APRIL 1997 VOL 25 # 5


ENGR DEPT., THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY, TRENTON, NJ 08650-4700 (W 609-490-2817 OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL Allen Katz, K2UYH


SKEDS CORD & DIRECTORY: DL4EBY/DK0TU, KLAUS TIEDEMANN, HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail: Klaus Tiedemann.


*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***


14.345 1600 Z SAT/SUN;


Good conditions were generally reported for the DUBUS-REF Contest/SW despite the less than ideal position of the Moon. (A near full Moon did make visual tracking easy.) But, propagation was not the problem. For many high winds and poor WX put a damper on the weekend. In spite of this 23 cm activity approached that of the ARRL Contest. High contest scores include OE9XXI 63x36, ZS6AXT 49x29, K4QI 44x31, VE1ALQ 40x28 and K2UYH 40x27. Now its time to switch attention to 70 cm and 13 cm up for the 2nd phase of the contest. Also in the news is a new 10 GHz DX record achieved by DJ7FJ and ZL1GSG a few days before the contest - see their reports.

Luis reports -- On 23 cm, I am always active during the SWs. My 500 w amp is working OK, but lately I was having a few mysterious mistunnings. If I was QRT for a few days, I found that the amp was OK, but the SWR was increasing slowly from day to day. Since it was not too high, I decided to operate the contest without taking the feed out, to see where was the fault. After the contest I discovered a wasp nest inside!!! And presumably all of them where alive... at least they could fly! I have concluded that I really need more power. Did anybody noticed any 'zzzum' on my signal? Before the contest I worked: HB9BHU (449/439), VE4MA (549/549), SM3AKW (559/559) and (45/43) on SSB, W2UHI (559/559), GW3XYW (549/549) and (43/43) on SSB, W2UHI (549/539), AA6WI (539/339), EA3UM (549/449), OE9XXI (569/559) and (56/54) on SSB, DD1XF (449/449), F1ANH (549/449), S59DCD (O/O), KB2AH (54/52), WD5AGO (449/449), N2IQU (559/549) and (55/55) on SSB, SM4IVE (549/559), OH2AXH (539/539) and (44/42) on SSB, W2UHI (549/549), LA8LF (449/449), LX1DB (559/549), ZS6AXT (449/449), KB2AH (55/52) on SSB, DF3RU (O/O), K4QI (449/449), W2UHI (549/549), N6BQ (449/O), DF6NA/N6 (559,449), OZ4MM (549/549) and (43/43) on SSB, OK1KIR (449/449), PA3CSG (559/449) and (44/44) on SSB, OE9XXI (579/559) and (54/44) on SSB, OE9ERC (54/44) on SSB, LA8LF(549/449), K3EAV (O/O), VE3BQN (O439/O449), EA6ADW (549/559), and EA6ADW (42/42) on SSB, K5JL (559/559), N6BQ (439/439) and EA6ADW (559/559). During the contest I added F6CGJ (559/549), SM3AKW (559/559), F1ANH (559/559), ZS6AXT (559/569), I2COR (559/559), N2IQU (559/549), DJ7FJ (529/539), OH2AXH (559/539), EA6ADW (559/559), VE1ALQ (559/559), F6KSX (559/559), F5PAU (559/559), OZ4MM (569/549), K5JL (559/529), DD1XF (O/O), OE9XXI (589,559), HB9SV (559/559), KB2AH (559/549), DJ9YW (439/449), N6BQ (529/539), F5PL (559/529), G3LTF (549,549), HB9BHU (529/549), OK1KIR (O/O), F6CGJ (53/43) on SSB, K2DH (559/559), W2UHI (549/549), K2UYH (559/559), K4QI (539/529), PA3CSG (559,549), HB9BBD (529/519) and LA8LF (559/449) for 31x23. After the contest I installed my 10 GHz system at the dish focus (transverter + TWT and power supply). The sun noise was about 11 dB and moon noise about 0.6 dB. (I was expecting a bit more... but it still is not fully optimized). The TX power is 22 w. My echoes where detectable, but week. The next day I optimized the focal point and feed corrugation position. I then got 1.1 dB of moon noise and my echoes where (M to O) copy. My 1st QSO was with Al, WB5LUA (M/M) on the 1st try despite moon apogee. This was the 1st ever 10 GHz EME QSO from Portugal. I have also been active on 70 cm since Dec with 4 yagis on both random and some skeds. Results, however, have been poor. I have decided not to take skeds until I switch to my dish, which I expect to do soon. I have worked SM3AKW (M/M), JA2KRW (M/O), KD4LT (O/M), K1FO (559/439) and K5JL (O/M). For the 2nd part of the contest I will be on 70 cm at moon rise + 4 hrs, then I will switch to 3 cm, and later, 4 hours before moon set again on 70 cm. For 10 GHz skeds at short notice call to tel +351 34 315 885.

Joe reports the 1st 10 GHz ZL-DL QSO and a new distance record of 18340 km -- On the morning of 12 March we achieved the goal we've worked toward for more than one year: A 10 GHz EME QSO with Greg, ZL1GSG (x-DL2GSG) near Auckland. Good (O/O) reports were exchanged. This was the 1st QSO with Greg's new 3 m dish. Attempts in 1996 with a 1.8 m dish ended with a partial. The power used on both sides was 50 w. The antenna in Germany was a 4.5 m dish. Due to the high 5 deg horizon at my location, the common window is only about 20 minutes long. The test nearly ended in failure. Just at the opening of the window, a technical glitch at Greg's end prevented transmission. The pressure was on! Fortunately 10 minutes before the window ended Greg solved the problem and a quick QSO was achieved. After the successful 10 GHz, some tests were done on 6 cm. We made initial echo tests with a new solid state PA producing > 30 w. The echoes were heard and still copyable on SSB after reducing the power by 3 dB! Using a DSP S9 filter the power could be reduced by 6 dB. The sun noise was 14.8 dB and moon noise 1.0 dB, (compared to 17 dB sun and 2.3 dB moon on 10 GHz). On 24 GHz we are lacking sufficient power to check echoes. We have tested the receiving system with the 4.5 m dish. The measurements resulted in a sun noise of 14.6 dB and moon noise of 2.1 dB. The C/SG noise was 3.8 dB. The weather was clear with blue sky and 20 deg C at the time of these tests. The moon phase was 3 days after new moon. Recently we made tests with a 1.2 m dish and received 10.3 dB sun noise, 0.6 dB moon noise and 3.5 dB CS/G noise at half moon phase. The receiving system in all tests consisted of a VE4MA type feed and a 1.5 dB preamp made by DB6NT followed by a DB6NT 24 GHz transverter.
The weekend after the ZL-DL QSO, we operated the DUBUS-REF EME Contest on 23 cm from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning. 16 hours before the contest our TH308 amplifier passed away and we were forced to use the driver. 150 w came out of the 2 x 2C39s and that was fed into the 4.5 m dish with circular pol feed. 18 stations were QSO'd as follows: ZS6AXT, OZ4MM, F5PAU for initial #21, SM3AKW, F1ANH, OE9XXI, F6KSX #22, F6CGJ, GW3XYW #23, EA6ADW #24, DD1XF #25, OH2AXH, CT1DMK #26, N2IQU, VE1ALQ #27, DJ9YW #28, KB2AH and K2UYH. Only QRZs were received from I2COR and K5JL. Heard but not worked were DF9QX, EA3UM, JA4BLC and probably some others. We will be back on 23 cm, but only sporadically until next year's contest. I will not be active for the 2nd leg of DUUS-REF contest as this weekend unfortunately conflicts with the 1st Communion of my youngest daughter.

Heinrich has a new 4.5 m dish in operation on 23 cm with his 8 x 2C39BA PA, which provides 360 w to an IMU feed. He QSO'd on 8 March DD1XF, on 9 March F6CGJ on CW and SSB, during the DUBUS/REF Contest on 15 March OZ4MM, DF9QX, EA3UM, JA4BLC, F6KXK [?], JH5LUZ for initial #54, ZS6AXT, I6QGA #55, F6CGJ, OE9XXI, SM3AKW, I2COR #56, K5JL #57, DJ7FJ #58, EA6ADW, KB2AH, OH2AXH, F1ANH, GW3XYW, CT1DMK #59, K2UYH and N6BQ, and on 16 March F6KSX #60, K2DH #61, K4QI #62, IK6EIW #63, F5PL and G3LTF. Heinrich is looking for skeds and can be reached at FAX ++49-5155 983256.

Jurg has a new e-mail address Jurg, DL3WG. In Feb he made initials with OK1DFC (M/O), WA8WZG (O/O), WI7Z (O/O) and KB3PD to bring him to initial #329. Although Jurg copied his echoes at all times, all other skeds were nil.

Francis (IN88cb) is QRV on 1296 with a 6.75 m f/d .5 dish, IMU short horn, TH293 1300 w PA (800 w at the feed) and FHX35G LNA. He is using F1EHN's auto track system. During the Eur Contest Francis worked DJ7FJ, DD1XF, JH5LUZ, OZ4MM, ZS6AXT, JA4BLC, OE9XXI, SM3AKW, EA6ADW, OK1KIR, F6KXS, F1ANH, G3LTF, F6CGJ, G4CCH, DF9QX, DK7LJ, ON5RR, CT1DMK, OH2AXH, KB2AH, VE1ALQ, N2IQU, PA3CSG, K2UYH, W2UHI, K5JL, JH3EAO, F5PL, DF3RU, K2DH, LX1DB, LA8LF, HB9BBD, K4QI, N6BQ, VE4MA, WB5LUA and G4DZU. Francis' e- mail address is Francis, F5PAU.

Jean-Jacques (F1EHN) reports on the F6KSX crew's activity during the 1st part of the Eur contest -- We put the station on 23 cm during the pre-contest weekend. These tests were very good, and we QSO'd Louis, F6CGJ on SSB, on random, off the new moon. We used a 3.3 m dish, a VE4MA feed horn with circular pol, an NE32584 (0.3 dB NF) preamp, a TH338 PA (500 w) just behind the dish (only 3 m of FSJ 4/50), and positioning system with F1EHN autotrack software (like the 3 cm station). We made 37 QSOs (including 1 double and 2 SSB QSOs) and 23 multipliers. We worked on 15 March EA6ADW for initial #46, ZS6AXT, JH5LUZ, OZ4MM, F1ANH, F6CGJ, DJ9YW #47, SM3AKW, JA4BLC, EA3UM, OE9XXI, G3LTF, DD1XF, F5PAU, I6QGA #48, I2COR #49, OH2AXH, N2IQU, F1ANH (SSB), CT1DMK #50, KB2AH, OK1KIR, VE1ALQ, K2UYH and W2UHI, and on 16 March DJ9YW (double), F5PL, DF9QX, F6CGJ (SSB), PA3CSG #51, GW3XYW, ON5RR #52, HB9SV, LA8LF, K4QI #53, LX1DB #54 and K2DH #55. The operators were F1EHN, F1HAR, F5HRY, F5MZN and F6FVY. QSL via F1EHN (jjm_f1ehn@msn.com). I would also like to inform the EME community that I have a Web page. You can find information about my EME Moon tracking system, how to build, order and use it. You can download the software and the page also displays a few F6KSX station pictures. Up to now, more than 110 EMEers have built my tracking interface in 23 countries. Our WEB page is at: The F1EHN EME-System WEB Page. I wish to thank W6/PA0ZN for his great help in getting this page going.

Peter writes -- It was great to hear all the activity on 1296, but once again the high winds restricted my operation. On 14 March I worked at 2130 K5JL with a great signal, but then my preamp blew - 1st time for about 4 or 5 years. I spent a lot of time fixing it, and trying to ascertain the cause - still not found. On the Saturday morning the wind was moving the dish around by about half a beamwidth, and it was very hard to raise people. This was a problem for much of the contest. (I also missed most of Saturday evening due to bad liaison with my XYL on theater booking dates!!) I now have about 350 w consistently at the feed due to improvements in the 6 tube PA (see below). I have over 700 w in the shack. Sun noise is 16 dB. I worked the following on 15 March OZ4MM, F6CGJ, EA6ADW, ZS6AXT, I6QGA, F6KSX, OK1KIR, OE9XXI, SM3AKW, F5PAU, DH9FAG, GW3XYW, K2UYH, W2UHI, VE4MA, N6BQ, KB2AH, K4QI and VE1ALQ, and on 16 March F1ANH, JA4BLC, F5PL, ON5RR for initial #123, DD1XF, G3LQR, CT1DMK, HB9BBD, G4CCH, SM5DGX, PA3CSG, IK3COJ, K2DH, HB9SV, HB9BHU, WA8WZG for initial #124 - after quite a struggle to get my call, N2IQU, LA8LF, DJ9YW, K3EAV, VE3BQN and WB5LUA. CWNR were I2COR, G4DZU, DJ7FJ and DF9QX. Heard were K5JL, EA3UM and OH2AXH. I looked in vain for NL7F. Nil from 4X6UJ on sked. My score was 41x27. On 432 nil from OK1DFC and many apologies to WB0GGM and NA4M for missing their skeds on Saturday evening.
On the Technical side: I modified the input coupling to my 6 tube PA by removing the loop and having a piece of spring stock form a sliding contact to the floor of the input cavity, somewhere about the radius of the tubes - much as KB2AH described recently. This had the immediate effect of equalizing the drive to the tubes as measured by Ig and stopped the runaway problems I was experiencing with one or 2 tubes hogging the current. The output has been a direct tap for many years, with a tuner to get the last 0.5 dB of power. I still need to get the 1 dB excess loss out of the feedline and to try and get some of the slop out of the dish steering.

Andy has not been active since Dec on 70 cm. Ice broke his T/R relay which in-turn caused his preamp to die. In addition he spent a month in TA2-land and is back there now. Andy plans to be back for the 2nd part of the REF contest and QRV again.

Yoshiro reports on March: I worked 27 stations on 1296: K5JL for initial #66, K2UYH, VE6TA, N6BQ, OZ4MM, SM3AKW, F6CGJ, DJ9YW, OE9XXI (SSB), EA6ADW, I6QGA #67, F6KSX, F5PAU, GW3XYW, K2DH, K4QI #68, JH5LUZ, JH3EAO, OK1KIR, DD1XF, ZS6AXT, OH2AXH, F1ANH, G3LTF, LA8LF, HB9BHU and F5PL. On 432, I worked W7QX, 7M2PDT and JA5OVU. My standings on 432 are initial #238, DXCC 42, WAS 32; on 1296 initial #68, DXCC 23 and WAS 8; and on 2300 initial #11, DXCC 8 and WAS 2.

Steve has been very busy lately between the demands of his day job, his night job (Lunar-Link) and re-decorating projects around the house. Although he had written a Feb report, he completely forgot to upload it to the bulletin board. He was on for a few hours in Feb and found conditions noticeably poorer than over the last few months. The shift to more daylight hours of operation, the higher Sun declination and some aurora (apparent on 20 m) could be reasons for the decline in signals. Stations worked were: on 13 Feb, JA5OVU, on 14 Feb G3LTF, on 15 Feb DL8OBU, HA1YA, RA3LE, EA3DXU, OK1DFC for initial # 511 and DL4KG, on 16 Feb W7QX, NA4N and W8MQW - Nil was heard on his YL3AG sked, on 22 Feb W7QX, and on 23 Feb KA0RYT. Operating time in March was also limited. Conditions appeared to be worse than in Feb with poor echoes except for near moonset. Steve was also hampered by the loss of his elevation indicator which make him hunt for the moon by listening for echoes which were not very strong most of the time. He worked on 15 Mar JA2TY, JA5OVU, 7M2PDT, RA3LE, KA0RYT and EA8/ON5FF, on 16 Mar JJ1NNJ and NA4N, on 23 Mar WB6IMC and KA0RYT, and on 24 Mar KB8ZW and W8MQW. Steve has a very nice visit from Tom, JA5OVU and his wire Sachiko. Steve was able to demonstrate some weak echoes for Tom on March 8 despite it being new moon (4.5 deg Sun separation) and having no elevation indicator. They also drove up to visit Frank, NC1I. Steve notes that I did some creative editing of his report in the Feb NL. Steve did not volunteer to collect data regarding EME polarity notation/procedure. [My apology to Steve, I definitely misinterpreted his thoughts.] Perhaps Ian, G3SEK is in the best position to gather the suggestions as he originated this round of the discussion. Steve is looking forward to the Eur EME contest and the higher activity that it will bring to 70 cm. EME totals for K1FO are #511 initial, 49 states and 75 DXCC.

Dave's activity report for March, including his results for the DUBUS/REF Contest follows -- I had planned to be active on 23 cm the whole time the moon was up during the contest, but Mother Nature didn't agree. As soon as the moon cleared the trees on Saturday the 15th, the wind started. I got on and quickly worked N2IQU (569/559), ZS6AXT (559/569) and OZ4MM (569/559). But during the OZ4MM QSO, I noticed Stig's signal going from (569) to nothing! I looked out the window and saw the dish really rocking in the winds, which were now above 40 mph! So, I quickly stowed the dish and tied it down. The wind finally died down about 0300 on 16 March, so I untied it and got back on. I worked N6BQ (559/548C), K4QI (569/569C) and WB5LUA (569/569C) - I noticed my chirpy VCO was back, then VE6TA (549/549) - chirp now gone for the rest of the evening, JH5LUZ (559/549), NL7F (O/O), WB5LUA (55/55) SSB (dup), K2UYH (569/559) and JA4BLC (559/449). Later on 16 March, the wind was still calm, so I got on for the remainder of the contest working F5PAU (569/559), G3LTF (559/559), F6CGJ (569/559), SM3AKW (559/569), HB9SV (569/569), EA6ADW (559/559), CT1DMK (559/559), DJ9YW (449/449), LA8LF (559/449), OE9XXI (569/559), NIL 4X6UJ, PA3CSG (559/559), LX1DB (569/559), ON5RR (O/O) for initial #84, WA8WZG (M/O), F5PL (559/559), VE1ALQ (549/549), F6KSX (559/449), HB9BHU (549/559), NIL KB0PYO, K3EAV (449/539), W0KJY (449/559), VE4MA (549/559), EA3UM (559/559) and W2UHI (549/549) for a total of 34x29. I want to apologize to those who called me and whose calls I could not put together - at times I had several stations answering my CQs simultaneously and I found out how poor my contesting skills really are. I hope to be on for the 2nd weekend, but I won't say which band yet - I want to have it be a sort of surprise. I worked on 20 March N2IQU (569/559), WA8WZG (339/559) - I was helping Tom figure out why he was having trouble working people and VE3BQN (O/O), on 23 March at 0030 W2UHI (559/559), 0150 DF3RU (O/O), 0201 N2IQU (569/569), 0300 NIL KB0PYO, 0348 VE3BQN (539/549) and 0358 W4OP (449/559) #85, and on 24 March at 0130 HB9BBD (559/539) - a very nice chat, 0200 K9BCT/4 (M/O) #86, 0250 W2UHI (559/559), 0300 KB0PYO (O/O) #87, and 0445 K5JL (569/559). I've obviously been very active, and I guess I've finally gotten the bugs worked out of the new PA and water-cooling system, as I had no failures through this entire period. I'm available for skeds anytime the moon is up and the wind cooperates. Once again, I'd sure like to find someone who is willing to activate South America - I could help with some of the hardware, if someone there was willing to put forth some effort. I'm sure I'm not alone - a large number of new folks have gotten on since the last station was active on 23 cm from South America (CX9BT), [Still receives the NL], and I'm sure there are plenty who need it as I do for WAC. Many of the islands on the coast of South America count as the continent, such as Curacao, Trinidad, and Aruba to name a few, so someone going on vacation to one of these places could activate the continent. This could only require taking a small PA (maybe 100-150 w), a transverter or transceiver (ICOM IC-1271), a feed, and then getting the use of one of the very numerous TVRO dishes on these islands. It could be a fairly simple, but a very successful dxpedition, using resources already there. I have some ideas which I'd be glad to share with anyone interested in such an attempt. I am awaiting QSLs from EA6/DF5JJ (EA6ADW), VE3BQN, F6KSX, and HB9BHU.

Rusty spent all of his operating time in Feb and March on 1296. The new surface material on his dish is making a sizable difference in performance. He can now copy small stations well that were marginal or nonexistent with the old mesh. The problem now is wind loading which is greater with the tighter material. Rusty QSO'd on 15 Feb WA5LUA and N6BQ, on 16 Feb LA8LF, N6BQ, VE4MA and OE9XXI - activity seemed very low for the SW, on 15 March K5JL, WB5LUA, N6BQ, JH5LUZ, NL7F, K2UYH, VE6TA, F6CGJ, OE9XXI, EA6ADW, OZ4MM, W2UHI, F1ANH, OK1KIR, G3LTF and VE4MA - he missed much of his Eur window because of high winds which prevented the use of his dish, on 16 March W4OP [G?], N2IQU, VE1ALQ, VE3BQN, K2DH, JA4BLC, DJ9YW, ZS6AXT, SM5DGX, CT1DMK, K3EAV, HB9BHU, LA8LF, HB9BBD, LX1DB, F5PAU, ON5RR, G4CCH, W0KJY and EA3UM, and on 17 March F6CGJ on SSB. Rusty's contest total was 44x31.

Joe writes on his 2nd EME QSO with DL9KR -- This was my 2nd EME contact. My 1st was with W1FZJ a long time ago when Sam was in Puerto Rico using the big dish. I ran a single 4X150 and a 24 el slot - HI HI. This contact with Jan was great, but I think he thinks I am some kind of nut for a 70 year old who has been working MS, E, and tropo from 6 m up for years. Thanks to K1RQG and W7FN for their help in arranging this sked. I am open for skeds with anyone else who wants to try with me.

Dick is back from Florida and back on the 1296 EME. He has a new feed horn of copper, similar to the VE4MA design and will be running sun noise tests this week. He copied KB2AH and worked OE9XXI during the SW.

Eduardo is ready for 432 EME with a 500-600 w PA and 4 x 33 el yagis. (Although he is in need of some 4CX250s.) He will take skeds in April. Eduardo listens to the 70 cm EME net, but has no telephone or FAX. He does not receive the NL. The only way to reach him is via the 20 m net.

Hoppie's (formally AA6WI) report follows -- I worked on 14 Mar K5JL, CT1DMK, EA6ADW and K3EAV, on 15 Mar NL7F, VE4MA, WB5LUA, N2IQU, K5JL, K4QI, K2UYH, JH5LUZ, JA4BLC, VE6TA (partial), OZ4MM, OE9XXI, ZS6AXT, GW3XYW, SM3AKW, EA6ADW, W2UHI, VE1ALQ, KB2AH, SM2CEW, OH2AXH, CT1DMK, F1ANH, DJ9YW, OK1KIR, F6CGJ and G3LTF, and on 16 Mar K2DH, VE6TA, ON5RR for initial #116 and DXCC #27, HB9BHU, LX1DB, LA8LF, VE3BQN, F5PAU, and F5PL for a DUBUS contest total of 35x28. Stations heard but not worked were W0KJY, K3EAV, DD1XF, HB9SV and EA3UM. Much "moon time" was spent building a HVPS for my TH327 driver (YL-1050). I ran 400 w output the 1st 2 sessions and finally got the TH327 QRV for the 3rd session at 800-900 w - the limit of my ac mains breaker to the shack with all the other stuff attached! The main problem with the TH327 was inadequate standby control grid bias voltage not cutting off tube. This resulted in an S9 noise level during RX. This required physically turning off HVPS during RX which was a real hassle. I could never listen for my own echoes due to time delay turning off/on the HVPS! Still have lots of work remaining on the TH327 PA but initial tests were very promising. The next project is to increase the size of my ac mains breaker to handle more power - hi!

Bill reports on the March SW/contest -- I'm not an enthusiastic contester, but the contest was a nice source of random contacts. I worked on 15 Mar N6BQ (M/O), WB5LUA (O/339), N2IQU (539/549), K4QI (449/439), SM3AKW (M/M) (thru the trees on both ends) and VE6TA (M/M), and on 16 Mar F6CGJ (579/449), F1ANH (O/O), K2DH (O/O) and JH5LUZ. I also tried a "tail end" call to K2UYH, but got no answer. [Sorry - there was a lot of QRM]. Over all I netted 6 initials, 2 new countries and 2 new states. The band sure was busy during the last half hour of the contest.

Peter found activity high on 15/16 March during the DUBUS Contest on 1296. He made 64 QSOs including KB7UWC (O/O) initial on sked and KB0PYO (449/559) initial and a new state. OH2AXH was CWNR. Peter's contest score was 63x36x100+10 for 226,800 points. Back on 15 Dec he contacted VK1KED (449/569) initial, ZS6AXT (559/589) and DF3RU (44/56) on SSB. Peter reports that NL7F is not the 1st 1296 EME from Alaska. He worked on 25 March in 1994 AL7JM (M/O) on linear pol. Mike was using 4 yagis and an N6CA amp. Peter has a new tel/FAX number ++43-5574-75330.

Tonda (OK1DAI) reports on his group's March EME activity -- On 10,368 MHz we worked on 8 March at 1410 partial AA5C (M/T) - Moon noise was 1.5 dB, Sun noise 13 dB and C/SG 3.7 dB. We worked on 2304 MHz on 14 March at 1837 ZS6AXT (O/O) for initial #32, DXCC 17, field (KG) 13 and the 1st ZS-OK 13 cm QSO. Nil was copied in skeds with DF3RU, F1ANH and IK2RTI. On 1296 MHz in the DUBUS EME contest we ended with 32x22. We QSO'd on 15 March at 1008 JH5LUZ (439/439), 1053 ZS6AXT (O/O), 1117 OZ4MM (559/439), 1141 EA6ADW (O/O), 1152 F6CGJ (559/549), 1203 F1ANH (549/449), 1416 GW3XYW (449/439), 1432 G3LTF (449/449), 1449 F5PAU (449/O), 1502 I6QGA (549/549), 1528 OE9XXI (579/559), 1558 SM3AKW (449/449), 1900 F6KSX (O/O), 2032 K2UYH (559/559), 2136 KB2AH (569/549), 2148 W2UHI (449/539), 2159 K5JL (559/539), 2112 N6BQ (439/339) and 2348 K4QI (559/449), and on 16 March at 1116 JA4BLC (449/449), 1143 DD1XF (O/M), 1210 OH2AXH (549/539), 1328 DF9QX (439/339), 1358 EA3UM (549/439), 1421 LA8L (O/O), 1458 F5PL (439/419), 1801 CT1DMK (O/O), 1830 VE1ALQ (449/449), 2029 ON5RR (O/O) for initial #138, 2034 in sked WA8WZG (O/O) for initial #139 and WAS 24, 2119 HB9BBD (439/419) and 2126 N2IQU (569/559). We heard DF3RU, DH9FAG, DJ0YW, G4CCH, HB9SV, I2COR, IK3COJ, IK6EIW, K2DH, K9ZZH, LX1DB, PA3CSG and VE6TA. In April we plan to be on 13 cm on Saturday and 70 or 6 cm on Sunday. Our tel number at the dish is 420601209249 for microwave skeds.

Marc writes -- The past months (since Nov) were used to make improvements to the station. The azimuth motor and control, and readouts were changed. The counter weights were lowered to get a better balance when elevating the dish. A 2 x 2C39 100 w PA and a new .33 NF AGO preamp were installed. We started listening on 15 Mar at about noon. The received signals were really marginal. After listened for some hours we checked all cabling and discovered a broken connector on the hybrid coupler. This was the cause of the poor reception. After repair we got much better reception, and we worked F6CGJ, OE9XXI, F1ANH, OZ4MM, N2IQU, F5PAU, OH2AXH, KB2AH and SM3AKW. Sunday we started again around noon. In the evening we decided to put the preamp on the feed (up to now it was in the shack, to verify all switching. On the receive side we had to put in 10 dB of attenuation. We then worked the following stations: EA6ADW, F5PL, G3LTF, PA3CSG, F6KSX, ZS6AXT, VE1ALQ, LA8LF, OK1KIR, K2DH, N6BQ, WB5LUA, K2UYH, LX1DB, W2UHI, K4QI and VE4MA. We also heard K5JL, DJ9YW, GW3XYW, EA3UM, JA4BLC, HB9SV and CT1DMK. Once the sun was down the wind and rain stopped and quite regularly we heard our own echoes. In total we worked 22 initials and ended with 26780 points. Myself and Mike (ON7EH) had a great weekend and we will be there again in May taking any possible sked. Sorry but we will not be active in April due to holidays.

Karl was pretty satisfied with his contest results on 1296 -- I made 50x31 contest wise, loosing one multiplier as I worked NL7F on sked. I worked a few stations on 144 too. Great fun, but few new stations were heard the 2nd day. Stations recently worked were on 23 Feb, on 432 KF0M (M/M) for initial #297, on 25 Feb, on 1296 WA8WZG (O/O), on 11 March, on 432 WA8WZG (539/549) #298, on 15 March, on 1296 at 1126 F6CGJ, 1130 ZS6AXT, 1145 F1ANH, 1150 JH5LUZ, 1157 OZ4MM, 1215 DJ7FJ, 1237 EA6ADW, 1250 JA4BLC, 1305 JH3EAO, 1332 OE9XXI, 1337 F6KSX, 1342 GW3XYW, 1350 I6QGA for initial #112, 1403 DD1XF, 1417 F5PAU, 1428 DJ9YW, 1455 DH9FAG #113, 1504 G3LTF, 1530 I2COR, 1559 OK1KIR, 1642 DF9QX, 1650 CT1DMK, 1732 N2IQU, 1748 VE1ALQ, 1753 OH2AXH, 1847 WB5LUA, 1912 HB9SV, 1955 ON5RR #114, 2005 KB2AH, 2020 N6BQ, 2039 SM2CEW, 2051 K5JL, 2115 W2UHI, 2138 VE6TA, 2157 K2UYH, 2217 ON5RR (dup), 2235 VE4MA and 2258 NL7F #115, on 16 March, on 1296 at 1210 JH5LUZ (dup), 1238 LA8LF, 1325 F5PL, 1350 EA3UM, 1603 PA3CSG, 1653 HB9BBD, 1747 SM5DGX, 1830 IK3COJ, 1857 K2DH, 1938 K4QI, 2028 LX1DB, 2040 K3EAV, 2142 IK6EIW #11 and 2332 VE3BQN - missed were G4CCH, G4DZU, KB0PYO, W0KJY, K9BCT, JR4AEP and HB9BHU, and on 18 March, on 1296 ZS6AXT (559/559). In the 2nd part I will be operating 2304 and 432.

Darrell says -- I had a lot of fun during this portion of the DUBUS contest. I was unable to get on for the 1st 6 hours of moon because of very high winds, snow and then freezing rain. The 2nd moon rise the WX was much better except for some rain and very, very high wind gusts, but I went on the moon anyway. The dish was bouncing around so much that when I looked at sun noise the pointer on the IF noise meter looked like a windshield wiper in motion. The winds were swinging the meter 6 to 8 db on sun noise. It sure kept the computer and relays busy, hi. The amazing part is that everything stayed together and worked fine. I made 40x28 contacts on 23 cm with only one initial with ON5RR on random. ON5RR had a good signal, but other stations kept walking all over him. Guess that is part of the fun... and it sure adds to the challenge, hi hi. I thought conditions in general were excellent on 23 cm. Signals were very good most of the time. I also noticed very little libration which I thought was unusual. I think also that I missed nearly half as many stations as I worked, mostly because of the high winds and partly because of the lack of filtering between my ears, hi. I really enjoy the method DUBUS uses for their contests. Splitting the bands up between the two halves of the contest I think is an excellent idea and should be considered very strongly by ARRL. It would be interesting to hear what the single band operators have to say.

Ted has changed his 1296 stuff to an Icom 745 m module and reports it is definitely better on receive than his previous multi mode. He is getting 500 out of 4 x 7289 KB2AH Amp, but wants to try some 7211s at higher voltage.

Barry sounds off on strategy for the next contest weekend -- Well I think we all had fun this weekend, but we need to decide what band and when for next month. I refer to 70, 13 and 6 cm of course! I am not a big contester obviously but would like to hand out the points to those that are. Personally I would like to do 13 cm then 70 cm (late in Europe Window) the 1st night and 6 cm then 70 cm again the 2nd night. Does anyone want to propose anything different? If we can agree on this then what about 13 and 6 cm? Please reply one way or another. I don't want to waste my time if no one else will be there.

Adrian (QG63kf) has been QRV on 23 cm since last Nov with 4 x 70 el WU yagis and 150 w. He worked N2IQU on random during the 2nd part of the ARRL Contest. He initially was using 283 ohm open wire phasing line to feed his array, but was dissatisfied with 6 dB of Sun noise and 3 dB C/SG noise. He tried switching over to FSJ450 coax phasing lines, but found no real difference in performance. Adrian was about ready to give up when he received a letter from OE9ERC asking for a sked. They tried 1st on 14 Feb with Eric operating with a linear vertical feed. Adrian heard nothing, but notes that his moon program showed them to be almost perfectly cross- polarized due to spatial offset. 24 hours later Eric tried horizontal pol and was copied choppy, but 3 S units out of the noise by Adrian for an (O/O) QSO. He next tried with WB5LUA who used circular pol on the 1st attempt. Signals were heard both ways, but not good enough for a QSO. They tried again 2 days later with Al using a linear feed, and this time QSO'd with difficulty (M/M). He also copied LX1DB on 16 Feb. Adrian planned to operate the DUBUS/REF Contest, but says that he will dismantle his station afterwards. He is not sure when he will be QRV again. Adrian's address is (A. Pollock, 295 Lansborough Rd, Maleny 4552, Australia). Tel xx 617 54 999 869.

Frank had a great time during the Eur contest -- Conditions were good and activity was just great. I worked the following: on 15 March OZ4MM, ZS6AXI, GW3XYW, F1ANH, F6CGJ, DD1XF, EA6ADW, VE1ALQ, K5JL, N2IQU, F6KSX, N6BQ, K2UYH, F5PAU, OE9XXI, SM3AKW, SM2CEW, OK1KIR, KB2AH, VE6TA, WB5LUA, G4CCH, G3LTF, VE4MA and K4QI, and on 16 March HB9SV, LA8LF, DF9QX, CT1DMK, PA3CSG, HB9BBD, F5PL, WA8WZG, IK6EIW for initial #88, HB9BHU, K3EAV, ON5RR #89, K2DH and EA3UM for a total of 39 stations. I added on 23 March W4OP #90, and on March 24 KB0PYO #91. I am looking forward to next contest weekend. I will be operating again on 23 cm.

Tom is QRV on 70, 23 and 13 cm. He reports that the input cap had broke on his down converter during his 70 cm sked with K2UYH, but that he still copied me. He later worked on 12 March SM3AKW (539/549). And stlill later worked UR5LX and VE1ALQ on 70 cm. S59DCD on 23 cm, and OK1KIR on 13 cm

Greg reports on his half of the new 10 GHz record QSO -- Finally I am back on 10 GHz. Since I moved in '95 to NZ there was of course the idea to make QSO with my mate Joe, DJ7FJ. After nearly a year and half, and a dozen tests, it has worked out. In the evening of 12 March I had a 10 GHz QSO with DJ7FJ and good (O/O) reports.
The reason for the success was the upgrade of my portable rig from a 1.8 m to a 3 m dish. The power on both sides was 50 w. The dish was used before for TVRO and consists of 8 molded plastic segments with a 1 mm stainless steel mesh under the surface. This makes the dish quite handy for all sorts of portable use. Although it was necessary to change the former polar mount into AZ/EL mount. The mount with its footing is bolted to 3 x 3 m timber frame. The azimuth and elevation control is done as usual by several helping hands and a moon noise receiver. The receiving system reached a sun noise of 14.5 dB and 1.7 dB moon noise.
The sked with Joe and the final preparations turned out to become a nightmare. Problems with the site included mechanical breakdowns and cyclone winds which calmed down right before the sked. As if this was not already enough, at the start of my 1st TX sequence the control cable for the waveguide switch developed a fault, blew a couple of fuses and left me without direct control of the RX/TX switching. The result was panic and a reasonable amount of frustration. But fortunately the search and repair took only 10 min. That left us enough time for a contact and after the QSO even the possibility to watch a perfect moon set. The main problem for contacts from here to Eur is the short window. For DJ7FJ there is the added problem of a blocked horizon at his QTH which leaves only 20 min. At my portable site I have nearly optimum conditions. The QTH is about 30 km west of Auckland. The site is at 200 m ASL and on top of a slope towards the Tasman Sea. This gives me the possibility to track the moon and copy my echoes even down to 0.7 el. Right now I am unfortunately not QRV as I have at my present QTH not enough space for the dish. On the other hand I have to make some repairs and upgrades for easier use of the system. I am still looking for a waveguide rotary junction which would give me the possibility to adjust my pol during moon operation. This will be essential for contacts to NA as the pol angle can change by 80 degs during the common window. If some one has a spare rotary junction, my e- mail is Greg, ZL1GSG.
If you are working under portable conditions like here, it is only possible with the help of some fellow HAMs which are prepared to give you a hand at all times of the day and regardless of the weather conditions.

Ivo writes -- On 14 March I worked on 13 cm OK1KIR (O/O) for initial #10. Quite an easy and short QSO. Then in the EME contest I QSO'd, on 23 cm, on 15 March OK1KIR, DJ7FJ, F1ANH, SM3AKW, F6CGJ, F6KSX, OZ4MM, DJ9YW, OE9XXI, EA6ADW, GW3XYW, JH5LUZ, DD1XF, F5PAU, I6QGA, G3LTF, I2COR, DF9QX, OH2AXH, CT1DMK, W2UHI, N2IQU, VE1ALQ, K2DH, WB5LUA, K5JL, KB2AH, SM2CEW, N6BQ, K2UYH, HB9SV, on 16 March JA4BLC, LA8LF, JH3EAO, F5PL, EA3UM, HB9BHU, IK6EIW, PA3CSG, G4DZU, HB9BBD, G4CCH, ON5RR (O/O) #119, IK3COJ, SM5DGX, K4QI, VE6TA, LX1DB and VE3BQN for total of 49x29. CWNR many times were W0KJY, DH9FAG, S59DCD, K9BCT, DF3RU and K3EAV. There was somebody calling me on Sunday with my antenna on horizon; noise from the city was bad, and I didn't copy him - sorry. By comparison in the ARRL Contest I made 53x24 during four days, so that I am quite satisfied. And the new initial ON5RR, really pleased me. But I am sorry that I missed especially K3EAV, who was coming through well. Conditions were good with occasional dips, but some stations were really difficult to get with my relatively QRP transmitter! All my equipment and the weather cooperated. Participation from NA stations was not so good, compared to Europe. I hope to work some new stations in the April part on 13 cm. I will be only on 13 cm, all the time, since my 70 cm yagis are still not ready. Listening and calling in the 1st 50 kHz. If any JAs are QRV, I must make a plan for listening in their band.

After 23 years the elevation of my dish is finally under hydraulic control - thanks to the assistance of W4UDH and KB2AH. The hydraulics work great. I would never have been operational the 1st day of the DUBUS/REF Contest without the new elevation system. The wind was gusting to 40 MPH making it very difficult to keep the dish aligned on the Moon with any system. I was fearful something would break, but it all held together. In the contest we QSO'd on 15 March at 0049 VE4MA (559/569), 0115 N2IQU (55/56) on SSB, 0343 K4QI (559/559), 0352 K5JL (559/559), 0402 K6BQ (339/439), 0416 JA4BLC (449/549), 1954 OH2AXH (559/559), 2002 F6KSX (559/549), 2017 KB2AH (579/559), 0225 ZS6AXT (559/569), 2031 OK1KIR (559/559), 2039 F5PAU (559/559), 2046 DD1XF (559/449), 2102 OZ4MM (559/559), 2109 EA3UM (559/559), 2114 F6CGJ (569/569), 2119 F1ANH (559/559), 2130 DH9FAG (449/549) for initial #143, 2133 W2UHI (559/579), 2143 OE9XXI (579/569), 2147 DJ9YW (559/559) #144, 2158 SM3AKW (559/559), 2208 W0KJY (449/559), 2224 WB5LUA (559/559), 2229 EA6ADW (559/559), 2248 VE6TA (449/459), 2305 VE3BQN (549/559), 2319 G3LTF (559/559) and 0425 K2DH (559/569), and on 16 March at 1953 LA8LF (559/559), 2005 DF3RU (549/O), 2019 CT1DMK (559/559), 2027 F5PL (559/549), 2040 SM5DGX (449/549) #145, 2114 VE1ALQ (559/569), 2126 K3EAV (449/549), 2145 ON5RR (449/539) #146, 2200 HB9BBD (559/559), 2235 W0KJY (449/559) dup and 2255 (449/569) W0OP (449/569) #147. Contest activity seemed to slow down after 2200 on Sunday and I gave up around 2300, but judging from reports this may have been a mistake. My final score was 40x27. On 27 March I ran an e-mail arranged extra sked with KB7UWC in WA. Although my echoes were excellent, I copied nil from him. Mark later reported that he copied me.


KA0RYT worked on 70 cm W0KJY and KB3PD.

W0KJY had an easy QSO with KA0RYT, but heard nil from KL7HFQ.

W7QX reports a partial with JA9BOH and worked JA5OVU and JA4BLC with nice sigs.

K5WXN will be on 70 cm during coming contest weekend.

NC7K is now K7XC. His e-mail account will change to reflect the new call, but Tim is uncertain as to when.

LA8LF also has a new e-mail address Anders, LA8LF His WEB Page.

W6/SM0PYP's e-mail address has changed to Paul, W6/PYP.

9H1ES is getting on 23 cm EME with a 2.4 m dish and 300 w PA.

EA6ADW is QRV again on 23 cm with 1 kw. Peter's standings are on 70 cm initial #58, DXCC 22 and WAS 16, on 23 cm initial #111, DXCC 26 and WAS 21, and on 13 cm initial #9, DXCC 8 and WAS x1.

KB3PD is QRV and looking for 70 cm skeds.

DJ5MN will be on 70 and 23 cm in the summer from his home with a 3 m dish.

W0RRY's new dish is all together and he expects to be operational on 70 cm very soon.

WI7Z will be QRV for the 70 cm contest weekend.

W4HHK had a partial with WA8WZG on 13 cm.

OE5JFL was not QRV on 23 cm in the 1296 part of the contest because of bad WX, but hopes to be QRV on 70 cm next month.

W4TJ reports hearing 20 or so stations on 23 cm during the contest. Bill is still working on his 23 cm PA.

WB5LUA has completed QSOs on 10 GHz with CT1DMK (M/M) and VK2ALU (O/O). Al made initials on 23 cm during the contest with DH9FAG, K9BCT and K2DH.

KB0PYO worked 3 stations on 1296 during the contest: OE9XXI, KB2AH and OZ4MM. High winds were a problem.

I6PNN is not presently QRV on 5.7 GHz. He is on 2304 and hopes to be on 5.7 in one more month.

W7CI reports a good QSO with HP3XUG.

W7FN QSO'd G0BPU and IK0EQJ on 70 cm.

VE6TA was on 23 cm in the contest and ended with 25x19, 2 of which were initials with NL7F and JH5LUZ to bring him to #55. Nil was heard from DF3RU.

N2IQU had 35 QSOs on 23 cm.

W1ZX did not make his skeds because high winds.

K5JL was QRV on 1296 during the contest and worked EA6ADW among many others for 43 QSOs.

G4ERG is not currently QRV on 70 cm. Peter expects to have a new array of 16 x 11 el 2.3 lambda rear mount yagis with pol rotation in operation this summer.

9A1W a club station in Samobor, Croatia is reported to be QRV on 23 cm EME. KF0M contacted G3SEK.

DL4KG now has 500 w and 4 yagis on 432.

KL7HFQ reports about 10-12 dB of Sun noise, but is not making many contacts off the moon. He will be QRV on 70 for the contest.

VK1DO will be QRV this summer with 8 yagis on 432.

W4OP (EL96) is QRV on 1296 with a 12' dish and 180 w PA composed of 2 x N6CA amps. He is also working on a 4 tube KB2AH PA. He is x-WA2YPY with e-mail address W4OP. and mailing address (6869 Bayshore Dr, Lantana, FL 33462).

KB7UWC, Mark (CN96) is QRV on 1296 with a 10' dish and 50 w. He worked OE9XXI and can be reached via e-mail at Mark, KB7UWC

K9BCT has a new tel # 954-472-3846.

HB9BBD was only on Sunday during the contest, but made 17 QSOs.

G4ALH is now QRV on e-mail at G4ALH

W5ZN x-WB5IGF in AK is , testing on 5.76 GHz EME with WB5LUA. He has a 10' dish and 20 w at the feed. Sun noise is 11 dB. He also has16 x FO 22s yagis in the air and might be convinced to come on 432 EME.

WD5AGO plans to be QRV for the April contest.


WA8WZG is your "Andrew's Connector Connection". He has for sale Andrew cable, connectors, associated hardware, jumper c- ables (Superflex and LDF). Tom also has hard to find items, waveguide, flanges, etc. Call Tom a (419) 732-2944 or on e- mail at TOM, WA8WZG Also check out Tom's WEB page is Here

WB6IMC is looking for 23 cm PA with 250- 350 w out. He is also in need of 7289s - needs 3 tubes.

CT1DMK is looking for a TWTA for 5.7 GHz. KB2AH has a full line of cavity amps and 1, 2, 4 and 6 tube ring amps, lin/circular feed horns and LNAs for 432 and 1296... And recently he has added mounting blocks for K1FO yagis. For full details see Tom's 1296 WEB page KB2AH , for prices or phone 908-223-5067, FAX 908-223-0901 (24 hrs) or voice 908-223-8124.

K1RQG: has for sale a 70 cm commercial cavity amplifier, 8874 tube included. All that is needed to put on the air is HV p/s and bias or zener and meters. Blower is included. The PA should make 500-700 w out. See the NL's masthead for contact info for Joe.


I have the saddest kind of news to report this month. The passing of friends. I learned that VE3ASO, the spark plug behind the VE3ONT effort, and a long time VHF operator, passed away last week of heart failure. Dennis was only 46 and waiting for a heart transplant. I also received word that UT7VF, Victor, a regular on 70 cm EME this past year was a silent key. I have no additional information on Victor's death. Somewhat belatedly I also read that Art, W8IDU had died in the 2 m EME NL. Art was an EME old timer. He was active on 70 cm EME, even more than on 2 m, from MI for years .... He was less active in recent years probably because of health. They will all be missed.

NU7Z is working on the DUBUS directory. If you know of any corrections for any stations, please send them to Rick, NU7Z or by any other means. K1RQG wants to encourage ALL EME stations to become more active on the 20 m net. Joe notes that not everyone has e-mail. Besides if everyone relied on e-mail news, there would be no NET activi- ty.

DL9KR has suggest the following date for the '97 ARRL EME Contest: 18/19 Oct and 15/16 Nov. Jan feels the next best alternatives are the following weekends. What do you think? Sends your to the ARRL.

Please keep the news and especially technical reports coming. E-mail is the preferred way to submit information, but I will take reports in all forms. Good luck in the 2nd part of the REF/DUBUS Contest. I will be looking for you all off the Moon, this time on 70 cm.

73, Al - K2UYH

Skeds for APR 12

Time   432.040        432.045        2304.050       

1400z  G4FUF -4X1IF   
1730z  LU7DZ -DK3WG   G4FUF -IK0EQJ  
1800z  KA0RYT-G4FUF   DJ5MN -UR5LX   
1830z  W8MQW -G4FUF   
2000z  KA0RYT-NA4N    HP3XUG-UR5LX   
2030z                 KL7HFQ-UR5LX   
2100z                 KL7HFQ-DK3WG   
2130z                 KL7HFQ-VE1ALQ  

Skeds for APR 13

Time   1296.050       1296.075       5760.100       

0230z                 K2DH  -JR4AEP  
0300z  JA8ERE-WB5LUA  JA6CZD-K2DH    
0330z  JA6CZD-WB5LUA  K2DH  -JA8ERE  
0400z  JR4AEP-WB5LUA  
1400z  DJ9YW -4X6UJ   G3LTF -JA6CZD  
1430z  DF3RU -4X6UJ   
1600z  DJ9YW -S59DCD  
1630z  DJ9YW -CT1DMK  
1700z  DJ9YW -VE1ALQ  G3LTF -S59DCD  
1730z  DJ9YW -SM5DGX  K2DH  -G4CCH   
1800z                 WA8WZG-S59DCD  
1830z                 K2DH  -G3LQR   
1900z                 K2DH  -HB9BBD  WB5LUA-LX1DB   
1930z  K9BCT -EA6ADW  K9ZZH -K2DH    
2000z  K2DH  -4X6UJ   
2030z  WB5LUA-I5MPK   K2DH  -SM5DGX  
2100z  WB5LUA-ON5RR   K2DH  -DH9FAG  VE4MA -I6PNN   
2130z  WB5LUA-DH9FAG  K2DH  -S59DCD  VE4MA -LX1DB   
2200z  WB5LUA-IK6EIW  KB0PYO-K2DH    
2230z                 KB7UWC-K2DH    
2300z                 NL7F  -HB9BBD  


Read and act on EDAP TECHNOMED, a Threat to 1296 MHZ.

432MHz & up EME skeds

This information was obtained from Scott, KD4LT

Top Page

For Comments or corrections: Rein, W6/PA0ZN