OCTOBER 1999 VOL 27 #11


OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL:
Allen Katz, K2UYH



HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail:
Klaus Tiedemann.



*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***




Thunder could be heard in the distance as stations were checked and tweaked, and others just listened in the background during the 1st Oct SW. Although the Italian EME Contest was in progress, most this activity was in preparation for the main event – the ARRL EME Contest, which starts at the end of this month during the 2nd Oct SW on 30/31 Oct.  The bands seemed to cooperate as well. 432 produced some excellent conditions during the SW, lots of SSB could be heard on 1296, and new QSOs were reported on the higher bands.

Mike says,"My luck has changed! In Oct, I completed 70 cm QSOs with on 2 Oct DL9NDD, SM3AKW, EA3DXU, G3LTF, W7CNK, K4QI and K1FO, and on 3 Oct PA3CSG, OZ4MM, DF3RU, K1FO, N9AB and JA6AHB. During the preSW I worked OE5JFL, W7QX and SM2CEW. Since the last SW I doubled my initial count to bring me to #26. Its got to be the relay Lucky sent me! My 9 m dish project is proceeding very slowly. It is not likely to be ready before next summer. This thing is huge! The trusses and 24 petals alone weigh 2500 lbs. I found a surplus AZ/EL mount from an old military dish for $100, which may turn out to be too big. 70 mph winds earlier in the month did severe damage to my 4 m dish that I was planning to use on 1296. I will be QRV on 432 for the EME contest weekend in Oct, but away in Nov operating 2 m EME with WD0BIA.

Luis QSO’d ZS6AXT on 6 cm for an initial and a new country during the 1st Oct SW. Luis plans to start his contest activity on 23 cm, go to 70 cm on the 2nd contest weekend, and then go back to 5.7 GHz and up after the contest.

Guenter writes on his 70 cm EME operation during the ARI contest -- For a long time I have waited for such an opportunity. After doing my "homework" ... cutting hedges, etc. ... I found time to participate in the contest on 2 passes of the Moon. This time only minor technical problems, no burning power supplies, no arc-overs, no blown driver, no exploding capacitors, only a few open wires, which went to unused pins of my 80C535 brought it into reset. I simply cut them and was back in operation. On Sunday I found my SWR in the red, when water drops from the heavy rain came between narrow spaced wires in my 100 ohm parallel- wire-phasing lines. I used some cellophane foil from the kitchen, wound around it, to keep it dry. In all I worked 31 QSOs, 2 were dups, including 4 Italian stations. As they appeared, QSO'd were DF3RU, IN3AGI for an initial (#), JA4BLC, IK5QLO, JA5OVU, SM3AKW, JA2TY, JA6AHB, I5TDJ #, DL9NDD, N9AB #, G3LTU #, W7CNK, DL8OBU, OZ6OL, JA5NNS, EA3DXU (really only 2 yagi?), G4ERG, 7M2PDT, JA6AHB #, UA3PTW #, IK2EAD, UT3LL #, K8ISK #, W7SZ #, UA6LGH #, OE5EYM, G3HUD #, K5WXN # and OZ4MM. Dups were DL9NDD (my mistake) and IK2EAD (he called twice). My special respect to UT3LL. He called 4 different times, and I always got the "3LL" easily. I only found DK3LL and EA3LL in my database. I listened for these calls, but they were not there. On his 4th try, I finally got the UT... Believe me, I was happy... Good operation, Valery! Note: don't place your antenna as I did, so that your Moon window is limited to NA/SA. I have high trees to the west and it’s a mess. I must stop for moonset at about 200 deg AZ. I cannot cut them, because they are a windshield. I plan to be QRV again for the ARRL Contest.

Jean writes that he has put together a portable mini station for 1296 EME. The station consisting of a 1.8 m dish, IMU feed and 600 W TX. He put the station on from his summer home by the sea in IN88 during the 1st Oct SW, and QSO'd HB9BBD (O/O) for initial #1 and K5JL (529/529) #2. Also heard was OE9ERC. Jean plans to improve the RX NF and TX power and be active on random with his mini-station from this QTH during the 1st ARRL Contest weekend. [Jean's home QTH is in IN98, thus contacts this station will count as initials.]

Jean-Jacques reports on 3 cm plans for the ARRL EME Con- test -- We (F1EHN/F6KSX group) received a number of responses [AA5C, S57UUU - prefers warmer WX because of outside operation, PA3CSG, ...] to our suggestion, in the last EME NL that 3 cm activity be concentrated during one contest weekend (WE). As a result, we are recommending the concentration of 3 cm EME activi- ty during the 1st WE of the '99 ARRL EME Contest. The results of this test will be useful in planning specific WEs for the differ- ent hyper-frequency bands at the next EME conference.

Peter writes -- Conditions were good with slow fading on both the 70 and 23 cm bands during the Oct SW. On 432, on Satur- day, the Faraday was a solid 90 deg, but sharp, so signals were good. Unfortunately high winds meant I couldn't operate for as long as I wished. I worked on 2 Oct on 432 IK2EAD, UT3LL for initial #344, DL6WU, DL4MEA, DL9NDD, DF3RU, OZ6OL #345, K1FO and AL7OB #346 - CWNR were RW1AW, IK5QLO and DL1YMK, and on 3 Oct on 1296 SM3AKW, DJ5MN, I0UGB for initial #147, and then on SSB a 4- way with K2UYH, K5JL and HB9BBD - my 1st EME 4-way. Heard were GW3XYW, W2UHI, PA3CSG and K3HZO. It was very sad to hear of Ron's passing. He was a great guy. He called on us about 7 years ago at the old QTH, and I have a really nice picture of us both in front of my old, wood framed, dish. We shall miss his presence on the band. I think I improved things on 1296 this month. I stripped down the 3 dB hybrid and found 2 dry joints and carefully rebuilt it with a better than 23 dB return loss at each port. I hope to do some work on 13 cm to improve the system slightly before the contest. I want to remind everyone to listen on 2320, 16.0000 MHz HF, when they are on 13 cm.

Mike's Oct/Nov contest plans -- I have made some improvements to my 23 cm RX, eliminating all low grade coax and replacing it with LDF 4-50 and 5-50. The system now consists of a 230 W PA and 1.2 m dish. My frequency is accurate within 200 Hz, and am puzzled by comments in the last NL? There is a good possibility that I will expand my dish size to 2.4 m in the next 18 months. I have had the offer of heavy 2.4 and 3.7 dishes, but I am waiting for lighter 2.4 m dish, which I can cope with. In Nov, I will be also be QRV on 70 cm with a new xvtr (DEM), 800 W from 2 x 8874 (RIW) PA and 0.6 NF masthead LNA with 4 x 21 F9FT yagis feed with LDF 4-50 Rx, 5-50 TX. In reality, I hope to work 2 or 3 stations on 23 cm in Oct, and if all goes well in Nov some 10 or 15 on 70 cm. Oct will be from my own house with a very poor split Moon window due to trees, but Nov will be from my parent’s house with a 15 deg (el) moonrise and clear sky till moonset, an excellent site. Final note, from Dec 99, I hope to have my own e-mail facility and will utilize this for sked requests as required.

Dominique found conditions for the Oct SW fine on Satur- day and poor due to heavy rain on Sunday -- It seemed to me that many stations wanted to test the equipment prior to the ARRL Contest. I made 34 QSOs and enjoyed them all. Lots of SSB and fun without the rather stressy contest atmosphere. I missed N6BQ who regularly used to call in at the edge of my window. My log shows for 2 Oct at 0600 I5MPK (579/569) and SSB (57/55), 0622 SM3AKW (559/579), 0652 OH2AXH (579/599) and SSB (57/55), 0715 K5JL (599/599+) and SSB (59/59), 0750 W6HD (579/589) and SSB (57/54), 0812 G4DZU (559/579) and 0850 VE1ALQ (589/589), and on 3 Oct at 0214 DJ5MN (559/579), 0225 JA4BLC (539/579), 0234 ZS6AXT (559/589), 0300 I5MPK (579/569), 0322 HB9SV (599/599), 0337 OE9ERC (589/589), 0352 SM3AKW (559/579), 0700 I0UGB (559/559) and SSB (52/55), 0713 K9BCT (539/559), 0735 K3HZO (529/569), 0800 HB9SV SSB (59+/59), 0823 GW3XYW (569/569), 0830 VE1ALQ (579/589), 0848 a wonderful group chat with K2UYH SSB (55/57), K5JL SSB (56/57) and G3LTF SSB (56/58), 0938 W2UHI (579/589) - my dish already below limits of my good window, 1000 F1ANH/p (429/O) for initial # and 1020 OZ6OL (549/569). I tested 2 of W7CNK's preamps. Good stuff, nicely built. The NF I measured is 0.2/0.25 dB above the SM0PYP cavity preamps. Since I do not use the NF meter very often, I do not trust the calibration of the noise - source. NF is relative to the cavity preamps, which had been measured as 0.22/0.24 dB NF at the Washington EME Conference. (The SM0PYP cavities are 2 stages with 42 dB gain). Still, they are 0.2 to 0.3 dB better than anything else I have compare with. They are definitely worth the cost! In Sept I updated my homepage with 80 signals recorded off the Moon on 23 cm - listen at:

I have also added more antenna pictures and some LINKS to impressive technical/EME sites. Finally a little gallery of HB9BBD and his family completed the homepage housekeeping.

Piero writes -- I was active during last SW on 432. Condi- tions were average, neither bad nor good, and not too many sta- tions were on. I worked on Saturday 2 Oct, DF3RU, DL4MEA for initial #110 and DL9NDD, and on Sunday 3 Oct JA6AHB, JH4JLV #111 and DL9KR. CWNR were JA5NSS and OE5EYM. Heard with a good signal was RW1AW.

Yoshiro's EME report follows -- I have been busy for several months and the situation is going well. Since April this year, I worked as initials, on 432 JA6AHB #250, RW1AW #, VK4AFL #, UA4API # and OZ6OL #254. During ARI weekend, I worked JA6AHB and DL4MEA on 432, HB9BBD, ZS6AXT and HB9SV on 1296, and ZS6AXT on 2304/2424, as well as 18 QSOs on 2 m. I installed my 23 cm feed again in mid Sept, but I have still low power - only 60 W at the TX and 3 dB of feeder loss. Due to family and business con- flicts, I will not have time to QRV for the 1st leg of the ARRL EME Contest. I hope to be on the air on the 2nd leg.

Steve found 432 MHz EME conditions phenomenal during the 1st SW in Oct. He did not get on until fairly late both on Satur- day and Sunday, so he probably missed the activity peak. Even so and with relatively low operating hours Steve worked quite a few stations and heard several more. He QSO'd on 23 Sep was W8MQW, on 26 Sep UA4API, UT3LL and UA3PTW for initial #553, on 2 Oct OZ6OL, DL1YMK, EA3DXU, G3HUL, G3LTF, JA5OVU, VK4AFL and AL7OB, and on 3 Oct IK2EAD, DF3RU, AL7OB, SM3AKW, JA3SGR and N9AB. Steve has scrummed to the 90's and finally has e-mail at home. He can be reached at:

Steve has been working on get- ting everything in order for the ARRL EME contest and hopes the weather and Murphy will cooperate. His elevation accuator failed just after the skeds weekend. He's glad that it failed then and not during the contest. A new accuator is in place and he also improved his elevation indicator. Recent Sun noise checks are 18.8 dB on 3 Oct (flux 134) and 19.4 dB on 5 Oct (flux 129). He notes that the 2.4 GHz solar flux doesn't always directly corre- spond to the noise at 432. These measurement are compared to cold sky + declination (Aquarius?). He measures about 0.4 to 0.5 dB difference between cold sky + declination and cold sky 0 declina- tion. Back in Sept Steve also found conditions good but activity only moderate on 432. He was disappointed not to work any EME stations during the ARRL's Sept VHF Contest (11/12 Sept). He did QSO on 4 Sept DL9NDD and UT3LL, and on 5 Sept W7QX, DL8OBU, RW1AW and W7FN. Steve had a good time at the Syracuse EME symposium. Mark, N2IQU did a 1st class job putting on the event, and KB2AH did an excellent job putting together the technical info on the CD ROM. He advises those who were not at Syracuse to get a copy of the CD. [Information from this CD will be available at EME2000 in Rio.]

Harry is again QRV on 23 cm EME -- I have a new dish. It is 4.5 m, ex TVRO with an f/d of 0.312. It replaces my 3 m dish. I am now using a VE1ALQ diagonal feed, which replaces my VE4MA feed. Power level is 230 W solid state. I am seeing Sun noise of 14.5 dB with a low solar flux. My 1st QSO was with OZ6OL (539/539) followed by VE1ALQ (549/539) and K5JL (539/559), and later N2IQU and OH2DG for an initial #. [I asked Harry how the diagonal feed compared with the MA feed with his deep dish. I suspected that the MA might better with his low f/d. Harry responded -- It is hard to answer the question at this time. With the changes in dish size at the same time, and having only 3 QSOs with the bigger dish so far using the diagonal feed. I have noticed that the diagonal feed when moved in and out from the reflector surface to peak on sun noise is much sharper than the VE4MA feed. Also I am beginning to notice a side lobe, quite far down, that I had not noticed with the 3 m dish and MA feed. These are my only observations to date with the diagonal feed. I still have the VE4MA feed, and the dish f/d is approx the same. It’s a lot of work, but I couldn’t do a comparison if you think it is worth it for the group? -- I think it would be interesting to see such a comparison. Do you have any relative Sun noise data?]

Jay worked many stations on 23 cm during the Oct SW. HB9BBD had a true S8-9 signal off the Moon! Jay had a 4 way on SSB with HB9BBD, G3LTF and K2UYH. HB9SV was also very loud (599) on CW and (58) on SSB. He is not taking 70 cm skeds at this time and plans to concentrate on 23 cm for the near term.

Roger writes -- I have been very busy this summer and finally got the array fixed and the elevation rotator working again. So hopefully if nothing else goes wrong, I will be on the Moon on 70 cm for the contest.

Jack writes -- After 7 years I am QRV again from my home QTH. This summer I finished a new tower and 2 x 21 el yagis on 432 and 1 x 23 el for 1296. (I worked TM8EME with the 23 cm yagi in 1998.) I also have an array for 2 m EME. I was QRV on 432 on 3 Oct and copied DF3RU, DL9NDD and PA3CSG plus a few other uniden- tified stations. I have about 600 w, but plan to increase drive to the PA and reduce my feed line loss to bring my power up to 1 kW. Tell stations to look for me on 70 cm during the ARRL Con- test. [Jack's tel is 31 165 350130 and fax is 31 165 350129.

Don has been away on business, but did get a chance to visit with W7GBI. He reports plans for EME2000 in RIO are moving along - see the Web Page at:


He says that they are investigating various Travel options and should have information available shortly.

Darrell reports -- I had a partial with ZS6AXT on 5760. I sent him (M), but he did hear me. I suspect that one of us will have to change polarity. Ivo is vertical and I am horizontal. There is little to no geometric polarity change between us. I also had one initial on 70 cm with RW1AW for #177, and 2 initials on 23 cm, I5MPK #119 and I0UGB #120. I worked both in 30 minutes before sked time on random. I0UGB would become badly broken up, but I believe he is aware of it. Nil was heard from W3XS, but I have him in my log as K3EAH - I still need QSL card. Nil from IK3GHY.

Lyle is ready to go again on 10 GHz EME. He has WDG RX and TX modules, a 20 W TWTA and a 3.7 m shaped reflector with matched Gregorian feed mounted on a HB trailer. The antenna is stowed when not in used, but moved out into the driveway, where obstructions can be minimized, when in operation. Lyle has an excellent Moon window to the east (5 degs), but has blockage which limits operation to Moon angles > 15 - 30 degs in other directions. He made 5 3 cm QSOs back in 1996/97 using the present system, but with a rectangular horn feed. Since than a modified IMU horn has been constructed by G3PHO, which produces a -15 dB beamwidth of 48 degs need for his dish. The new feed has in- creased his Sun noise from 14 to 15.7 dB and noticeably improved echoes. Lyle's operating time is limited to weekends from 9 AM to 8 PM LST, when he can get assistance moving the dish. Skeds can be arranged by e-mail to:

Frank was up before 4 AM local time to operate 1296 EME during the SW. He QSO’d I0UGB for an initial (#), OE9ERC, HB9BBD, K5JL and K2UYH on SSB. Frank also heard F1ANH/p and CWNR G4DZU.

Jerry was on 70 cm during the SW and made 3 initials. QSO’d were DF3RU, IK2EAD, RW1AW and OZ6OL. DL9NDD was heard very loud. The tracking system for 23 cm is now working well. Jerry is hoping to be operational by the contest weekend.

Larry has increased his power on 70 cm and is preparing to upgrade his 23 cm TX capabilities to either a 4 or 6 tube 7289 PA, or single YL-1050 PA. He reports condx were excellent on both 23 and 70 cm during the SW. On 432 he heard JH5LUZ and worked JA5OVU, DL9NDD, DL4MEA, PA3CSG and DF3RU with loud signals. On 1296 he QSO’d OE9ERC and SM3AKW.

Don is again ready to take schedules on 23 cm. His equipment consists of 4 x 55 el loop yagis and 200 W. He would prefer skeds on or near perigee. During the contest he will be on or about 1296.030. Prime times will be on 30 Oct 0600-0700 and1500-1600, and on 31 Oct 0700-0800 and 1600-1700. Don will call CQ and look for random contacts.

Ivo is now QRV on 6 cm EME -- I finally got on 6 cm, with quite a few of Murphy's accidents, hi. I sent my preamp for 6 cm to Lucky (W7SZ) for measurements and he found that it was tuned to the image frequency! He corrected it and it now has a 0.58 dB NF, which should be fine. I built a few interdigital filters with the help of Lucky and my filter program. The last (No 4) was ok. I installed it in the transverter and got 0.8 dB of Moon noise and bit under 14 dB of Sun noise. While testing the PA, which is next to the horn, the lead of the T-R relay disconnected and I lost the 1st preamp! I put another in, and then found that the PA was not drawing any current, but the output power was there. It was a faulty ammeter in the PSU. I tried to listen to my own echoes. I did not believe that I would hear them, but they were there (529 )! The same evening 25 Sept at 2230, I tried with Erich, OE9ERC. The 1st 27 minutes I did not hear anything, then I heard him testing some 10 kHz out (no Doppler) and called him, and he came back with (549) report. His signal was (559). The QSO lasted few minutes and was the 1st from Africa. Afterwards we did some 30 minutes of tests, including SSB, but I could not clarify his signals, although they were quite strong. Erich had bad weather with rain, while here it was absolutely ideal with a big full Moon, no wind etc. I could keep the dish on the Moon with my CCTV camera at all times. On 2 Oct I had 2 skeds with CT1DMK and VE1ALQ. The weather this time was bad, overcast and windy. We used 1 minute intervals, so that I could use Moon noise for aiming the dish. Of course, we both transmitted in same interval, hi! After this was sorted out, I found Luis 12 kHz up from the frequency I worked Erich on. After that we made it within few minutes despite the QSB caused by the wind. By then Moon was low above the horizon and my echoes were barely (519). Signals from Luis were (529) with QSB. On 3 Oct I tried with Darrell, and I heard him briefly about 10 minutes into the sked. He heard a bit more of me, (M) copy. After the sked he told me that we were some 87 degs out in polarization. I suspected that I may have damaged my 6 cm preamp by TX on 23 and 13 cm, even though the mouth of the 6 cm horn was covered by a double layer of the conductive foam. Measuring the Sun noise (the Moon was gone) it was just 7 dB! The problem was the boost preamp in the transverter. I replaced this preamp and Moon noise is back up to 0.8 dB with 10 degs EL of the Moon against about 10 degs up for cold sky. But when going to over 40 degs EL, then the Moon noise would be 1.1 dB. Any ideas why the low EL is so noisy? On 2 Oct I also worked JA4BLC on 13 cm with usual good signals, then on 23 cm HB9BBD, JA4BLC with his 60 W, OE9ERC, HB9SV with booming signal and SM3AKW. Heard were I5MPK and DJ5MN. I will be ready for 6 cm skeds, no other bands, until and during the 1st part of the ARRL EME Contest. Can anybody tell me whether I would damage the 6 cm preamp by transmitting on the other two bands? [I would suspect you are safe. Can you not activate the T-R relays for all bands when you transmit on any one?] The 23 cm horn is in the middle while 13 cm is offset up and the 6 cm offset on the bottom. This arrangement gives me chance to change from band to band in just few minutes. If it is dangerous, what is the best "cover" for the 6 cm horn?

I was only able to operate the 2nd day of the SW because of a conflict with a Wedding. One of the nice things about the late hours of recent SWs is that they usually do not conflict with family activities - only sleep. Unfortunately we had to travel overnight. I operated on 1296 on 3 Oct and QSO'd at 0948 HB9BBD (57/55) on SSB, this contact expanded to a 3-way at 0854 when K5JL (57/57) broke in and a 4-way at 0902 when G3LTF (55/54) joined us. I added at 0920 GW4XYW (55/54) - Stu needs at TWTA for 3 cm, 0954 W2UHI (55/55) and 1002 CWNR G4DZU (559/-). All QSOs were on SSB. I was unable to stay on as long as I would have liked because of plans to attend Hamarama - the flea market held as part of the Mid Atlantic VHF Conference. We met Tom, WA8ZWG there.



WB0GGM will be QRV on 432 during the ARRL Contest. John has his RIW final going again. Next year he also hopes to be on 1296.

W0PHD has a new e-mail address:
W0PHD , but says that his old ham radio address will still work at:
W0PHD's old email address

W4TJ had no damage from Hurricane Floyd, and plans to be QRV by the Oct contest weekend on 23 cm.

W7CI had problems with thunderstorms nearly every SW during the summer. Steve plans to be QRV on 70 cm for the contest. He needs a PA for 23 cm operation.

W8TN is pouring the concrete for his new dish. Clark plans to begin operation on 70 cm.

W7FN has a problem with his xvrtr. Don is receiving 10 kHz higher he is transmitting. He suspects the XTAL trimming capacitor may be faulty.

W7CS reports his 1296 and 432 transceivers have been repaired since the lightning strike. He is looking for suggestion on the preferred HF rig use as an IF.

VE6TA is working on his 432 system and will be QRV in the contest on 23 cm the 1st weekend and on 70 cm the 2nd weekend.

K0YW has acquired a 30' (9.2 m) dish with 16 petals, which is good to 4 GHz. He plans to operate the dish initially on 1296. It will be mounted in a location with a horizon to horizon Moon window.

KA0RYT is interested in 70 cm skeds with new stations. His last initial was RW1AW.

SM4IVE may QRV again soon. Lars is relocating his shack and plans to start work on a new dish.

K9BCT is working on getting his dish back up and running, but is having numerous delays because of rain.

N2IQU will be active during the contest on both 23 cm and 70 cm.

DK3WG is QRV and looking for W7SZ and K8UC.

W0KJY is working on his EME gear, but the WX has not been good. He is still QRV on 23 and 70 cm and should be active in the contest.

DL7APV will be on 70 cm for the ARRL contest with 4 x 27 BV yagis.

W7CNK was on 70 cm during the SW and worked many stations.

N2HLA is QRV on 432 with 8 x FO22 yagis and 1.5 kW. He will be active in the contest.

DL9KR worked UA3PTW for a 2nd time during the SW. Jan needs QSLs from WE7P and W7EME.

DL9NDD worked K8ISK/4 in FM18dv. K8ISK was using 8 yagis.

KD4LT hopes to be around for the 1st contest weekend, but is unlikely to be available for the 2nd weekend.

AA5C worked I5PPE for initial #21 on 10 GHz.

K8UC is working on 25' dish for 70 cm EME.

KB8RQ is taking down his antennas and getting ready to move to a new QTH. Gary hopes to build and be into new home by next summer.

VO1AV (GN28) is still interested in 70 cm EME, but has not made too much progress.

K9ZZH has improved his 23 cm system and is interested in skeds.

WA9FWD is still having problems with his 13 cm station and is not ready for skeds.

WA4NJP will be on during the contest. His equipment is not all working correctly, but he hopes to have everything functional in time. His new 432 PA is ready to go.

W1ZX is not available on 70 cm at this time.

W4AD is still plugging away at 23 cm EME. He now has his dish mounted.

NU7Z plans to be active in the contest on both the 1st and 2nd weekends. 30 Oct will be his last day on 13 cm. Rick will then switch to 5.7 GHz.

PA3CSG will be on 70 and 23 cm during the contest, and plans to concentrate his time during his stateside window.

ON5OF is measuring 10 dB of Sun noise with 4 yagis. He will be on 70 cm during contest with more power.


K1FO's line of Lunar-Link Systems power amplifiers are still available. All models use a pair of 3CX800A7 tubes to run 1500 w available for 144, 222 and 432 MHz. Lunar-Link also now stocks both Eimac and Svetlana 3CPX800A7 tubes. Lunar-Link Systems has printed circuit boards available for HV DC power supplies similar to what is used in the PS-70 power supplies. Steve also has an Icom IC-471H, 100 watt output 144 MHz transceiver for sale. He had it for testing the Lunar-Link 144 MHz amplifiers and no longer needs it as he has replaced it with an IC-475H. Steve can be reached at 203-421-3377.

WA1JOF is looking for 2 90 deg hybrids to combine 2 23 cm amplifiers.

K9BCT is looking for a 23 cm YL-1050 Cavity PA to increase his output by 3 dB.

NU7Z has 2 14 GHz, 16 W TWTAs that will work on 10 GHz with P/S. They need repair. Rick is asking $US50 each.


I recently learned that one of W1ZX's Sons, 38 years of age, died in a automobile accident this past month. I know that all of the EME community feel great regret and sorrow for this tragedy and wish to express their condolences to Willie and his family.

There are not a lot of skeds this month because of the contest. Klaus has moved many of the skeds to Sunday to minimize any conflict as much as possible.

It’s good to have Joe, K1RQG back running the 20 m net. Thanks to Darrell, VE1ALQ for filling in with the Netnotes. This was a great help to G4RGK and myself.

? More technical material is badly needed for the NL. This month we only have drawing of JA6AHB’s dish – TNX Toshio.

Please keep the reports and other info coming. I will be looking for you all during the contest.
73, Al - K2UYH

Learn about the upcoming EME Symposium.

Most recent Schedules from Klaus, DL4EBY

Lunar Calendar for 1999 prepared by G3SEK

Netnotes by K1RQG

Leave Contest Info or Comments to Allen Here

This information was obtained from: Scott, KD4LT


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Rein, W6/PA0ZN