FEBRUARY 1999 VOL 27 #2


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.


*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




There is sad news to report this month. GM3JFG, Iain passed away at the age 85, just a few days ago. Iain was not real active on EME the last few years due to his illness, but was a regular on 432 EME not that long ago. In fact he was the only active EME station from GM. With Iain's passing Jim, GM4TXX, who reported Iain death, plans to restart GM on the Moon.

There is not much to say about the 1st Jan SW conditions. They appeared reasonably good at this location, but there was a great deal of activity because of WX and the holiday season. The 2nd Jan SW should be more up beat with the 2nd SSB EME Contest on 1296 - see rules below. This should also be a good warm up for the 1296 part of the REF/DUBUS EME Contest which is schedules for the Feb SW. Full contest rules are at the end of this NL.

Expect extra Moon activity during the weekend of 22/23 Jan for the ARRL's Jan VHF Contest. EME contacts count in this contest which is on all bands above 50 MHz and requires the exchange of only your 4-character grid square (FN20). WA8WZG has organized a special contest station which will be operating from EN81 - see his report.

SSB EME CONTEST: The 2nd NL 23 cm EME SSB Contest is scheduled for the 30/31 Jan SW. To encourage maximum participation the contest time period corresponds to the 2nd SW Moon operating day. The contest starts at local moonrise on Saturday 30 Jan, (This is the 2nd moonrise of the SW, the 1st is on Friday afternoon local time), and ends on the following moonset on Sunday 31 Jan. Scoring will be contact points times number of large Grid Sectors (IO, JM, FN, ...). SSB to SSB contacts will count as 2 points. SSB to CW (or CW to SSB) 1 point. CW as well as SSB stations may enter the contest. The exchange is your 2 letter Grid Sector. Operation may be by single or multiple operator stations. No distinction for scoring will be made. Only one callsign per station may be used during the contest. Contest logs should be sent to the K2UYH before March 14th. The results of the contest will be announced in the NL and special certificates issued to the highest scoring stations. Last years contest was well-attended and great fun. Expectations are for an even greater turnout this year.


Greg worked LX1DB (M/459) on 3 cm on 27 Dec for initial #18. He had good EME conditions and WX for the sked. Polarization was linear, horizontal in the US/Canada and vertical at LX1DB.

Ernst is now QRV on 3 cm and interested in skeds. He can hear his own echoes with a 4 m dish, 20 W TWTA and 1.3 dB NF LNA.

Stephan writes from Austria -- On 27 Dec, I saw by accident the EME News of DF3RU in the DX-Cluster. I tuned in on the Moon on 70 cm and heard him loud and clear. I decided to switch on my amplifier. After fixing a small problem with the preamp, I worked K1FO (539/439) - real loud sigs and N2IQU (559/539) - even louder. Then I called CQ and worked N4GJV (O/O) and my last initial for 1998 W7CNK (O/O) #46. The next day I went to PA0 on vacation and came back on Sunday, 3 Jan, just in time to catch moonrise. Heard were JA5OVU as strong as usual, DF3RU and DL9NDD, but I didn't switch on the amp. I will be QRV for the next SW and will be looking for KD4LT, W7BBM and JA5NNS.

Gerald reports on the 1st Jan SW -- I worked on 432 DF3RU, DJ3FI for initial #52, SM2CEW, JA5OVU, PA3CSG and OE5EYM #53. K1FO was heard very loud when his moon was at 3 deg elevation, but couldn't call him because I had just switched off the PA. the condition were changing fast. I will move from grid JO31 to JN48 in the middle of this year. So, if someone needs DL4KG as an initial from JO31, they should hurry. I will dismantle the rig in June/July and as I have no new QTH yet, I don't know when I will be back on EME. I can be contacted for skeds via e-mail at
Gerald, DL4KG

Juergen is QRV on 432 and interested in skeds -- I have on 432 MHz 4 22 el yagis and 1.2 kW. I am planning to expand my array to 4 x 28 el yagis in the spring. To the west, I need an elevation > 10 deg (QRM from Hannover-city), preferably > 25 deg. To the east, I can work from moonrise without any problems. During the last month I worked on 26 Dec OE3JPC (O/O) for initial #92 and I5MPK (559/549), on 2 Jan K1OR (0/0) #93, JA5OVU (549/549), DF3RU (549/549) and F5FLN (449/549), and on 3 Jan K1FO (449/549). Tests on 01, 02 and 03 Jan with WL7U were negative on both sides.

Jan reports superb conditions in both parts of the contest with no pol offset whatsoever in Eur. On Friday 4 Dec freezing rain was predicted, but this fortunately did not materialize. His contest log reads as follows: 10 Oct DK3FB, S52CW, DL9NDD, JA2TY, UT3LL, YO2IS, G4ERG, HA1YA, SV1BTR, UT5DL, F1ANH, JA5OVU, HB9SV, DJ5MN, JL1ZCG, OH2PO, S57Q, EA3DXU, 9H1BN, FOR INITIAL #701, and DXCC 82, ON5OF, CT1DMK, F5AQC, K1FO, UR5LX, ZS6PT, W8MQW, OH2DG, F5KDK, DL7APV, DK3WG, SM3AKW, WA9FWD, K2UYH, VE1ALQ, W7CNK, I5TDJ, G4ALH, N9AB, DF3RU, G3HUL, N4GJV, DK8VS, KR5V, UA6LGH, IK5QLO, KB4CNI #702, (NL7Z), K5WXN, K0RZ, W6WE, W7QX, W7KK/6, W7GBI, K7XD, K6DV, DL6NAA, OZ4MM, S51ZO, DL3EAG, UA9FAD, JJ1NNJ, JA5NNS, JH1EFA, JR1RCH, (DH1NHI), JJ3JHP, DL4MEA, 7M2PDT, F5FLN, SK4BX, JH4JLV, JS3SIM, DJ6MB, S57RA #703, EA2LY and OE5JFL, on 11 Oct G3LTF, DL1YMK #704, IK5WJD, G4BRK #705, KA0RYT, K9BCT, PA2CHR, WB2VVV, HO3A, DL8OUB, K1OR, N7LQ, WA7TZY, W0KJY, W7HAH and KL7HFQ, on 5 Dec VE1ZJ, GD4IOM, N2IQU, F6CGJ, KD4LT, OE5EYM, DL6WU, OZ6OL #706, N2HTL, WE2Y, G4RGK, UA4API, K5AZU, NC1I, W1ZX, W7CI, W7ALW #707, DJ3FI #708, W5ZN, WD5AGO, WW2R #709, K5GW, (ON4CIW/A), I5CTE, I5MPK, W7BBM, W7FN, IK2EAD, OM1TL, OH2BYJ, G3LQR, VK4AFL, PA3CSG, JH1XUJ, SM2CEW, IK6EIW and IN3KLQ, and on 6 Dec UT1PA, KU3T, WA4NJP, DL4KG, (DL5MAE), DK5MV and (DL0DYW). Contest points were not claimed for calls listed in (), i.e., NL7Z = KL7HFQ, ON4CIW/4 = ON5FF, DL0DYW = DJ5MN, DL5MAE = DJ5MN and DH1NHI = DL6NAA. Other dups were not shown in the log. On 5 Dec at 0440 Jan was called by a VE3??? whose suffix got lost in the QSB. Jan's final score was 131x40. After the contest he worked EG3TVC, a special event station in Barcelona.

Michel was QRV again on 432 during the 1st Jan SW. He worked JA5OVU, DL8OBU, DL7APV, I5MPK, OZ4MM, I5TDJ and JS3SIM for initial #79. Michel CWNR JH4JLV.

Dom writes -- I am in the process of building a multi-band microwave EME station with my main interest in the 6 and 3 cm bands. I already have build transverters for both bands and have 20 W TWTAs on both bands. I have a 3 m solid 12 GHz Andrew dish. I have been QRV on 144 MHz EME in the past. On that band there is plenty of info on EME. Lots of articles on how to get QRV on 144/432 EME where published, but nothing really complete on microwaves. It is really a problem. I saw articles by DF7FJ, but only roughly on the propagation aspect of EME. I haven't seen any on hardware. I am interested in getting info on tracking the moon, rotors used, or any other systems. It is in my opinion the most critical part of the job is tracking. (The software part is OK with F1EHN and other's). I haven't seen yet a complete article describing the system used for Moon noise measurement, only partial schematics. Same about pol to use. [MW EME is not that different from EME on 70 and 23 cm. I suggest you contact W5LUA and the NTMS. They have an excellent NL. DUBUS is also packed with Microwave EME related articles.]

Simon says -- My activity last month was low during the Dec SW as WX was poor and late night activity is not my best. I will try to be on for 30/31 Jan SW on 23 cm again. My GS90 amp for 13 cm is going, but not complete. It looks like another month before I get the 13 cm system ready for Moon tests. My e-mail address is:
G3LQR, Simon

Peter writes -- The WX has been very difficult for EME with high winds. I was not able to operate in the early hours of 2 Jan due to a very strong gale and notified all sked partners that I could reach by email. In the evening it calmed down a bit and on 432 MHz I worked JA5NNS for initial #335 with good signals. A later sked with IK5QLO didn't work, although his sigs were good copy. Heard were JH4JLM, SM2CEW, OZ4MM and I5MPK. On 1296 I was able to operate in the early hours of 3 Jan and QSO'd W7SZ for initial #142 with nice copy, but nil from WA9OUU presumably due to the ice storm in the US. Heard were VE4MA, CT1DMK, DJ9QS and GW3XYW. By the evening the wind was up to gale force again and so no operation was possible on my sked with 9H1ES. I have been working on a better way of joining my 1.75" TX cable that will give me more power at the antenna on 13 cm, but need a good patch of WX to install it.

Csaba reports on his group's Jan results -- We were active in Jan on 1296 during the 1st SW. I heard few stations and completed only 5 QSOs - all were on random. QSO'd were on 02 Jan at 0028 W2UHI (449/429), 0036 K5JL (559/539), 0230 partial W2UHI with K3HZO - I have to apologize, I missed 2 calls due to sked/relay switching problems and 2143 HB9SV (569/559), and on 03 Jan at 0030 nil ON5RR sked, 0100 nil K2DH sked, 0123 K5JL (569/549), 0130 nil VE3BQN sked, 0151 F1ANH (449/539), 0200 nil K9ZZH sked, 0230 nil IK6EIW sked, 0300 nil WD5AGO sked, 0330 nil VE4MA sked, 0400 nil N6BQ sked, 0430 W7GBI sked, 1930 nil VK5MC sked and 2200 nil GW3XYW sked.

Dominique has some comments on the contest -- I truly enjoyed the contest with the new antenna. Basically everything seemed possible! I do remember the times when I heard just one station with the old 2.4 m dish - HI. The equipment allowed uninterrupted operation throughout the entire contest time. I made initial contacts on 23 cm with 12 stations: JA7BMB, W6HD, OE5EYM, NU7Z, IK3GHY, DH9FAG, DJ5MN, LU9EDR, IK2RTI, JF3HUC, W3XS, WA9OUU and KB0PYO. This brings me up to Initial #124. I remember very well the EME conference in Washington DC, when KB2AH and K5JL were upset about stations winning the contest as a result of private skeds with tropo stations. Tommy said that such stations will always score better than true random contesters. This year, since I could hear everybody on the band, I recognized how right he was. I have nothing against skeds, on the other hand, I believe these practices discourage competitive contest operation, and cause stations not to announced their scores. I hope we can convince everybody that secret skeds are not in the spirit of contesting. [I am afraid that I am not in total agreement. It is often hard to judge what is "secret" and what is just "last minute." It is "nice" to try to publicize such skeds, but this is not always possible - and who should be on the list? Such skeds often bring stations on the Moon who would not be there otherwise and thus ultimately result in more Moon activity.]

Andrea reports on his TA operation plans -- I haven't received much feedback yet. I'm now considering going by car, if I can persuade HB9DGX to come with me. In this case I can use parts of my home 432 EME station. I expect to be abroad from the end April to Oct due to my job. So, I must get ready soon. Activity during one leg of the '99 ARRL Contest is under consideration.

Piero was active quite a few hours on Saturday 2 Jan -- I found conditions fairly good and Faraday rotation allowed me to hear my own echoes most of the time. I worked on 70 cm JA5OVU, DF3RU, F5FLN, K1FO, OE5EYM and SM2CEW. CWNR DL4KG and heard PA3CSG, OH2DG and N2IQU. Here in Italy a new regulation regarding electromagnetic radiation safety levels has been issued. We have to calculate the amateur station field levels in residential areas, as you have to do in USA since 1998. Of course we must consider also buildings roofs and walls attenuation. Do you know where building attenuation data can be found? [Can anyone one help with this information? I know such information is available for cellular telephone applications. I would like to publish a summary in the NL.]

Tom reports on his 70 cm contest activity -- I ended the contest with 87x29. Stations worked were on 10 Oct F1ANH for initial #189, DL9KR, N9AB, K4QI, KR5V, K0RZ - my 1000th EME QSO, N4GJV, WA9FWD #190, K5GW, W7QX, K1FO, W7CI, 7M2PDT, W8MQW, W7CNK, JH4JLV, N7LQ, JL1ZCG, K7XD, JA5NNS, SM3AKW, DL8OBU, OH2PO, DL6NAA, S51ZO, UT3LL, DJ6MB, OM1TL, DL3EAG, HA1YA, OZ4MM, DJ5MN #191 and OE5JFL, on 11 Oct HO3A, N2IQU, W7BBM, K5WXN, WB2VVV #192, WE2Y, JA4BLC, JS3SIM, W7HAH, W7KK/6, KL7HFQ, UR5LX, EA3DXU, UT5DL, G4ERG and IK5QLO, on 7 Nov VE1ZJ #193, VK4AFL, JH1XUJ, DL9NDD, OM1TL, DL8OBU, UT3LL, I5CTE, DL3EAG, on 8 Nov UT3LL, DL8OBU, OZ6OL #194, DL4KG, DL3EAG, on 5 Dec K2UYH, KA0RYT, WD5AGO, JH1XUJ, W7KK/6 dupe, DL8OBU dupe, DL7APV #195, OH2DG, JJ1NNJ, DL4MEA, DF3RU, G3LQR, OZ6OL, S52CW, F5FLN, I5CTE, I5TDJ, G3HUL, F6CGJ, IK5WJD, SV1BTR, ON5OF, DK3FB, IN3KLQ, G4RGK, PA3CSG, S57RA #196, DL1YMK #197, F5KDK and IK2EAD, on 6 Dec K1OR #198, K9BCT #199, KD4LT, JA3IAF, DL9NDD, DL4KG, G3SEK, GD4IOM #200, I5MPK and OE5EYM, and on 12 Dec W7CNK and W7QX. [Tom can be reached at e-mail:

Harry had problems during the 1st Jan SW -- Unfortunately I had a failure of the T/R relay at the dish feed. It was very intermittent and could not be trusted. I thus was not QRV for my 3 Jan skeds. I sent e-mails to all skeds except S59DCD, IK3GHY and DC6UW, whom I tried to reach via FAX. With the help of K3BFA I have removed the preamp/relay box at the dish and have isolated the relay problem. I should be QRV in Feb. However, I will be traveling to the UK on business until 20 Jan. I will not be able to reinstall the preamp/relay box until I return and contingent upon the WX.

Cowle's array was damaged in an ice storm just before the 1st Jan SW and he was thus unable to make his skeds. He apologizes to all that he had skeds with. Cowle now has finished repairs and is ready for skeds again. He should be QRV for the 2nd Jan SW on 432.

Roger's antennas are damaged -- I had sustained winds of over 50 mph and 2 of my yagis were bent, the el control is off by 22 degs and my az controll is off by 10 degs. If it warms up, I will drop the array and try to repair it. The antenna system load up fine though.

Willi is now active on 3.4 and 10 GHz -- On 27 Dec I made 3 QSOs on 10 GHz with AA5C, W5LUA and VE4MA in less than 1 hour. Signals from AA5C were (459), W5LUA (559) and VE4MA (O). I had 30 W from a transistor amp. I believe this was the 1st 10 GHz QSO with a transistor PA. [Sorry, but 3 cm solid state QSOs have been made before. The 1st was by OH2AXH in Aug 1995.] I used a 3.7 m Orbitron dish and NEC 325 preamp with waveguide flange directly mounted to a waveguide switch. I also have 9 cm operating with 35 W to a circular pol feed similar to the feeds I use on 1296 and 2304. I am just waiting for skeds.

Erich's EME report for Jan -- I had very good contest- weekends, even though 10 min before the end of the 2nd weekend my elevation drive broke. The last station heard was SM2CEW, but I could not work him. On both contest weekends I worked on 23 cm the following new stations: DF4PV, OE5EYM, W4JSS, WA9OUU, W7SZ, IK2RTI, JF3HUC, RW3BP and my #200 initial with DL8OBU. On 7/8 Nov on 5760 MHz I worked CT1DMK for initial #16 and DXCC 12 (1st CT- OE QSO), OK1KIR, I6PNN, OE9PMJ, VE4MA, W5LUA, JA7BMB, SM4DHN and IK2RTI. I hope to have repaired my elevation drive by the next SW. Results from the ARRL contest were 81x36 on 23 cm, 14x13 on 13 cm and 9x8 on 6 cm. My EME standings are as follows: 432 MHz #126, 27 DXCC, 22 WAS and 24 fields, 1296 MHz #200 35 DXCC, 28 WAS and 29 fields, 2300 MHz #44, 19 DXCC, 8 WAS and 15 fields, 5760 MHz #16, 12 DXCC, 2 WAS and 7 fields, and 10367 MHz #11, 7 DXCC, 3 WAS and 8 fields.

Zdenek is preparing for the 23 cm SSB Contest on 30/31 Jan. He will be calling on SSB, but will also look for CW stations. He ended 1998 on 1296 with the following EME Standings: initial #70 (165 QSOs), 25 DXCC and 13 WAS.

Marc's Dec contribution for the NL follows -- Getting the station ready on 4 Dec was more exciting than usual. When I was setting the dish up, one of my neighbors came by for a little talk. I continued to tow the dish up, but it came crashing down from about 10 m high. There is quite a big bang when about 1000 kg of metal (dish, sledge, counter weight, etc.) hit a concrete block! Luckily no damage was done to the dish or the motors. I ran a quick test with HB9BBD, (thanks Dominique), to see that all was OK. On 5 Dec I worked 6 stations, no initials. In the evening I started again, but around 2200 had to shut down due to high winds. This year was the "worst" WX condition wise! I hope that next year will be better.

Sergei is working on improving his 23 cm station. He has changed from linear pol to circular. I also plan to reduce my LNA noise temperature and to add some PA power (presently 300 W). It will be very interesting to see what can be done with minimum dish size (1.65 m) to complete QSOs on 1296. I presently have 40 W on 3 cm and 30 W on 6 cm. My antenna is mounted on the wall of an apartment (16th floor), so I have AZ and EL limits. AZ from 206.5 degs to moonset. EL no more then 42.5 degs. This means that practi- cally I have no AZ/EL limits in my US/Canada window. I have 5 initials on 23 cm OE9XXI, OE9ERC with linear pol in Dec, and on 7 Jan K5JL (O/529), on 8 Jan SM2CEW (O/O) and on 10 Jan HB9BBD (O/539) with CP. Many thanks to them for big dishes and nice contacts. [Sergei's e-mail address is:
Sergei, RW3BP

Peter's NL report -- During the holidays I managed to work two small stations on 23 cm EME. The 1st was on 25 Dec, DJ5MN (O/M) for initial #107 (2 x 70 el yagis), then on 8 Jan RW3BP (O/M) #108 (1.65 m dish, 300 W) . Signals from both stations were good considering conditions. On 70 cm I worked on 1 Jan KD4LT, OZ6OL for initial #353, DL5FN, JH4LJV, DL4KG, OE5EYM and I5TDJ. I felt that the receiver was good as the whole antenna and the preamps were cooled to -25C. Winter conditions are sure good, but activity suffers because of the WX. I will be active again on 23 and 70 during the 2nd Jan SW, WX permitting.

Grant reports that he is again QRV on 23 cm from his new QTH in DO33gs. He is interested in skeds. Grant is using a 5 m dish and 275 W PA.

Willie was on 70 cm on 2 Jan and worked at 0239 WA4NJP (569/559), 0331 W7HAH (569/569) and 0412 W7CNK (449/559) . Willie is still having a problem hearing many Eur stations off the Moon due to lots of QRM on the same freq and signals all about the same signal level. When answering Willie's CQs, 3 or 4 stations all call on the same freq and time. Willie suggests that stations answering his CQs move off his freq 1 or 2 kHz or so. He is sorry, but thankful for the calls. Willie also suggests that when he sends "Ys" with QRZ, please return with your callsign only. Willie will again be active on the 30/31 Jan SW on 70 cm, as he is still working the his 1296 equipment.

Joel is looking for 70 cm skeds with the following states: OR, NV, NM, UT, ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, NB, WI, SC, PA, RI, MA, VT, NH, MA and HI. He is also looking for QSL cards from KL7HFQ, WA4NJP, F5FEN, W0KJY and W7QX.

Jeremy in ID (DN14wx) is now QRV on 432 EME -- I am looking forward to working many of you on 70 cm. On 2 Jan I had beautiful echoes on CW and SSB. I am now running 1.3 kW into a 336 el hor or vert array - no in between. Unfortunately I will not be available for sked in Feb as I will be gone to SA. Jeremy can be reached on e-mail at:
Jeremy, W7EME or tel at 208-634-1276.

Charlie did not do much during the 1st Jan SW -- I had trouble staying on the Moon and did not hear anything during my HA5SHF sked. I did work NL7F again. I am getting a new indicator setup from VE1ALQ, and if I can keep my camera working things should improve. I finally found the main culprit causing all my Hi voltage supply problems. It was a vacuum relay arcing internally with no visible evidence of the arc. The relay checked OK otherwise. It eventually took out a lot of the other parts in the supply. Good thing that I have a well stocked junk box, HI.

Shep brings us up to date on his recent 70 cm Moon activity -- Here is a list of contacts starting back in Oct. I contacted on 10 Oct UR5LX, K5GW, N9AB, DL9KR, OH2PO, OE5JFL, N4GJV, G4ERG for initial #182, K1FO, DL4MEA #183, HA1YA #184, K5WXN, JA4BLC, JA5OVU, on 31 Oct W7ALW #185, 6 Nov IK5QLO #186, on 7 Nov K7XD #187, DL9NDD, DF3RU, WA7BBM, on 8 Nov SV1BTR #188, DL8OBU #189, on 5 Dec N2IQU, DL9NHD #190, F5FLN #191, WD5AGO, OZ4MM, K0RZ, W7CNK #192, and on 2 Jan N4GJV, W1ZX, W7CNK, WE2Y #193 and K7XD. I had a sked with HP3XUG but nil was heard. My score for ARRL EME Contest was 21x15 on 70 cm. I worked both 144 and 432 during the contest and had a total score of 489,200 points.

Dave is now up to initial #23 on 432 -- During the 2nd leg of the contest, on 70 cm, I worked 5 Dec 0828 N4GJV dupe (439/449), 1254 N9AB for initial #20 (O/M), 1355 K0RZ #21 (O/O), 1413 W7QX (O/O) and JA5OVU dupe (459/449), on 6 Dec at 0805 OZ4MM (549/429) - my total for the contest was 12x12, on 2 Jan at 0430 K2UYH #22 (O/O), and on 3 Jan at 1155 7M2PDT #23 (O/O). I think the cavity preamp I bought from Ron, KA0RYT, is doing a great job. I need to do a little more antenna work though to get things up to snuff. I still have not heard my own echoes. What is convention on Doppler shift compensation for skeds? Should one compensate for Doppler before TX, or just TX exactly on the sked freq? [This issue has been debated many times. The "official" policy is that you should TX on the sked freq, i.e., do not compensate for Doppler. Most stations will do this when transmitting 1st. However, they are in the 2nd sequence and hear the sked station during the 1st period, most will set their frequency so that their echoes fall on the same frequency as they hear the sked station.]

Ray notes that he can be on 222 EME with a little notice -- It takes me about 1 hour to set up. I use the 36' dish and do have polarity control. I run about 800 W at the dish with .2 dB NF. I have very good echoes, the last station I worked used only 2 long yagis. I need 20 deg of elevation at 0 deg to plus Moon dec. In Jan on 70 cm I worked 3 initials with N2HLT, K7XD and DJ3FI. I would like to stir up some more interest in EME on the 220 band. I am also interested in working someone in SA on 1296.

Tom announces that WA8WZG will be operating multi-op from Ohio (EN81om) in the ARRL's Jan VHF contest. They are looking for skeds on 70 cm, 23cm and 13 cm EME. Please respond to: Tom, WA8WZG
The crew will be WA8WZG, WA8RJF, N2CEI, W5ZN, W5LUA and KE8RO.

Mike was QRV in Dec for the contest -- Conditions for the contest were poor in Alaska due to high levels of aurora activity. I spent one night down at KL7X's QTH on 2 m worked OH2PO for initial # 24 during moonrise on the 2nd day of the Dec contest, but he was one of 2 stations heard with no NA stations copied. Earlier in the month I had a good QSO with VE1ALQ for initial # 23. I am available for skeds and require 8-9 deg of el.

Ivo's year started with some problems and bad news, but he is hopeful the year will continue better -- On 27 Dec quite a few 23 cm CQs brought only 3 stations KD4LT, VE1ZJ and K5JL - all with very good signals. I QSO'd on 2 Jan F2TU, DF3RU, HB9SV and OH2DG, again with good signals. An approaching storm forced me off the air, so I was not QRV for the NA window. In going through my QSO records at the end of the year, I found that I am missing quite a few QSL cards - especially for 23 cm! It is frustrating to put bad experience with QSLing 1st, I wait for a QSL and reply 100%, no SASE needed. Funny that for 13 cm only 2 QSLs are missing, while on 23 cm it is nearly 40%!

WX problems finally hit during the 2/3 Jan SW. WX was OK the 1st night on 432, but the 2nd night it was impossible to operate. So I never made it to 1296. On 70 cm I QSO'd on 2 Jan at 0300 partial WA4NJP (559/-) - he only responded with QRZ, 0313 W7CNK (559/559), 0340 partial W7CI (569/-) - only could get QRZ, 0401 DF3RU (559/559), 0422 N4GJV (569/579), 0430 W7KK (559/O) for initial #607, 0452 OZ6OL (O/O) #608, 0511 WE2Y (559/569) and 0530 CWNR W7QX - many times. Conditions seemed good with very little peaking when rotating polarization. But propagation was often one way with me hearing stations that could not copy me. This is unusual as reception is usually the problem at my end.


by G4RGK, David Dibley

OE9XXI (Peter, OE9PMJ and Reinhilde, OE9YTV) have a new e-mail adresss: Peter, OE9PMJ

WA6PY is the new call sign of SM0PYP. Paul feels this call is better for EME and has similarities to his previous one.

UR5LX in 1st Jan SW nil from CT1WB and W7ALW.

UT3LL was active during the 2/3 Jan SW and worked PA3CSG for an initial, DL9NDD and DL7APV. He is interested in skeds.

UA4API is also interested in skeds.

9H1ES is working on a YH1198 TWT power supply for10 GHz.

DL8YHR reports all is looking fine for the 3V8 expedition. The grid will be JM46.

N4GJV worked DJ3FI and VK4AFL on sked and copied DL5FN in Jan.

NU7Z is still working on his hydraulic system.

WB7QBS is interested in getting on EME.

K1FO is slowly re-assembling his shack, then he will be on regularly again. Steve was only on for 5 hrs on 2nd weekend of the ARRL Contest. He ended up with a score of 102x34.

DL9NDD scored 82x32 in contest on 432.

DJ5MN is looking for skeds on 23 cm. He needs QSL cards from KB2AH and OE9XXI. He wishes to clarify the following: DJ5MV is his brother and is operating DJ5MV. DL0DYW is a club station call sign and used at many different locations and by various different operators.

VE6MA is still having problems with his OZ9CR amp. Barry is running about 250 W on 23 cm. He has not yet completed the power supply for a new 23 cm GI7B PA. He worked LX1DB on 10 GHz.

W7SZ is making good progress on a 2nd 23 cm 7289 amp.

DK3WG is awaiting QSLs from KA0RYT, K5GW, N6OVP and WA5ETV.

ON5OF is in 3A land where Dirk visited 3A2MD and 3A2MS and is investigating the possibility of EME operation as discussed at the Paris Conference. 23 cm is the best option at this time. Dirk needs help with antennas and logistics.

SV1BTR has been on a trip to OE land. Jimmy will be QRV on 70 cm again at the end of Jan. He reports that with the help of many stations his receiver is now much improved.

K2DH missed his 1296 HA5SHF sked due to bad WX – 50 mph winds, snow and sleet.

W4TJ has his 4-tube amp running. It is now just a matter of getting his 13' dish mounted to be QRV on 23 cm.

W2UHI reports he is buried in 4' of snow. But his station is OK and QRV on 23 cm.


DD1XF has for sale a 13 cm cavity with one tube (100 W). Contact Frank at e-mail:

W1ZX has the following items for sale: MFJ-784 Super DSP filter $US150, HP 415E SWR Meter-brown unit (later build unit) $US95, Bird 43 wattmeter $US190 with a new meter movement, (2) Bird 43 wattmeter, fair condition (cracked/broken meter face- needs paint job) $US120 or best offer, and Noise Com Noise Diodes NC305, glass package $US33, flat package $US42. Prices do not include the cost of shipping. Call Willie at 301 645 5584 between 2000-2300 EST, FAX 301 645 6853, 24 hrs, e-mail:
Willie, W1ZX

looking for a T connector with N male-N male and bottom N female. He would really appreciate if somebody has one or two silver plated, or any good quality ones. They are needed for stubs, and Jimmy can not find any in SV.

K9BCT/4 has Al radiator assemblies with 4" muffin fan, all self contained except pump for $25 apiece. Also 2 sets of nipples 1/8" - 3/8"
K9BCT/4 or K9BCT/4 or tel 954-472-3846.

W7QX has a Fluke 8920 meter for sale and is looking for info a pick-up point for the IF in the TS-520.

W4AD is looking for an HP series ac voltmeter.

ON4OF needs the call of the guy that sold him a F-6007 tube at the Paris Conference.

KB2AH has a full line of cavity amps and 1, 2, 4 and 6 tube ring amps, lin/circular feed horns and LNAs for 432 and 1296. Tom also has mounting blocks for K1FO yagis. For full details see Tom's 1296 WEB page at:

KB2AH's 1296 Page

For more details and pricing info e-mail:
Tom, KB2AH , or phone 908-223-5067, FAX 908-223-0901 (24 hrs) or voice 908-223-8124.


NU7Z is working on his microwave EME address list. Please get your updates in NOW to Rick. He is thinking of putting the directory on the WEB and asks what the best format? I had hoped to print a preliminary copy of the list in this month's NL. But it is in EXCEL format and there is just no what I can fit it. Possibly I can work something out with Rick for next month.

There are some very interesting dxpedition possibilities coming up. See HB9SUL's report and DL8YHR and ON4OF's comments in the Netnews section of this NL. I will try to keep you informed of developments.

Don't forget N2IQU's conference, EME Symposium 99, a beginner's workshop, scheduled for 20-21 Aug in Syracuse, NY – see last month's NL. Preparations are reported to be moving along well. It should be worth attending just to see Mark's dish.

Please keep the technical material (always needed!) and the reports coming in. We are hoping for good WX for the SSB and hope to work many of you then.

73, Al – K2UYH.

                   EUROPEAN WORLDWIDE (EU WW) EME CONTEST 1999
                           Sponsored by REF and DUBUS

       The EU WW EME contest is intended to encourage worldwide activity on
       moonbounce. Everybody can enter!

       Multipliers are DXCC countries plus *** ALL W/VK/VE STATES ***
       This gives equal chances for stations from North America, Europe and

       The rules reward random QSOs, but do not penalize skeds on 2.3GHz or

       1. Contest Dates & Periods

       The contest happens during two full weekends: 144 and 1296MHz on the
       FEBRUARY weekend, and 432MHz and all other bands on the MARCH weekend.

       Each weekend of the contest begins at 00:00 UTC on Saturday and ends at
       24:00 UTC on Sunday.

       2. Bands and dates

       First weekend:  144MHz and 1296MHz           27/28 FEBRUARY 1999
       Second weekend: 432MHz, 2300MHz and above    27/28 MARCH 1999

       3. Sections

          432MHz    400kW EIRP
          1296MHz   600kW ERP
          2300MHz   no separate QRP/QRO categories

          QRO       On 144, 432 and 1296MHz, stations with EIRP equal to or
          Greater than stated above.

          PRO       Non-amateur equipment or antenna.
          PRO stations will have scores listed separately.

          There are no separate multi-operator classes. Multi-operator and QRO
          stations will be highlighted in the general classifications.

          4. Exchange

          Callsigns + TMO/RST + R.

          5. Scoring

          100 points for each random QSO completed.

          10 (ten) points for each sked QSO completed on bands below 2.3GHz.

          100 points for each sked QSO completed on 2.3GHz or higher bands. 

          6. Multipliers

          Each DXCC country (except W/VE/VK), or EACH INDIVIDUAL STATE worked in 

          Multipliers count only if worked by RANDOM (except on 2.3GHz or

          States and provinces can be determined after the contest using
          address lists in recent Newsletters or in DUBUS.

          7. Total scores

          Single band entries: sum of points multiplied by sum of multipliers.
          There will be one QRP winner and one QRO winner on each band.

          Multiband entries:
          (Total sum of points on all bands) * (total sum of multipliers on all
          There will be one QRP multiband winner and one QRO multiband winner.
          Multiband stations will also be listed as an entry on each separate band
          worked, and can also win single-band awards.

          10. Reporting

          Copy of the log for each band with details of points, multipliers and
          total points.

          The following information MUST also be included for each band:

           1.  Output power, transmit cable loss, antenna type and gain.
           2.  Working category: QRO/QRP single/multi operator
           3.  Name(s) and signature(s) of all operators
           4.  Locator/State.

          Other information is welcome: Comments, conditions, grid locator,
          other station details, photographs, etc...

          11. Awards

          A certificate will be sent to each entry. All QRP/QRO band winners and
          QRP/QRO multiband winners will receive a trophy.

          In each section, the highest-scoring station in the southern hemisphere
          will receive a special certificate.

          12. Logs

          Log entries MUST be postmarked no later than 30 days after the end of
          the second weekend (i.e. in the mail or e-mail by 27 APRIL 1999),
          to the following address:

          DUBUS Verlag         EME Contest
          P.O. Box 500368
          D-22703 Hamburg

          Fax: (++49)40-8508972

          You can also e-mail your log directly to:  Dubis 
          All e-mail entries will be acknowledged within one week.

          13. Referee

          Responsible for rules and general questions is:

          Ian White, G3SEK
          52 Abingdon Rd.
          Drayton, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4HP
          Tel.: (++44)1235-531559
          E-Mail:  G3SEK 

          Good Luck in the Contest !

          For REF:   Philippe Martin, F6ETI
          For DUBUS: Rainer Bertelsmeier, DJ9BV
          Referee:   Ian White, G3SEK

          73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                                    'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)


G3LTF sends these very useful couple of curves that enable you to construct transitions between different size coaxial cables or to build your own connectors for terminating big cables with minimum VSWR. When it says "right-angle" it means a step transition rather than a taper transition. Peter has used this sucessfully for many years up to 2320 MHz.



Learn about the upcoming EME Symposium.

Most recent Schedules from Klaus, DL4EBY

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN