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Hi All,

This weekend all my Linrad stuff is on show at the
Scandinavian Ham Vention in Gothemburg.

I have uploaded Linrad01-00 which is probably premature
in order to have a safe backup in case there will be
some disaster with my computers.

The new main version number indicates a new and much
simpler structure of the main receive loop in wcw.c.
This is the timing control that is in charge of keeping
input and output synchronized while monitoring user
mouse and keyboard activities.

The new version is thanks to John, NI1B, who has rewritten
wcw.c into a state machine (and tought me what that word 
stands for). I have made a lot of changes along the lines
suggested by Johns' code, but I have also made quite a lot
of changes to the different "states", the subroutines 
called from the main timing loop.

The new structure is a first step towards adding new modes 
into Linrad. The terrible mess that was the main loop in late
Linrad00-xx versions was not a good starting point for adding 
new things......

Since 01-00 is likely to have bugs in it I have placed it only
on the ...../linuxdsp/linroot.htm page. The "innocent
newcomer" will still find 00-56 .../linuxdsp/linrad.htm page.

I am interested in bug reports and all observations about
different behaviour. There are only unintended differences
in the actual processing. 01-00 uses maybe 2.5% more CPU time
but it has a few tenths of a second smaller processing delay
on my PIII. I can play the 2min_eme.raw recording in 2x20kHz
bandwidth on my old Pentium 60MHz so the code is still 
very efficient. Look at ...../linuxdsp/demo/dememe.htm.


Leif / SM5BSZ