The 50MHz and
Up Group of Northern California,
Inc. A nonprofit public benefit corporation focusing on amateur radio activities at frequencies above 50 Megahertz. |
The 50 MHz and Up Group is a public benefit amateur radio organization centered in the San Francisco Bay area. Meetings are held on Sundays or on Tuesdays depending on the month and the program. The group is interested in communications using frequencies from 50 MHz up through light-waves. The group is open to any related topics that might be of interest to members. Areas that have been touched on include: technology, design, construction, operation, public service, contesting and antennas. Take the link in the page header for the official statement of purposes for the group.
Many of the members have built their own transverters or other radio equipment, and are operating at radio frequencies as high as 77 GHz. There are also members involved in laser, satellite, moonbounce and DX on many bands.
For more information, send email to:
LINKS:Pacific Division
In Memory of K2SS/W6OLO by Jeffrey Pawlan.
For comments: Webmaster.