North American e-mail List for
High Speed Meteor Scatter exchanges

In Cooperation with Bernie, DK3XT
an e-mail List was started for Stations which are Active on HSMS.

[Q] How does this list work?

[A] When you click with your mouse on an UNDERLINED Callsign, your email browser should load the e-mail address of the person with that same Callsign.

[Q] What is the big deal here?

[A] As we are in general more familiar with Calls, this list links a Call to an e-mail address that can be used in e-mail communication via the Internet.

[Q] Why do some calls carry an entry "XW4ZQ WebPage" ?

[A] The holders of those callsigns have in addition to an e-mail address a WEB Page. By clicking on the second callsign, your browser will connect you to those WEB Sites.

This list is in the process of being created. Last updated: 02/02/98

AA6HA       John     DM43cn

K0PW        John      EN34cv                   
K0SM        Andrew    EN10rf   K0SM WEB Page 
KB0PYO                --   
KB0VUK      Matt      EN34pk   W0VUK WEB Page              
KF0M        John       --    
Ko0u        Steve     FN42dg 
Ko0u        Steve     FN42dg 
K2LME                   --    
KA9CFD      Jay       EN40om   KA9CFD WEB Page    50, 144, 222 MHz , Cooledit.
KB5IUA      John      EL29cd
K6FV        Frank      --    
K7CA        Al        DM26hh
K9EIF       Bill       EN51    

N1BUG       Paul              NiBUG WEB page                             
N5BA                   --
N6CL        Joe 
N9JR                   --
NU8I                   -- 

W0HP                   -- 
W0LCP       Bud
W0OHU                  --
W1LR        Larry    EM90GC 
W3EP        Emil
W4UE        John     EM90GC   W4UE WEb Page
WD4KPD      David    FM15mm
WD4MBK      Charles
W6MT        George 
W6/PA0ZN    Rein              W6/PA0ZN WEB Page
W7ALV       Barry 
W7GJ        Lance 
W8WN        Shelbi 
W8WN        Shelbi 
WA8CLT      John     EN80la  

VE5UF       Doug     DO61nv   VE5UF WEB Page 
VE7SKA      Mike      CN88
VE9AA       Mike     FN66rr   VE9AA WEB Page

For Additions, Updates, Removals, Comments, etc:

Shelbi, W8WN
Steve, Ko0u
Rein, W6/PA0ZN

Please in Header: HS_MS e-mail List


Top Page

List Started: 08/10/97

List Updated: 12/23/00