Hi Alex, Here are the instructions for setting up Linrad so that Slave Instances of Linrad track the Master Linrad. The Master and Slave instances of Linrad are compiled differently, and of course must exist in separate directories. The software as written assumes that the master and slave are on the same computer. If they are not, then you must set up a drive from one of the computers as a Network Drive on the other, so that it can be referenced with a drive letter such as C: or D: or E: or whatever from the remote computer. I have used the program with a Network Drive, so I know that using a Network Drive presents no issues with this software. There are two versions of the Master software, one in the directory /lir04-05_Master, and one in the directory /lir04-05_Master_Immediate_QSY. The software in the directory ...Master works like this: 1. When you type "U" on the master instance of Linrad, it will write the QSO frequency to a file. 2. The slave instance of Linrad will read that file and QSY to that frequency. The software in the directory ...Master_Immediate_QSY works like this: 1. When you change frequency, the master instance of Linrad immediately writes the QSO frequency to a file. 2. The slave instance of Linrad will read that file and QSY to that frequency. The Master Linrad instance writes file containing the QSO frequency information to the directory named \lin2ft\ on the disk it is on. The file name of the file with the QSO frequency information is \Radio0file So the complete address of the QSO frequency information file is \lin2ft\Radio0file. The Slave Linrad instance looks in the Slave Linrad directory for the file freq_location.txt That file tells the Slave Linrad where to look for the QSO frequency information file. This is necessary and not hardwired into the software because the Disk on which this file is located will be different on different systems. For example, on my system the QSO frequency information file in on disk F. So the file freq_location.txt on my system contains the single line: F:\\lin2ft\\Radio0file indicating that the QSO information file has the address F:\lin2ft\Radio0file. However, on your system the same file may be located on disk C:, in which case the frequency information file needs to contain the line: C:\\lin2ft\Radio0file Note that because of the way the C language handles the "\" character, you need to place two backslashes for every backslash needed. Thus F:\\lin2ft\\Radio0file must be written into the frequency information file instead of F:\lin2ft\Radio0file The Master Linrad file is compiled using the file users_w3sz_hb9dri.C and renaming it wusers_hwaredriver.c if using windows or users_hwaredriver.c if using Linux. THE EXTRA_W3SZ FILE IS NOT USED FOR THE MASTER. Then "configure" and "make" and Master Linrad should be ready to go. The Slave Linrad is compiled using the file extra)w3sz_hb9dri.c and renaming it to users_extra.c THE USERS_W3SZ_HB9DRI.C FILE IS NOT USED FOR THE SLAVE. Then "configure" and "make" and Slave Linrad should be ready to go. I attached a zip file of the master files and a zip file of the slave files. Just unzip them and proceed as outlined above. Make sure to create a directory \lin2ft\ on the drive on which the Master Linrad is placed. Make sure to create the freq_location.txt file in each Slave Linrad directory, and write the location of the QSO frequency file in that file as outlined above. When running, the command window on the Slave instance of Linrad will first indicate that it found the QSO frequency file [assuming that it did find it], and then display frequency information with each "U" QSY (or immediately, if you are using the software version from the directory ...Master_Immediate_QSY. The information is: [a] QSO frequency, [b] number of Hz from the bottom of the window, [c] number of Hz from the center frequency, [[d] the result of a calculation that should always equal the QSO frequency, [a]. [b] - [a] should always equal 48000. Thus this line provides 2 internal checks of the data. Below are two examples of the output: F:\lir04-05_Slave>linrad Found F:\\lin2ft\\Radio0file 144170567 93567 45567 144170567 144159692 82692 34692 144159692 144088255 11255 -36745 144088255 F:\lir04-05_Slave>linrad Found F:\\lin2ft\\Radio0file 144088255 11255 -36745 144088255 144134755 57755 9755 144134755 144098192 21192 -26808 144098192 Let me know if there are any problems, if you need further info, or if you want me to change the program from what is currently written. 73, Roger Rehr 1 March, 2015