432.

KA0RYT ended with 20x15 on 70 cm.

KB0PYO scored 8x5 on 23 cm.

HB9BBD worked 38x24 on 1296 with 4 initials to bring his total up to #88. He hopes to be QRV with his new dish by the end of Dec.

W4TJ listened during the contest on 23cm and heard 28 stations. Bill hopes to be QRV on TX for the 2nd half.


DD1XF has fore sale a complete 23 cm PA for TH 308/328/338 with one tube, ready to use. He also has a W2IMU short feed with hybrid for pick up only. Contact Frank at e-mail Frank, DD1XF

HB9BHU/AB0GG has for sale an Autek Reseasrch SWR/Impedance Analyzer 6 m to 70 cm for $US150 and a Timewave DSP-599zx for $195 - (Super DSP engine for EME purposes! he bought DSP transceiver - so, he don't need it longer). Contact Fred at tel ++1 (314) 432 20 39, FAX (314) 432 27 90 or e-mail < A HREF="mailto:fschuetz@schurter.com"> Fred, HB9BHU/AB0GG

W6EMD, has a 10 w, 10 GHz TWT (no power supply), Rantec part No. P-2169 with matting connector for sale for $200. Contact Dave at e-mail: W6EMD

KB3PD has a single tube 3CX800 70 cm PA for sale with power supply. Email or call Rick before 0230 Z on weeknights for more information.

WD5AGO has for sale a 70 cm 3CX800 amp w/ps for $US700; 8 F9FT 70 cm antennas (his old portable array in boxes) for $US225; and 23 cm LNAs with .3 dB NF and 30 dB gain (S11 > 5dB). Contact Tommy at FAX 918 256 1315 or e-mail at WD5AGO

KB2AH has a full line of cavity amps and 1, 2, 4 and 6 tube ring amps, lin/circular feed horns and LNAs for 432 and 1296. Tom also has mounting blocks for K1FO yagis. For full details see: Tom, KB2AH's 1296 WEB Page for more details and pricing info e- mail KB2AH or phone 908-223-5067, FAX 908- 223-0901 (24 hrs) or voice 908-223-8124


*K1RQG has asked me to correct the NL masthead, and remind everyone that the 20 m 432 and Above EME Net starts 10 AM EASTERN TIME on Saturdays and After the VARO net on Sundays.

* W0KJY is recovering from a failed hard drive that caused him to lose all the Standings data. He is putting together a new data base and asks stations to list their standing at the end of their reports or send the information directly to him.

* There are very few skeds (3) this month because of the contest.

* Please keep the reports and technical material coming. E-mail is the best way to submit a report, but reports are accepted in all forms. I plan to be on 70 cm the 1st day and on 23 cm the next, and will be looking for you off the Moon

PARIS 1998

WHERE ARE YOU ? Some big guns and eminent operators, who used to pay a visit to every EME conference, have not yet pre-registered. Hurry up, we are going to close the pre-registrations very soon, and open phase 2 which is registration. Remember that priority will be given to pre-registered people. There are now (Oct. 30, 1997) 63 different hams to have done their homework. What are the others waiting for?


When: Aug. 8/9, 1998. Where: Paris City (14e arrondissement). The Conference itself will be held in a nice and calm conference center. We will be booking in two different hotels. IMPORTANT: Hotel bookings: we book Friday Night and Saturday night, and you book other nights if any, with the same hotel if you want, at conference price (quite lower than normal). In response to a few inquiries: Children will get a reduced rate ticket.


CONFERENCE, TECHNICAL MATTERS: More proposed a conference talks are needed. Any ideas, any volunteers? Please send your papers as soon as possible. Every registered ham is invited to send some information on his station and two or more photos, with the operator and the aerials. This is all to be published in the proceedings. Send electronic files by Email to: F1EHN / floppy disk (3.5") or photos to: Jean-Jacques MAINTOUX, 30 rue de Villacoublay, F78140 VELIZY, FRANCE.

73 from the EME PARIS 1998 crew.

Skeds for NOV 16

Time   432.055

0200z  HP3XUG-G4FUF
0230z  WA8WZG-G4FUF
0600z  KL7HFQ-G4FUF

This information was obtained from Scott, KD4LT

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For Comments or corrections: Rein, W6/PA0ZN