DIRTY DISHES and clean signals the publication of The 50 MHz and UP Group of Northern California, Inc. |
Volume 3 Number 11 November, 1998
(Edited by Rex Allers, KK6MK)
Visit our web site at:
http://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/50UP.htmlNext Meeting
: TUESDAY, November 10, 7:30PM - at Lockheed Bldg. 202.PROGRAM
: Review of the Microwave Update Conference that was just held in Colorado. Will Jensby, W0EOM, will repeat the presentation he did on Harmonic Mixers and Multipliers. We will solicit reports from our members who attended. We expect to also have video of other presentations that were given.DIRECTIONS
: The meeting place will be the Lockheed Auditorium in bldg. 202 on Hanover St. in Palo Alto, California. Access Hanover from Page Mill Road (between 280 and El Camino). Follow Hanover as it curves right and up the hill. Watch for the Lockheed sign indicating Bldg. 202 on the left side, about 2/3 of the way up the hill.Officers for 1998
President |
Rex Allers |
408-377-6848 |
Vice President |
Jim Moss |
408-746-2789 |
Treasurer |
Will Jensby |
408-296-6071 |
Secretary |
Bill Ogilvie |
650-968-3707 |
Board Member |
Jeffrey Pawlan |
408-371-0256 |
Board Member |
Bob Johnson |
415-854-5117 |
Board Member |
Sam Wood |
650-941-8000 |
New members welcomed
We are always looking for more people to join and share with our group.
At the end of 1997 a vote was unanimous to reduce the dues back to $15.00 per year. It was also decided that a special rate of $25 for two years be implemented.
Please encourage anyone who might have an interest to join our group.
Contests and Events
Foothill Swap Meet
- The second Saturday of the month. Normally these end in September, but I have heard there will be an additional meet on October 10 this year.Livermore Swap Meet
- First Sunday of each month at Las Positas College in Livermore, CA, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from west, 145.35 from the east. Contact Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447- 3857 eves.
VHF+ WeakSignal NETS
Sunday |
8PM |
144.240 |
Southern California WSWSS |
Sunday |
8PM |
144.250 |
Central California WSWSS |
Sunday |
8:30PM |
432.100 |
Central California WSWSS |
Tuesday |
8PM |
144.250 |
Northern California SWOT |
Tuesday |
8PM |
144.200 |
Arizona WSWSS |
Wednesday |
8PM |
144.240 |
Southern California WSWSS SWAP |
Thursday |
8PM |
144.250 |
Northern California SWOT/WSWSS |
Thursday |
8PM |
432.120 |
SCAL General, Oceanside, DM13 |
50 MHz & Up Group Minutes - WSWSS '98
The October meeting was replaced by the WSWSS ' 98 Conference, which the 50 MHz and Up Group hosted this year. It was held on Saturday October 3 at the Sunnyvale Hilton. This event provided a great chance for members of the two groups to meet and share our similar interests.
It was an all-day event with many presentations related to operations at or above 50 MHz. Jim, N9JIM, hosted a building session where those who signed up constructed equipment for laser communications. The evening banquet featured an entertaining and informative presentation by Paul Shuch, N6TX, on SETI -- the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.
Many thanks to our vice president Jim Moss, N9JIM, for doing all the planning and organization for this event. The content and facilities were great. The 50 MHz and Up Group picked up a few new members and met others who showed interest in our activities. I hope all our attending members and WSWSS members enjoyed the event as much as I did.
Pacificon '98
The Pacificon 98 convention was held in Concord on October 16, 17 & 18. The 50 MHz and Up Group did a series of presentations on Saturday. Our section was organized by our member Art Lange, W6RXQ. Thanks Art!
It seemed that the sessions were well received. Our presenters got numerous questions and comments from the attendees. We have one new member as a result and more visibility to the local amateur community.
10 GHz Moonbounce Station
Jeffrey Pawlan, WA6KBL, our board member is working hard to build a 10 GHz EME station. The goal is to accomplish this very quickly to fulfill an ambition of Ron Hopkins, N6BQ, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Much work has been accomplished, but much remains to be done.
The station will be based on a 16 foot Scientific Atlanta dish mounted on a WWII vintage SCR-584 radar pedestal. Current status: the tower is up mounted, the SCR-584 has been considerably cleaned up and refurbished, heavy-duty hardware has been built for mounting the dish.
There is still a lot of work to do. Remaining tasks include more work on the SCR-584, adding positioning sensors, wiring, electronics construction for control, mounting the pedestal on the tower, assembling and mounting the dish, 10 GHz electronics, .... And more.
The hope is to implement this in a very short period. Jeffrey is looking for any help you can offer. If you can offer time, sweat, brain power, or equipment to this task, please contact Jeffrey Pawlan (see the officers' list at the front of the newsletter).
Our very best wishes go out to Ron and his family.
Precision Oscillator Tape
At the September meeting, Rick Karlquist, N6RK, gave a great presentation -- The Use of Precision Quartz Oscillators and Atomic Standards in Ham Radio. I finally made a master copy of the video tape that was made of the presentation. If you would like a copy of this tape on VHS, contact me - Rex Allers, KK6MK (information in officers list.) There will be a nominal charge of $6 to cover costs.
On the Internet...
Do you have a Web Page relevant to our members? Let us know and we will put it here.
(You must be a member.)50 MHz and Up Group page:
http://www.dnai.com/~rexahttp://www.nitehawk.com/rasmit/50UP.html The official group web page. Hosted by Rein Smit, W6/PA0ZN as part of his Weaksignal News Kiosk. The 50Up page includes an archive of newsletters.ARRL Pacific Division Web page:
http://www.pdarrl.org/Rex's Place - KK6MK:
http://www.dnai.com/~rexa/ Microwave stuff, 50 MHz Up Group pictures and information.Laser Communications Home Page!
http://www.qsl.net/wb9ajz/laser/laser.htm Lots of bright stuff.
Dishes Available
From: H. T. Howard (Tay)
I have a number of Ku capable dishes to get rid of. They range from 2 to 12 feet in diameter.
Most are mesh but one is a heavy duty spun ten footer - it is one of the thirty two that were in the Stanford Mills cross many years ago. Lance and I took those down and sold them to TVRO folks in the early eighties. It is on a polar mount.
I was hoping to find good homes for all of them through you and for the Dirty dishes gang.
They are located in Chaparral's "dish farm" in San Jose. They'll have to be moved by Christmas time.
If you are interested drop me a note and I'll put you in contact with the right person.
Send email to Tay --
htay@jps.netOr contact Jeffrey Pawlan WA6KBL for information on how to reach Tay if you don't have email access.