URL / E-Mail Changes for the Weak Signal Communities.

This page will provide information on changes, updates and corrections for WEB pages and e-mail addresses for the Amateur Radio Weak Signal Communities.

E-Mail Address Modifications

  CALL:          Old Address:                   New Address:

  9H1CD       henrygs@mbox.vol.ti             henrygs@dream.vol.mt    
  KD4LT       SCOTTCLYDE@delphi.com           cscott@surfsouth.com
  HB9DBM      mbrum@access.ch                 m.brun@mail.tic.ch

WEB URL Modifications

             Old URL:                New URL:
  http://irsociety.com/0e:/sara.htm|  SARA Home page.                              
  http://www19.ai.net/rasmit/         W6/PA0ZN     

The comments and information can be mailed to Rein, W6/PA0ZN.

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