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Re: [linrad] RE: linrad installation

   Hi Chris,

   I installed Mandrake and everything that I could think of
   for Linrad. Among other packages the development section. 
   During the actually installation the software is telling you
   what is being installed and what it does or is supposed to do.
   I picked up somewhere don't remember where, that the KERNEL
   is the CENTRE CORE code of the linux system.
   Again I am sure it it is this bad Mandrake but doing the 
   install There as no indication of "installing Kernels, 
   complete or not. 
   As I told several times I did run through the LINRAD install
   as per listed instructions just fine, with this what ever you  
   grade to be my KERNEL installation. I guess when I do in the
   lir directory ./configure and make install that that is 
   compiling and installing. As proof of the pudding Linrad
   started fine went trough it initiating told me that the 
   sound card was installed properly in RW mode sample freq
   everything fine.
   I got the audio displayed in the waterfall and and in the
   freq domain could select a freq etc. for the other display
   However the audio went straight through without any form
   of processing
   You are telling me and I am sure you are right that I could do 
   all this with a not complete KERNEL. Fine You make Me feel
   that this is a obvious conclusion. I am prepared to accept
   Anyway I then tried to figure out why the audio went straight
   through. Well I thought the ADC part of the card does not get
   disconnected, from the DAC back end of the card. That is where 
   the PCM comes in. Anyway I then got the input from this reflector
   that the mixer, see Leif's instructions that I was using to
   talk to the sound card and that is doing just fine controlling
   audio levels turning things on and off as I assumed it should
   is a bad primitive mixer ( Kmix )  Fine, that brought me into
   the ALSA world with its new wonderful drivers and mixer,
   alsamixer, gamixer, which I never have been able to locate and
   another amix. also the use of alsamixegui.
   IN order to get these mixers and the driver that would fix
   my flow-through problem with the audio, in Linrad , I had
   to install, alsa-driver.0.9.3a, and 3 or 4 others packages
   shall I call them , that term is probably wrong, but I do
   not know better. Well is was with the installation of this
   alsa-stuff ( going to be part of the new kernel?? That
   my problems showed up. After a lot od emails here and at 
   other places, Arie questioned my Kernel and I happened to look
   into the fine collection of things you can select to install
   in Mandrake and I found it "KERNEL-SOURCES 40 or 50 Mb of
   files, But there were also Kernel-enterpricing and  
   a few others KERNEL related selections?
   Now who is the fool here? I compile Linrad, get a working
   system with the AC97 problem of which some people on this board
   have running see my linrad_dat. and after asking over and over 
   whether it is actually working, I got an affirmative 

   In my old age analogue thinking I believe there are probably a few 
   registers in the AC97 sound system that do not communicate with 
   linrad for what ever reason.
   Arie, PA0EZ, suggested a little program Krecord of which,
   I found out, exist quite a few versions, It lets you check the 
   record/playback operations of the soundcard, where you actually 
   use the PCM input I guess, for playing the stored .wav file Something
   that should happen in Linrad, but is not working in my set-up .
   I believe I had this working but had still a path from the mic, input
   to the output as I was playing back the stored audio .wav file but 
   at least I got the .wav audio into the back end of the sound card.

   I am writing this stuff partially for the benefit of others,  I hope,

   73 Rein