DIRTY DISHES and clean signals the publication of The 50 MHz and UP Group of Northern California, Inc. |
Volume 4 Number 6 June, 1999
(Edited by Rex Allers, KK6MK)
Visit our web site at:
http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/50UP.htmlNext Meeting
: SATURDAY, June 26, 12 noon - annual Picnic at National Semiconductor park.The 50 MHz and Up Group and BAYCOM will have their joint
picnic on Saturday, June 26.You must bring
your own food and drink.The 50 MHz and up group will provide charcoal, plates, utensils and ice.
: The picnic gathering will be held in the Employee Park area of National Semiconductor in Santa Clara behind the NS Credit Union (same location as last year.)National Semiconductor Federal Credit Union is located on Kifer, between Lawrence Expressway and Wolfe. Very close to HRO Sunnyvale. Kifer is located just one light south of Central Expressway.
From 101, take Lawrence Expressway south to Kifer. Turn right on Kifer. Go past the main National Semiconductor Buildings. On the right just before a park is the Credit Union. Go around to the back.
The park area where we will picnic is gated and the entrance is located at the far end of the parking lot.
: June 26th is also the ARRL Field Day. We are hoping some members will want to operate during the picnic on the bands 50 MHz and Up. Please contact Rex Allers if you plan to, or would like to, operate during the picnic.
Officers for 1999
President |
Rex Allers |
408-377-6848 |
rexa@dnai.com |
Vice President |
Jim Moss |
408-746-2789 |
Jim.Moss@nsc.com |
Treasurer |
Will Jensby |
408-296-6071 |
w0eom@aol.com |
Secretary |
Bill Ogilvie |
650-968-3707 |
wogilvie@best.com |
Board Member |
Jeffrey Pawlan |
408-371-0256 |
jpawlan@pawlan.com |
Board Member |
Art Lange |
408-245-7453 |
art_lange@trimble.com |
Board Member |
Sam Wood |
650-941-8000 |
sam@msr.com |
New members welcomed
We are always looking for more people to join and share with our group. Dues are $15.00 per year, or the
special rate of $25 for two years. Please encourage anyone who might have an interest to join our group.Contests and Events
Foothill Swap Meet -
Second Saturday of each month (March – September) at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills. Parking fee required.Livermore Swap Meet
- First Sunday of each month at Las Positas College in Livermore, CA, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from west, 145.35 from the east. Contact Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447- 3857 eves.
VHF+ WeakSignal NETS
Sunday |
8PM |
144.240 |
Southern California WSWSS |
Sunday |
8PM |
144.250 |
Sunday |
8:30PM |
432.100 |
Central California WSWSS |
Tuesday |
8PM |
144.250 |
Northern California SWOT, Oakland |
Tuesday |
8PM |
144.200 |
Arizona WSWSS |
Wednesday |
8PM |
144.240 |
Southern California WSWSS SWAP |
Thursday |
8PM |
144.250 |
Northern California SWOT/WSWSS |
Thursday |
8PM |
432.120 |
SCAL General, Oceanside, DM13 |
Picnic gathering this month
Our yearly picnic will be held at the Park Area at National Semiconductor on Saturday, June 26. As in the last couple of years, BAYCOM will be joining us in this activity. This is the weekend of the 1999 ARRL Field Day, so we would like to set up some rigs and make a minor effort to participate as a group this year. Whether you would like to operate or just enjoy the day, please come and participate.
To keep things simple, it was voted at the May meeting, everyone should bring your own food and drink. The 50 MHz and Up Group will provide charcoal, plates, utensils and ice.
Since this is also the weekend of the ARRL Field Day, we thought it would be good if some of us operated at the picnic location on the bands from 50 MHz up. We are looking for volunteers who would like to participate. Please contact me - Rex Allers - if you want to operate during the picnic.
-- Rex, KK6MK
50 MHz & Up Group Minutes
Meeting of May 16, 1999
The 50 MHz & Up Group held its May meeting at the Lockheed Martin Auditorium on May 16, 1999. Executives and directors present were: Rex Allers KK6MK, President; Bill Ogilvie, KQ6FY, Secretary; and Art Lange, W6RXQ, Director; Jeffrey Pawlan WA6KBL, Director. There were 15 members and visitors in attendance.
The 50 MHz & Up Group's picnic will be held on Saturday, June 26 at the National Semiconductor location. This is also Field Day weekend and it was decided at the meeting that, along with the barbecue, demonstrations of mm wave stations or VHF/UHF will also take place. A brief discussion took place on whether 50 MHz & Up Group funds should be spent on the picnic. The membership held a vote and it was decided that the picnic would not be paid for out of 50 MHz & Up Group funds. Instead the affair will be a PotLuck. The 50 MHz & Up Group will supply paper plates and charcoal, but attendees will bring drinks and food.
Alan Podell, the founder of Anzac and holder of several patents, gave an interesting talk on matching and mounting at millimeter wave, with waveguide, and coplanar waveguide.
de KQ6FY, Bill Ogilvie
Clean Signals
The date was August 6, 1988. Two stations worked 479 miles on 10 GHz in California.
WB0HLC/6 was operating from Bonanza King Mt. (CN81QC). Rich Rhymes, WB7ABP/6 parked his rig on Frazier Mt. (DM04MS). The first exchange was made with weak signal CW at 1156 UTC. At 1300 UTC signals were 20 dB above the noise floor!
Just like today, you have to be at the right place at the right time...the path peaked shortly after sunrise and by midday it vanished. Transmit power for both stations was 708 mW and rcv NF also for both was 4.5 dB. WB0HLC was using a 32-inch dish; WB7ABP operated with a 48 incher. This author is now taking license to correct the record of August 6, 1988...479 miles is 766.4 Km. Using todays computer and software recognized by the ARRL for DX records (BD - Bearing & Distance Calculator for the Non-Spherical Earth) the corrected distance is 480.403 miles or 773.133 Km!!!! (Center of grid square to center of grid square.) Not too shabby considering that today with 1 dB NF front ends, 10 watts and 4 to 6 foot dishes, this distance is not all that easy to pull off.
SO,WHO IS WB0HLC??? We know him as BRUCE ERICKSON, KK6TG, and you have heard his beacon on Mt. St. Helena 10368.020.
Jim Von Striver W6ASL
Antenna Course and Allen Podell's Presentation
Printed copies of Presentations Available
Available to 50 MHz and Up Group members only. The complete printed version of the presentation on antennas and feeds by John Sanford, 56 pages. Also the complete printed version of Allen Podell's talk on Impatt and Gunn oscillator cavity design, about 25 pages.
Please contact Jeffrey, WA6KBL if you are interested in obtaining a copy of both of these. I will collect orders only until the picnic on June 26. I will then take the originals to a copy center and have exactly the right number made. This is a one-time offer only so please contact me before June 26. The cost will be whatever the copy center charges. I will ask for 3-hole punched paper so that you can put these in a binder. I think that the cost will be about 10 cents per page.
Jeffrey Pawlan
408 371-0256
Annual Membership renewals
I have arranged our membership database, so that we now print your membership expiration date at the top of the address on your newsletter. Please look at the information on this newsletter. Contact me if you feel the expiration date is not correct.
If your membership has recently expired or if it will expire in the next few months, please consider renewing your membership.
Send renewals to our treasurer:
Will Jensby
645 Giannini Dr
Santa Clara, CA 95051-5829
Be sure to include your name so that we can properly record your payment.
Dues: $15 for one year, or $25 for two years. You can also renew at the meetings.
Rex, KK6MK
On the Internet…
Do you have a Web Page relevant to our members? Let us know and we will put it here.
(You must be a member.)50 MHz and Up Group page:
http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/50UP.html The official group web page. Hosted by Rein Smit, W6/PA0ZN as part of his Weaksignal News Kiosk. The 50Up page includes an archive of newsletters.W6/PA0ZN's Weak signal pages:
http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/ARRL Pacific Division Web page:
Rex's Place - KK6MK:
Laser Communications Home Page!
http://www.qsl.net/wb9ajz/laser/laser.htm Lots of bright stuff.